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  • The automobile that was targeted by a police laser gun



    You're driving down the road, minding your own business, and suddenly you spot an officer parked on the side of the road pointing something at your car that looks like a radar gun. Your trusty radar detector never makes a peep, though. The first thoughts that race through your mind: Is my detector broken or did the cops get some new radar gun that my detector can't detect?

    Chances are the answer to both questions is no. What happened is that you were shot with a police laser gun.


    California Laser jamming Device Act

    It is worth noting that police use two types of speed measuring equipment: laser speed guns (also known as police lidar) and police radars.

    Jamming police radars and operating radar signal jammers are federal crimes and are banned throughout the United States. Police radars, while nearly as accurate, are mostly no longer used by law enforcement.

    Laser speed guns or lidar are now more commonly used. Some states prohibit the use of laser jammer, while most of the United States does not have specific anti-laser jammer laws.


    How popular are police laser guns?

    Nationwide, 125,000 speeding tickets are issued every day

    Police laser tickets accounted for more than 25 percent of the tickets. In Ohio, Florida and Rhode Island, however, laser tickets account for more than half of all speeding tickets. In addition to a handful of radar guns on military bases, the state of Hawaii has transitioned to lasers only. One of the reasons for the growing popularity of police laser enforcement is that car insurance companies donate laser guns to police departments. Lasers are harder to beat than radar guns, and this investment can pay back dividends to insurance companies because of increased revenue through higher premiums.


    Is laser jamming legal in California?

    In some states you can legally use laser jammers, but in California attempting to interfere with the operation of both laser and radar speed measuring devices is illegal.

    California Vehicle Code Section 28150 (Division 12: Equipment of Vehicles, Chapter 5: Other Equipment, Article 17: Jamming Devices) states the following:

    (a) No vehicle shall be equipped with any device that is designed for, or is capable of, jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

    (b) No person shall use, buy, possess, manufacture, sell, or otherwise distribute any device that is designed for jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

    (c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), a violation of subdivision (a) or (b) is an infraction.

    (d) When a person possesses four or more devices in violation of subdivision (b), the person is guilty of a misdemeanor.

    (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who has a valid federal license for operating the devices described in this section may transport one or more of those devices if the license is carried in the vehicle transporting the device at all times when the device is being transported.


    Where is the laser jammer installed?

    Laser enforcement is usually done when you approach an officer aiming at the headlights or front panel. Therefore, the laser jammer transceiver must be installed in the grille area of the vehicle in order to function.

    These transceivers are then connected to a controller mounted below the dashboard, which is then connected to an external warning LED and/or speaker. The number of transceivers required depends on the size of the vehicle. For example, a mid-size car needs two fronts, while a large SUV needs at least three.

    Rear laser enforcement accounts for only 5 percent of all speeding tickets, but in some areas, such as Dallas/Fort Worth, officers have been known to target behind vehicles from overpasses and highway entrance ramps. The rear of the vehicle can also be protected, but fitting the head there can be more difficult and add to the cost.

  • How Can Laser Jammers Help You



    Have you ever been the victim of a police laser gun and been ticketed for speeding? If your answer is yes, then you may want to take countermeasures to help you prevent such encounters. Well, your problem can be solved. Check out the tools that help prevent speeding tickets - defensive laser Jammers!

    The way in which a laser signal jammer confuses a laser gun is by emitting a signal that disrupts the gun's ability to accurately detect speed.

    To gain a comprehensive understanding, it is essential to familiarize oneself with the operational mechanism of a laser gun. This apparatus is designed to target a laser beam towards your license plate or any reflective surface.


    The purpose of laser jammer is to support the identification of laser speed traps.

    By analyzing the laser signals received from traffic, laser jammers have the ability to perplex the source of the signal. As a result, the source device fails to detect anything and presents the operator with an unreadable or misdirected message.

    The hallmark of superior jammers lies in their inherent capacity to promptly deactivate upon identification and confirmation of a laser threat.

    Consistent laser interference could potentially lead to a confrontation with a police officer who is aiming at you but has not yet obtained the speed reading of your vehicle.

    What are the reasons for requiring laser jammers?

    Decrease the probability of incurring more speeding fines: Accumulating too many speeding tickets can result in the deduction of numerous points, endangering your driver's license and squandering your hard-earned funds. For professional drivers, the loss of their license equates to the loss of their livelihood. Investing in a laser jammer is comparable to taking preventive action.

    Your radar detector has failed to serve its purpose. While a radar detector can notify you of a police laser gun locking onto your car, it operates passively, allowing laser guns to measure your speed in less than half a second. This implies that by the time you receive a warning, the officer may have already determined your speed. In contrast, a laser jammer is active and hinders the laser gun from ascertaining your speed for a designated period.

  • What Is a Laser Jammer And How Do They Work?



    A laser scrambler is a device that returns a “no response” or a cosine error when a police LIDAR gun is used to target a vehicle. When the LIDAR gun shows this error, an officer won’t know whether a vehicle is equipped with a laser signal blockers, or whether they simply didn’t aim correctly at the vehicle. This gives drivers time to adjust their speed before a police officer can take another reading.

    Since police need to be stationary and have an unobstructed view of a vehicle in close proximity for LIDAR to work correctly, a targeted driver will likely have time to adjust their speed while they move out of range if an officer receives an error response the first time they fire their LIDAR gun. LIDAR is most often used by motorcycle officers or recognizable cruisers positioned in a way police can most effectively use it on a major road, which limits where and when they can be utilized. In heavy traffic, police LIDAR guns are very effective at narrowly focusing in on a vehicle and instantaneously calculating their speed, distance, and direction.

    While often called laser guns, LIDAR actually uses infrared light to calculate how far away an object is, and the amount of time it takes for focused light pulses to bounce off a target and return to the gun can determine speed. All this is happening at the speed of light, so without a car laser jamer in use, it would be very difficult to avoid. LIDAR guns are aimed precisely at the most reflective spot on a vehicle – a license plate, headlight, or a chrome grill – and in order to get an accurate reading, they need to hit their target at the correct angle to refract light.

    Who Should Use a laser blocker?

    laser scramblers for cars and trucks can be used by any driver who is seeking extra protection on the road. Most often this will mean pairing laser shifter sensors with a quality radar detector to receive the most up-to-date information on traffic conditions and ticket threats. By combining the two, drivers can also tap into a large database of alerts for red light cameras, speed cameras, and real-time community alerts – allowing for a more informed and protected driving experience. Advanced laser shifters are a great defense against all laser guns, including variable pulse rate, or VPR guns, although more sensors may be needed to combat these. Keep in mind that police mostly use LIDAR guns in busy cities and along major roads, so drivers that would benefit the most from radar laser blocker are those frequently traveling in or through urban areas.

    How to Install a laser jammer for car

    Radar laser jammer should be hardwire-installed and we recommend always having a professional custom installation since it’s crucial that the sensors be placed at exactly the correct angle and position on your vehicle. Depending on your vehicle and preferences, you may need anywhere from 2 to 5 sensors.

    For optimal performance, each sensor should be on a flat surface with an unobstructed view at the correct angle to refract light. Although it’s rare for police to fire LIDAR guns at a retreating vehicle, drivers can choose to have laser shifters on both the front and back of their car or truck for ultimate protection.

    If you’re an avid DIYer and feel confident that you can install the sensors correctly, then the sensor installation kit includes mounting brackets, bolts, and double-sided tape. It’ll be important to ensure that any cables are secured away from moving parts or heat. Installing two laser shifters at a minimum and placed correctly will ensure a base level of protection.

  • How to Block Vehicle Gps Tracking



    In fleet management, GPS, or global positioning system, acts as a part of telematics systems. It allows business owners and managers to track their fleet in real-time. These systems collated data from multiple touchpoints on a vehicle to provide actionable business insights.

    You might be thinking if GPS tracking would be blocked or how to disable vehicle GPS tracking. GPS technology relies on precise signal transmissions for location and navigation features. So, vehicle tracking using GPS technology can be blocked using jamming devices that interfere with these transmissions.

    For instance, wrapping things like aluminum foil around the GPS receiver creates a Faraday Shield, which blocks the GPS signals. Similarly, wet trees and plastic or tin containers filled with thick materials can also scramble these signals. These signals will help you protect your GPS data.

    A handheld gps jammer is equally effective at hiding your location on the virtual map as an embedded one. Therefore, you do not need to hotwire a cell phone jammer if you decide to get one. Also, make sure you install one from a professional to avoid damaging other parts of the car.

    A GPS receiver must have an unobstructed view of the satellite at all times to function correctly. A signal jammer sends out interfering radio signals to scramble the GPS signals and disrupt the functionality. Aluminum foils, plastic containers, metal boxes, and other similar items filled with dense materials can act as GPS jammers.

    How Does Gps Jamming Work

    GPS jamming involves transmitting signals that interfere with the GPS (Global Positioning System) signals received by GPS receivers.

    There are various methods used to accomplish this, including:

    Signal Masking: Transmitting a signal on the same frequency band as GPS signals to overwhelm and mask the GPS signals, making it difficult for GPS receivers to accurately determine their location.

    Noise Generators: Emitting noise across the GPS frequency band, disrupting the reception of GPS signals by introducing interference.

    Spoofing: Broadcasting fake GPS signals that mimic authentic GPS signals but provide inaccurate location information. This method can deceive GPS receivers into believing they are in a different location.

    Directional Antennas: Focusing interference signals towards specific GPS receivers or areas to disrupt GPS signals selectively while minimizing interference elsewhere.

    Are Gps Jammers Illegal

    GPS jammers are illegal in many countries, including the United States and many European nations. The use, manufacture, sale, or possession of GPS jammers is typically prohibited by law due to the potential risks they pose to critical services that rely on GPS technology, such as navigation systems for vehicles, aircraft, maritime vessels, and emergency services.

    Interfering with GPS signals can disrupt communication and navigation systems, leading to safety hazards, financial losses, and legal consequences. Deliberate interference with GPS signals is considered a violation of telecommunications regulations and may result in fines, confiscation of equipment, and even criminal charges.

    Do Gps Blockers Work

    GPS blockers, also known as GPS jammers, can interfere with GPS signals and disrupt the operation of GPS receivers within their range. In that sense, yes, they "work" in the sense that they can disrupt GPS reception.

    However, the effectiveness of GPS blockers can vary depending on factors such as their power output, antenna design, surrounding environment, and the quality of the GPS receiver being jammed.

    While GPS blockers may temporarily disrupt GPS reception, they are not a reliable or legal solution for addressing privacy concerns or avoiding GPS tracking. It's essential to seek legal and appropriate alternatives if you have concerns about GPS tracking or privacy.

  • Communications jamming technology is falling into the hands of paramilitary groups



    Proliferation of wireless signal jammers


    The increasing dependence of our society on wireless technology is evident in our daily routines. Whether it's using WiFi to check emails or relying on GPS for directions, wireless devices play a crucial role. Nevertheless, this reliance also exposes us to the threat of best signal jammer.


    How does a signal jammer work?


    In a general sense, jammers disrupt existing wireless signals by flooding them with noise, resulting in interference. By adjusting the jammer to a specific target frequency range and emitting a high-power noise, tone, or pulse, it can disrupt nearby receivers attempting to detect signals on that particular frequency. While the traditional application of jammers has been to interfere with radio communications, the underlying principles can be extended to other types of wireless signals, including cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and more. The range of jammers varies based on the device's power and size. In urban settings, compact handheld jammers can effectively disrupt signals within a range of 100 meters or less, whereas large military-grade jammers can be strategically deployed in locations that cover extensive stretches of open terrain, spanning hundreds of miles.


    Military and paramilitary uses of signal jammers


    The utilization of jammers was widespread in World War II, as the Nazis disrupted Allied radio transmissions in occupied Europe. Subsequently, their popularity surged during the Cold War. The Soviet Union and China employed jamming techniques to interfere with incoming signals, Cuba blocked American radio stations, and both North and South Korea engaged in jamming each other's transmissions.


    The utilization of signal jammers persists in electronic warfare (EW), particularly within the Russian military. Reports suggest that Russia utilized this technology to obstruct U.S. low-altitude surveillance drones during the Syrian conflict in 2018, raising questions about the drones' outcomes - whether they crashed or veered off course.


    Mexican drug cartels have increasingly utilized jammers, which seem to complement the drones that they have also incorporated into their operations.


    Small commercial drones are being employed for monitoring territories, particularly during nighttime, with the assistance of thermal cameras. These drones have also been weaponized to drop explosives on targets, a tactic previously utilized by terrorist groups like the Islamic State in the Middle East. Consequently, members of cartels carry portable anti drone jammer to disrupt nearby drone connections, as well as cellular and radio communications.

    handheld wifi signal Jammers

    One might think that signal jammers are not a matter of concern for individuals like me who are neither high-value military targets nor affiliated with warring drug cartels. However, this perception is misleading. It is crucial to recognize that signal jammers can be easily obtained online, at a low cost, and are user-friendly for those who know where to look. These devices have the ability to disrupt various aspects of your daily routine. Surprisingly, Facebook has shared demonstrations that reveal the impact of signal jammers.


    Our aim is not to advise you to discontinue the use of WiFi, dispose of your phone, or discard your ham radio - wireless devices are practical and invaluable during emergencies. Nonetheless, for the protection of your loved ones and assets, it is advisable to consider their potential vulnerabilities and take precautions to minimize reliance on wireless devices.

  • Agitated Man Uses Cell Phone Jammer to Block Chatter on Bus



    Despite its resemblance to a walkie talkie, the compact device possesses far greater capabilities than meets the eye. Once activated, a mobile phone signal jammer has the ability to disrupt all cellular services within its vicinity. However, it is crucial to note that employing such a device not only constitutes a federal offense but also carries the risk of incurring a hefty $16,000 penalty and potential imprisonment.


    Eric, a resident of Philadelphia, was undeterred by the presence of talkative cell phone users on the SEPTA 44 bus. As reported by NBC 10 in Philadelphia, Eric resorted to using a block signal jammer to block out unwanted conversations.


    "A lot of people are extremely loud, no sense of just privacy or anything. When it becomes a bother, that's when I screw on the antenna and flip the switch," Eric told NBC 10.


    Eric professed his ignorance regarding the illegality of blocking a cell phone signal, considering it to be a "gray area." He believed that such actions were only deemed illegal when interfering with television or radio signals.

    However, despite this, he displayed a lack of remorse for his actions.


    He informed NBC 10 that he believes he is assuming responsibility for enforcing the law, and he expressed his pride in doing so.

    The utilization of jammers, such as the one employed in this instance, is deemed unlawful due to their potential to disrupt cell phone communication during critical situations and impede essential signals like police radio and other two-way radios.

    Eric stated his intention to get rid of the jammer he purchased after learning that it was illegal, with ABC News approximating its value at $300.

    The larger concern lies in the fact that Eric is not the only one engaging in this jamming practice.

  • FCC Cracks Down on Cell Phone 'Jammers'


    cell phone

    An uptick in individuals selling "jammers" - devices designed to interfere with cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - has been noted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), raising concerns about potential disruptions in public areas.


    The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "dead zones" within a small area, usually 30 feet or so, and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to keep people off their cell phones. But they also cut off 911 calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to interrupt radio communications. Officials at the FCC say they've noticed an increasing number of jammers, which are banned by federal law, coming into the country. Many cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency..


    It is against the law to sell, promote, operate, or bring wifi jammers into the country as per the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits the interference of radio communications in public areas.


    Eight individuals and companies advertising jammers on Craigslist were recently cited by the FCC.


    According to the FCC, jammers were marketed on the platform in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials have stated that they do not perceive any connection between the cases.


    According to Michele Ellison, the FCC's enforcement bureau chief, the act of posting an ad for a signal jamming device on platforms like is in direct violation of federal law. Signal jammers are prohibited for a significant purpose.


    As per the citations, many sellers marketed jammers as a tool for achieving an uninterrupted nap while traveling on a bus, creating a noise-free classroom, or preserving a tranquil environment, all without hinting at the device's potential for more sinister activities.


    The concern is mounting as it is observed that individual consumers who employ jamming devices seem to be oblivious to the severe implications of their actions, as stated in one of the citations. These operators mistakenly believe that their illegal use of jammers is justified based on personal convenience or should be exempted.


    The FCC has stated that at least one seller was knowledgeable about the fact that jammers were illegal contraband.

  • Minnesota burglars are using Wi-Fi jammers to disable home security systems


    cell phone

    Minnesota law enforcement has recently highlighted a concerning trend involving tech-savvy thieves. These criminals have been employing Wi-Fi signal jammers to temporarily disable the connected security systems of homeowners. It is believed that this technique has been utilized in a total of nine robberies within the past six months.


    Law enforcement officials in Edina, Minnesota, have clarified that the string of burglaries occurring over the last six months is not a matter of random victim selection. Rather, the perpetrators are deliberately targeting homes in affluent areas and timing their break-ins when the residences are unoccupied to prevent any potential confrontations.


    The notable feature of this particular scenario is the use of Wi-Fi jammers by the offenders to disable the security systems of the residences, such as surveillance cameras. Subsequently, they make off with safes, jewelry, and other high-end items.


    Mark Lanterman, an expert in cyber security, explained to KARE11 that jammers do not block signals. Instead, they overload wireless networks, preventing legitimate traffic from reaching devices.


    In accordance with federal law, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established regulations that forbid the operation, marketing, or sale of any type of jamming equipment capable of disrupting authorized radio communications. This prohibition extends to various communication services, including cellular networks, personal communication services, police radar, and global positioning systems. It is important to note that no exceptions exist for using such equipment within business establishments, classrooms, residences, or vehicles. Moreover, local law enforcement agencies do not possess independent authority to utilize jamming equipment.


    Nonetheless, Wi-Fi bluetooth jammer remain accessible for online purchase from overseas vendors, priced between $40 and $1,000. Reports have surfaced regarding the utilization of these tools to bypass connected home security systems, such as Ring video doorbells, for a number of years now.


    Mitigating the risks associated with Wi-Fi jammer burglaries can be achieved through several proposed approaches. One effective solution is to employ a wired camera system that is installed inside and outside your home, connecting directly to a local storage device. Additionally, it is advised to install security alarms and lighting systems that do not rely on wireless networks. Furthermore, considering that these burglaries tend to occur when houses are unoccupied, leaving lights or the television switched on can make your home a less attractive target.

  • Can the use of mobile jammers in universities help in combating cybercrime?


    cell phone

    The prospect of prohibiting mobile phones on university campuses has generated concern among students citywide. The Maharashtra government's Higher Education and Technical Education Department has introduced this rule as a preventive measure against cybercrime in universities.


    Nonetheless, the students were dismayed by the violation of their freedom. Lala Atole, a student at ILS Law School, views the proposed ban as completely illogical.


    "School authorities can impose stricter rules on the use of mobile phones in classrooms, but installing jammers will directly affect students' freedom," he said. Some students believe that installing signal jammer will not affect most students because they are addicted to games during class. "If mobile phones are banned and we can't even answer important calls, students may think of avoiding lectures." How does that help students?" "Asked Vedang Bhagwat, a student at Garware College.


    While students have complained about the move, university authorities remain divided over the proposal. They can install jammers in classrooms, but not throughout the campus. Hrishikesh Suman, principal of Symbiosis College of Arts and Business, said: "Jammers definitely help prevent distractions during class. Outside of the classroom, however, this can affect internal academic communication with teachers." The authorities would welcome such a move only if they were given the power to control cell phone jammer. "Signal congestion affects our security systems and impedes emergency communications. Also, students are not used to restrictions, which can do more harm than good." Dilip Sheth, principal of SP College.


    Teachers believe that voluntary restraint is more helpful. "Students should voluntarily avoid using mobile phones without our close attention," added MMCC principal MD Lawrence. Some people are even in favor of using cell phones on campus. "wifi jammer are not the solution because there are a lot of out-of-town students in Pune and their guardians usually need to contact them," adds Girija Shankar, vice president of Neswadia Business School.

  • Amazon is currently under investigation by the FCC for reportedly promoting wireless signal jammers

    An investigation has been initiated by the Federal Communications Commission into the alleged marketing and sale of wireless signal jammer by Amazon and other retailers, as announced on Wednesday.

    It is against the law to utilize, market, or promote wireless gadgets that are designed to block or disrupt signals from authorized electronic devices, including cell phones and GPS devices, to consumers in the United States.

    The FCC's spokesperson, Will Wiquist, made a rare public statement acknowledging that the agency is actively investigating multiple retailers, including Amazon, for potential violations of Commission rules regarding the marketing and sale of devices without proper FCC authorization.

    According to a report by NBC News, a number of online retailers and drone technology companies are exploiting a loophole in federal laws by selling RF signal jammers for sale as means to deter drones or safeguard privacy. This enables them to circumvent the ban on selling such devices in the country.

    Amazon did not provide an immediate response to a request for comment from Reuters.

    A recent report by NBC has uncovered that nine Chinese sellers on Amazon, as well as three on eBay, were discovered to be selling devices known as "jammers." These devices have the potential to interfere with drones, disable security cameras, and disrupt Wi-Fi networks.

    A number of online retailers and drone technology companies are advertising RF jammers as tools to deter drones or protect privacy, sidestepping federal laws that forbid the sale of such devices in the United States.

    Rf jammers are devices that interfere with communication systems, usually by sending competing radio signals to confuse nearby electronics. It's a decades-old technology that federal regulators have been trying to crack down on, but interest in jammers persists because people can use them to avoid unwanted drones, disable security cameras or block Wi-Fi networks.

    According to the FCC's website, these obstructive devices represent a considerable danger to public safety and may interfere with other radio communication services.

    The applications of jamming devices are diverse, ranging from causing confusion among unwanted drones to disrupting Wi-Fi networks and disabling doorbell cameras. Within a Reddit community dedicated to Ring doorbell cameras, some members raised issues about the use of jammers to interfere with the cameras during theft incidents to avoid being caught. One Reddit user highlighted the paradoxical situation where Amazon seems to profit from both sides: Ring operates under Amazon, and Amazon offers devices that could potentially disable Ring's cameras.

    Inquiries regarding Amazon's potential interference with Ring devices have gone unanswered by the company.

    Online forums dedicated to individuals who suspect they are being closely monitored by the government or other parties often discuss the use of RF blockers, also known as jammers, in what is sometimes referred to as "gang stalking."
