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  • Focus of National Summit: Using Signal Jamming to Combat Auto Theft



    Canada held a National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft on February 8, 2024 in Ottawa. The Summit sought to bring together stakeholders to solve this very serious problem.

    A major outcome of the Summit is that the government will disrupt the supply chain that makes available devices that are often used in vehicle theft by criminals in the process of stealing vehicles.

    Vehicle theft has grown to be a very critical issue in Canada: The country is seeking to mitigate this situation. News reports reveal that car thieves have developed systematic techniques where it is easy to obtain stolen vehicles for sale in other markets. The federal government with the support of advocates is implementing plans to reduce this problem.

    Should vehicle manufacturers do more to stop vehicle theft?

    This very question of more remedies needed to stop vehicle theft has stimulated the growth of Aftermarket solutions. Antitheft systems and devices are growing in popularity becuase some people feel insecure about simply replying on the vehicle manufactures built-in security systems. The Forbes article below highlights this concern:

    "Manufacturers are always working to improve the anti-theft measures in vehicles, but thieves work just as hard to defeat them. According to FBI statistics, in 2020 the U.S. saw an 11.8% increase in car thefts over the prior year, and the trend has continued. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reported that over 1 million vehicles were stolen in 2022. That’s a 7% increase over 2021, and the first time there were over 1 million vehicles stolen since 2008."

    When the pickup truck was stolen, the thieves allegedly removed a factory-installed GPS tracker but the owner had his own backup plan: a second GPS tracker which was installed by a trained mechanic. This second telematics device enabled him to locate the Toyota Tundra at a parking lot in Toronto before he called the police.

    The strategy of using a second backup tracker is a common strategy used all over the world: The typical weakness of this approach is Management and Maintenance. Management speaks to checking on the proper functioning of the Tracker at regular intervals. Maintenance requires prompt attention at the earliest signs of malfunction.

    Information Risk

    I believe that Information RISK is the typical reason why some persons chose backup security devices. Vehicle manufacturers adopt strategies to secure information on primary built-in tracking systems and devices so that vehicle security is not compromised. As the age old adage goes "a chain is as strong as its weakness link".

    The vehicle service and maintenance information systems has to be distributed downstream involving more human players which inherently increases the risk that ethical issues may compromise security. How to prevent Information from being leaked to bad actors is always a systemic concern.

    Information Risk Mitigation

    The Information Risk Management (IRM) plan addresses the risk mitigation strategy using policies, technology and procedures to minimize the probability of information security leaks.

    Once it becomes apparent that vehicles are being stolen despite the IRM being in place, data should be collected and analyzed to assess how the IRM can be strengthened. The spectrum of compromises varies from sharing of Master Access Codes, Encryption Algorithms or an individual in the Supply Chain informing criminal elements how to defeat the built-in security.

    The tools devices generally used to steal vehicles include GPS and GSM Jammers.

    GSM & GPS Jammers

    Information on how to temporarily block GSM and GPS Signal jammers are readily available online.

    Tech-Savvy criminals can learn and become proficient

    The GPS Tracker which is an Internet of Things (IoT) device, detects the attempts to jam GSM and GPS transmissions: This electronic attack interferes with the operation of the tracker in it's function to protect the vehicle from being stolen. The small electronic circuit board within the device gathers GPS, GSM, Bluetooth data and other information that keeps the vehicle secure. Satellite data determines vehicle location and elevation.

    Is the vehicle on a mountain road or driving through a tunnel under a river. The GSM module assists the GPS module by also providing tracking data based on Mobile Cellsite Towers: This information assists the GPS functionality of the tracker. The Mobile (GSM) data connectivity from the wireless telephone operators such as T-Mobile or Bell Mobility (Bell Canada) allows for the sending of Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring data from the Tracker to GPS Tracking platforms (Software) such as

  • What drives people's curiosity towards illegal cell phone jammers?


    cell phone

    Resembling a walkie-talkie in appearance, the phone blocker is deceptively powerful. Once activated, this small device can effectively block all cell phone signals in the surrounding area. Engaging in the use of such a device is not only illegal on a federal level, but can also result in a hefty fine of $16,000 and potential incarceration.

    Despite the circumstances, Eric, a Philadelphia resident, remained undeterred. He became increasingly frustrated with the constant babble of cell phone conversations on SEPTA 44 buses. To shield himself from these discussions, Eric resorted to utilizing a jamming device.

    Eric pointed out that a significant number of people exhibit a lack of respect for personal space and tend to be excessively loud. To address this issue, he adjusts the antenna and activates the device.

    The jammers utilized in this case are considered illegal as they possess the capability to obstruct emergency cell phone communications, along with impeding the transmission of vital signals such as police radios and other two-way radios.

    Eric mentioned that after finding out it was against the law, he is planning to remove the jammer he acquired, an item valued at $300 according to ABC News.

    Buying a jammer is easy, but where can you use it?

    The intentional interference with electromagnetic frequencies, known as jamming, has been integrated into numerous devices and is increasingly being offered to individuals and organizations. Despite being illegal in most parts of the world, jammers are becoming smaller, more portable, easier to operate, and more affordable. While some jammers disrupt communications indiscriminately, there are specialized devices designed to block specific signals. The most popular of these include mobile phone jammers, wifi jammers, drone blocker, and gps jammers.

    The use of these devices is frowned upon by most national authorities because they often have a more significant impact than initially thought. Despite well-meaning intentions, such as blocking mobile phone usage in schools, theaters, and hospitals, or preventing drones from flying over private property, the interference can extend well beyond the intended boundaries. Unintended outcomes like dropped 911 calls, drones plummeting from the sky, and compromised air traffic control have led countries like South Africa and Israel to outlaw jammers entirely.

    Is there somewhere I can use a jammer?

    Jammers are commonly utilized in the vicinity of prisons and detention centers to obstruct unauthorized and unmonitored communications between prisoners and detainees and the outside world. Certain countries, like Brazil, India, New Zealand, and Sweden, have either granted exemptions or are contemplating exemptions for the utilization of mobile phones and wifijammer around prisons, while in the UK, this practice has been legal since 2012.

    Certain countries have permitted or recommended the expansion of jammer usage. In India, for instance, jammers are permissible in schools, mosques, and theaters provided that the signal disruption is contained within the boundaries of the respective establishments. Although jammers were previously sanctioned for deployment in settings such as theaters and concert halls, this authorization was revoked in 2012.

    In the event that you legally acquire a cell phone jammer, what steps should you take? A potential solution could be to plan your next trip to Ukraine, as this country has implemented measures to prevent students from using mobile phones to cheat in exams. Consequently, Ukraine stands out as one of the few nations where the use of jammers is sanctioned.

  • Is it feasible for a signal booster to offset a signal jammer's interference?


    Signal Booster

    Why use cell phone blockers?

    In areas where cellphone etiquette is hard to enforce, some advocate for the use of signal jammers. Nevertheless, these devices are prohibited due to the potential threats they pose to public safety and communication systems.

    Are cell phone blockers legal?

    South Africa places great emphasis on the integrity of communication networks, which is why the use of mobile jammers is strictly forbidden by law. Like in many other parts of the world, the implementation of these devices contradicts the legal framework designed to uphold public safety and ensure the dependability of communication channels.

    The South African signal jammers are deemed illegal because they intrinsically interfere with authorized radio communications. By obstructing the transmission of signals between mobile devices and cell towers, these jammers present a significant hazard to public safety. This interference can hinder critical emergency calls, result in response time delays, and potentially endanger lives. Moreover, signal jammers have the ability to disrupt law enforcement communications, impede the effectiveness of police operations, and jeopardize public safety.

    Does a signal booster work against cell phone jammers?

    Unfortunately, the signal booster fails to counteract the signal jammer's impact. This is primarily attributed to the deliberate disruption of cellular signals caused by signal jammers, which directly interferes with the signal that the signal booster aims to amplify.

    The main function of a signal booster is to acquire an existing cellular signal from outside a building or vehicle, enhance it, and then broadcast the amplified signal within a specified area. However, the presence of a signal jammer can obstruct or override natural cellular signals, thus impeding the signal booster from effectively capturing and boosting them.

    Detect and respond to cell phone jammers

    The average consumer faces a considerable challenge in detecting signal jammers because of their discreet nature and the absence of obvious indicators. While service interruptions or sudden loss of connection may hint at the presence of jammers, these symptoms can also be linked to other issues such as network congestion or technical glitches.

    Accurately identifying the precise location of a signal jammer can be a challenging task that requires specialized equipment or expertise. Most consumers do not have access to advanced spectrum analyzers or RF detectors, which are essential for accurately pinpointing the source of interference. In cases where illegal interference activities are suspected, it is advisable to seek assistance from law enforcement agencies or relevant regulatory bodies. These authorities possess the necessary resources and expertise to effectively investigate and resolve such incidents.

  • How are people occupying their time now that wifi jammers are being utilized?




    The subject matter revolves around wifi disruption and equipment that utilizes wifi for connectivity.

    The wifi disruption being discussed does not interfere with cellular or sensor RF frequencies.

    Cameras that operate on wifi and utilize wifi communication for dual path signaling may be at risk. A few third-party security systems rely solely on wifi, and they sometimes refer to a single doorbell camera as a security system.

    Prolonged loss of wifi connection would be classified as a dual path communication error. The control panel utilizes RF jam detection for PowerG and legacy sensor frequencies, yet there is no indication of wifi jamming.

    There are wifi jammer and cellular jammers, each targeting distinct signals that must be disrupted.

    Their product line includes integrated devices capable of simultaneously blocking cellular and wifi signals.

    The level of sophistication among thieves is on the rise, as they go to greater extents to accomplish their nefarious deeds.

    Today's news coverage featured criminals breaking into a business neighboring jewelry stores, exploiting their susceptibility to break-ins. They were observed employing a sledgehammer to penetrate the drywall and enter the jewelry store.

    The key point here is that I aim to avoid causing undue panic, but it is evident that thieves are resorting to more elaborate methods to carry out break-ins.

    In my opinion, alarm companies will need to tackle this matter and maintain a competitive edge.

    An advisory was issued by the Glendale Police Department on Tuesday in light of the surge in residential burglaries that have taken place over the past few months, spanning across Glendale and Southern California.

    According to the GPD, suspects have employed technology like Wi-Fi signal blockers or "jammers" in certain situations to perpetrate these crimes, enabling them to avoid detection by home security alarms and cameras.

    The functionality of these devices lies in their ability to emit soundless signals, which effectively interfere with Wi-Fi signals and security systems, resulting in disconnection from the network and the deactivation of alarm systems. A handheld portable signal jammers, with a range of up to 15 meters, serves as an example of such a device.

    According to GPD, this technology disrupts the signals emitted by home Wi-Fi systems, leading to the disruption of traditional home security systems and cameras. As a result, these security measures lose their effectiveness in alerting homeowners or law enforcement to the presence of intruders. The incidents involving this technology have raised significant concerns about the safety and security of our community.

    Recent data from GPD indicates a consistent decrease in burglaries over the past few months. In December and January, there were 19 reported cases each, while February saw a slight decrease to 18 incidents. As of Wednesday this week, there have been eight burglaries in March.

  • Illegally sold online are RF jammers



    Online retailers and drone technology companies, as highlighted in a report by NBC News, are actively advertising radio frequency jammers as means to deter drones or safeguard privacy. By doing so, they are cleverly circumventing the legal restrictions that prohibit the sale of such devices in the US.

    A recent advisory from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) emphasizes the dangers associated with signal jamming devices. These devices have the capability to obstruct emergency calls, endanger public safety communications, and disrupt everyday communication and air navigation systems.

    According to the FCC, it is illegal to use a phone blocker, gps blocker, or any other signal jamming device to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications. This violation of federal law applies across all settings, including businesses, classrooms, residences, and vehicles. Local law enforcement agencies are not permitted to use jamming equipment on their own; only federal law enforcement agencies have the authority to do so under certain circumstances as specified by applicable statutes.

    According to the FCC's advisory, it is against the law to advertise, sell, distribute, import, or otherwise promote jamming devices to consumers in the United States.

    According to NBC, Amazon third-party sellers, online stores from China, and small domestic companies specializing in drone equipment are all failing to comply with this law. The FCC has confirmed to NBC that they are conducting an investigation into the sale of jammers, including those found on Amazon.

    As part of its inquiry, NBC had a discussion with the CEO of a US-based company that sells portable anti-drone RF jamming units on the internet. The CEO shared with NBC that these devices were easily procurable for those with the necessary funds, but noted that the main clientele consisted of large corporations and government agencies preparing for the possibility of drone-related terrorism within the country.

    WiFi jammers sold by online retailers

    The reason behind my wired security camera is the presence of WiFi jammers being sold on Amazon. Although I share the same viewpoint, it is essential to acknowledge that the FCC does not endorse this approach.

    Based in Minnesota, Maverick Drone Systems is currently retailing a portable anti-drone "RF jamming unit" for $2,999 on its official website, with Tatusky, a company from China, serving as the supplier. The jamming device, which somewhat looks like a shotgun, is highlighted as "user-friendly" and boasts a range of 1-2 kilometers, according to the product listing. Maverick CEO Adam Shaw emphasized in a recent phone interview, "Anyone could acquire one of these units by tomorrow."

    Despite this, Maverick is not the sole entity involved. NBC News discovered that on Amazon, nine independent sellers are currently offering "jammer" devices for sale, with prices as low as $25.63. These listings suggest that the devices can be used to interfere with microphones.

    Take note of the method we are using to flip a playing card, revealing "$3k quasi-military hardware here" on one side and "$30 wifi jammer on Amazon" on the other. It is imperative to understand that both of these items are illegal, irrespective of the considerable discrepancy in their costs.

  • Lithuania Sends Drone Jammers to Ukraine Following New Aid Plan



    Ukraine has received a contribution of drone-jamming equipment from Lithuania as part of its most recent military assistance package. This addition will complement the numerous advanced Lithuanian counter-unmanned aircraft systems that are already in operation.

    The ministry's aid program includes a range of unspecified capabilities such as weaponry, ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-drone equipment, as well as training and logistics support requested by Ukraine signal jammer.

    Kyiv will receive a substantial long-term assistance plan from the country, amounting to 200 million euros ($217 million). This plan is set to be distributed over the course of six years, until 2026 drone jammer.

    Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas emphasized the vital role played by the weapons and equipment provided by Lithuania and its allies in supporting Ukraine's fight for independence and ensuring the security of Europe.

    Continuing Support

    Since the commencement of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, Lithuania has extended more than 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) in assistance to Ukraine, demonstrating its commitment by allocating 1.2 percent of its GDP towards this cause.

    The notable contributions made by this organization consist of two Kongsberg National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, 36 Bofors L-70 anti-aircraft guns along with ammunition, and 50 M113 armored carriers.

    Plans were also revealed to supply extra demining gear, ammunition, and food provisions to the nation from 2024 to 2025.

    Furthermore, it intends to provide training to approximately 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers by the conclusion of 2024.

  • The operational mechanisms of signal interceptors commonly available in the market



    Numerous variations of 5G signal jammer are presently available. Some devices are designed to solely disrupt a single frequency, whereas others possess the capability to obstruct multiple network types concurrently. The latter mode automatically switches between different networks, actively seeking out unsecured signals. High-end devices have the capacity to block all frequencies simultaneously, while alternative devices can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

    In essence, these devices emit random static or noise across a broad spectrum of frequencies, resulting in a failure to establish proper connections. It can be likened to sitting beside the engine of a sports car, opening the hood, and attempting to have a phone conversation. The localized noise becomes so overpowering that the device fails to connect effectively. Swift and extensive coverage of a specific frequency range can effectively hinder the proper functioning of a device.

    The EMI signal's carrier frequency matches that of the receiver, allowing simultaneous demodulation of the interference signal. This analogy can be likened to transporting a model vehicle (carrier frequency) along with counterfeit goods (interference signals). Only upon receiving the goods can their authenticity or falseness be determined. The shielding effect can be achieved due to the significant electronic interference power, which is constrained by the interference signal.

    The operational mechanism of a 5G cell phone jammer involves transmitting a signal from a device that operates on the same frequency as the mobile signal source. Once the jammer is installed, it can be activated to disrupt mobile signals in areas where they need to be deactivated. It is crucial to ensure that there are no obstructions present at the location for the interference to effectively take place. Given the rising number of mobile phone users, there is a growing requirement to selectively disable mobile phone signals in certain areas using civilian-oriented methods rather than electronic devices.

    A 5G wifi jammer serves as a tool to safeguard the reception signals of mobile phones by blocking them. The signal rates of cell phone signal blocking device modems are equivalent to those of cell phone towers. The activation of a mobile phone jammer results in the successful disruption of mobile phone signals, rendering them disabled.

    Mobile devices operate in full-duplex mode, allowing them to utilize two frequencies concurrently for transmitting and receiving signals. This synchronous signal processing enables seamless communication. However, certain 5G signal jammers are only capable of blocking one frequency at a time, inadvertently causing both frequencies to be blocked. Consequently, the phone may interpret this as a lack of service in the vicinity due to receiving only one frequency.

    5G signal jammers operate on a common radio frequency, causing interference. Devices designed for shielding purposes can disrupt the connection between cell phones and base stations. The act of blocking signals is sometimes referred to as a denial of service attack, as it prevents users within the jamming range from accessing radio signals.

    The concept of disabling mobile phones produces a similar blocking impact on 4G/5G networks as it does on other forms of radio communication. In order for a mobile phone to function, a signal must be transmitted from the phone to the nearest cell tower. In urban areas, multiple towers are strategically placed to ensure seamless signal transmission as users move around.

  • The FCC is taking action against Cell Phone 'Jammers'


    cell phone

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has expressed concern over the use of unauthorized devices that disrupt cell phone signals, emphasizing the potential security risks associated with such actions.

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has observed a rise in the sale of "signal jammer" - gadgets capable of disrupting cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - which could pose a threat to public safety.

    Battery-powered devices of small size can be utilized to establish "dead zones" within limited areas, typically spanning around 30 feet. These devices have found application in movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to discourage individuals from using their cell phones. However, they possess the drawback of obstructing emergency 911 calls, disrupting navigation systems in proximity to airports, and have even been employed near police stations to interfere with radio communications. Officials at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have observed a growing influx of cell phone jammer, which are prohibited under federal law, being brought into the country. The agency reports that numerous inexpensive variations, priced as low as $25, are imported from Asia.

    It is against the law to sell, promote, utilize, or bring in jammers as per the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits the obstruction of radio communications in public spaces.

    The Federal Communications Commission stated that jammers were promoted on the website in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Authorities have indicated that they do not think the incidents are related.

    Michele Ellison, the FCC's enforcement bureau chief, stated that simply placing an advertisement for a signal jammer on websites such as is a violation of federal law. Signal jammers are considered contraband for a specific reason.

    Based on the references, the majority of vendors promoted jammers as a means to enjoy an uninterrupted rest on public transportation, maintain a peaceful learning environment, or ensure a hassle-free space, without mentioning the device's potential for illicit activities.

    One of the citations expresses growing apprehension regarding the lack of awareness among individual consumers who use jamming devices about the serious repercussions associated with their usage. These operators mistakenly believe that their unlawful actions are justified due to personal convenience or should be pardoned in some way.

    According to the FCC, it has been reported that at least one seller demonstrated awareness of the fact that jammers are considered contraband.

    Keith Grabowski purportedly listed a "cell phone jammer, wifi jammer" on the Philadelphia Craigslist for a price of $300. In the advertisement, he mentions that due to the nature of the item, limited information is provided. He emphasizes that the jammer is not a toy and expresses his urgency to sell it quickly.

    According to his citation, it is evident from the content of Mr. Grabowski's advertisement that he had knowledge of the sensitive and potentially illegal nature of the device he was selling on Craigslist.

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established a dedicated hotline, known as the "Jammer Tip Line," to enable individuals to report any suspected instances of jammer sales or usage to the bureau.

    Ellison stated that our intention is to escalate our enforcement measures against those who violate the rules. If individuals are caught selling or using a jammer, they will face significant financial consequences.

  • Man fed up with neighbor's loud music uses Bluetooth jammer to block his music



    The constant reggae music emanating from his neighbors' Bluetooth speakers became a source of frustration for Roni Bandini, leading him to create a Raspberry Pi program to disrupt the sound bluetooth jammer.

    The daily reggaeton sessions from her neighbor prompted technologist and developer Roni Bandini to find a creative solution. Rather than approaching them directly, Bandini utilized a Raspberry Pi to address the issue. By programming the device to detect reggae music and interfere with nearby Bluetooth speakers, she successfully distorted the sound. Although this method was not the most ideal, it allowed her to manage the noise without direct confrontation signal blocker.

    As per a report by Tom's Hardware, Roni Bandini's setup involves the use of a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to run the system smoothly. He has also integrated a DFRobot OLED display panel into the setup. In order to enjoy loud music, he has connected a microphone to a USB port on the Raspberry Pi. To commence music playback, he presses a button.

    In order to teach the Raspberry Pi to recognize reggae music, Bandini employs two specialized software programs: Raspberry Pi OS, serving as the central processing unit, and Edge Impulse, facilitating the learning process. By utilizing these programs, Bandini effectively instructed the Raspberry Pi on distinguishing reggae music from other genres.

    Bandini underlined that the project was primarily an experiment and should be handled cautiously. It is essential to verify the legality of such devices based on local laws before trying something similar at home. Furthermore, Bluetooth interference is only effective when the person is near the speaker, and not all Bluetooth speakers are compatible with this approach.

    It is imperative to highlight that hacking into a Bluetooth device without authorization is against the law and unethical. Nonetheless, Bandini's Raspberry Pi provides a lawful and moral approach to interact with Bluetooth devices by establishing connections, transmitting data, and controlling them within ethical boundaries.

    With Bluetooth functionality, the Raspberry Pi can easily interact with a range of Bluetooth-enabled devices including speakers, headphones, keyboards, and IoT devices. For instance, you can utilize a Raspberry Pi to establish a Bluetooth link with a speaker and transmit audio data wirelessly.

    Engaging in the unauthorized access or manipulation of another individual's Bluetooth device without their consent is classified as hacking and is deemed illegal. It is imperative to consistently demonstrate respect for privacy and security boundaries when utilizing technology.

  • High-tech jammers help international burglars break into Valley homes



    The Phoenix authorities found one of the gadgets during the apprehension of three burglary suspects, as indicated in the arrest records.

    Cellphones and Wi-Fi jamming devices are reportedly being utilized by burglars to gain access to upscale residences in the Valley, as per the allegations made by Phoenix police. This scenario resembles something straight out of a spy movie.

    Phoenix law enforcement reported that surveillance officers observed several suspects in the Camelback Hill area close to the intersection of 44th Street and Camelback Road at approximately 7:30 p.m.

    Law enforcement officials reported that officers observed the individual entering a residence and attempting to unlawfully enter the property.

    The individual proceeded to exit the residence and board a minivan that was ready, however, law enforcement obstructed the vehicle from departing.

    The driver collided with the police car at a significant speed, as stated in the arrest documents. Subsequently, four individuals exited the vehicle and fled the scene. Law enforcement promptly established a cordon in the vicinity, leading to the successful apprehension of three suspects. However, the fourth suspect remains at large.

    The authorities stated that each of the three individuals possessed counterfeit identification documents. Furthermore, they were found to be residing in the United States with expired visas.

    Law enforcement officers also discovered tools commonly used in burglaries discarded by the suspect while attempting to evade capture. Among these tools is a jamming device wifi jammer.

    Bernard Zapor, a faculty member at Arizona State University and former ATF agent, mentioned that the devices exhibit a high level of sophistication.

    Zapol mentioned that it could potentially intercept your phone's signals and display your whereabouts as you travel.

    The means by which the suspects acquired the device remains uncertain; however, Zappel stated that it bears resemblance to the equipment employed by law enforcement and intelligence agencies during investigations.

    The frequency of these burglaries is on the rise in affluent communities. Authorities in Phoenix have reported approximately 111 break-ins across the Valley since February of last year.

    It has been reported that the suspects specifically focused on affluent households and managed to pilfer around $3 million in valuable jewelry, cash, high-end wallets, and other items.
