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  • The CTA Red Line Jammer will not face any jail time


    cell phone

    A resident of Rogers Park named Dennis Nicholl, aged 63, has been charged with deliberately interfering with cellphone signals during his Red Line commute. His motive was to create a quieter atmosphere for himself. In order to address this issue, Nicholl will be undergoing counseling and is likely to avoid facing criminal penalties.

    Users of the Reddit website have given the nickname "The Red Line cell phone jammer" to Nicholl, who has now agreed to a deferred sentence on misdemeanor charges. These charges were filed against him for using an illegal device to block cellphone signals on the L train. Charles Lauer, Nicholl's attorney, has stated that the upcoming court appearance in June may result in the dismissal of the pending misdemeanor count.

    With one of his lawyers by his side, Nicholl briskly departed from the courthouse, opting not to provide any answers to the queries of reporters.

    Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

    "He's scared out of his mind that this happened," Lauer said outside the courthouse. "He's turned in that (jamming) device. I don't think we're going to hear from Mr. Nicholl about this again."

    Photographs of Nicholl employing an illicitly obtained miniature signal disruptor from a Chinese manufacturer had been making rounds on the Internet before receiving a tip about Nicholl from CTA officials. A coordinated sting operation involving the CTA, Chicago Police, and the Federal Communications Commission was launched in early March, leading to Nicholl's arrest for activating the signal jammer while an undercover officer was using his cellphone in Nicholl's car on the Red Line.

    After being apprehended on a Red Line train on March 7, Nicholl spent a night in jail before his bail hearing. Initially charged with a felony for interfering with a public utility, the charge was subsequently downgraded to a misdemeanor earlier this month.

    Lauer stated that Nicholl had been caught interfering with signals on the L line before, but he did not face any serious consequences and received much less media attention than he did during his recent arrest. The unassuming accountant, who was just looking for some peace and quiet on the L, has since experienced difficulties at work, according to Lauer.

    According to Lauer, his only wish is to escape and conceal himself.

    He understood that it was unlawful, but he didn't view it as a significant violation. It was more comparable to getting a ticket for a traffic violation.

    Let's hope he doesn't get upset if others bother him.

  • Make a homemade GPS blocker



    Many used car dealers often install long-term GPS tracking systems, the purpose is self-evident. Therefore, signal jammers and signal detectors become popular equipment.

    GPS signal jammer are small, high-power radio frequency (RF) transmitters that interfere with legitimate communication devices (cell phones, GPS, Wi-Fi networks, and toll readers).

    It emits radio frequency signals at the same frequency as GPS signals, causing interference and preventing GPS devices from receiving accurate signals. This interference can cause GPS devices to lose their connection to GPS satellites, making it impossible to track their position or receive accurate location information. gps jammer are illegal in many countries, including the United States, because they can disrupt the operation of emergency services and other vital systems that rely on GPS signals. Using GPS jammers can also be dangerous and can lead to accidents, especially in industries such as aviation and navigation.

    GPS receivers rely on low-power microwave signals broadcast by GPS satellites. GPS signal jammers work by overwhelming these satellite signals with radio signals of higher power but shorter range, creating "noise" that causes the GPS receiver to be unable to accurately calculate its position.

    GPS jammers are small, portable and easy to operate. Anyone who wants to disrupt the operation of GPS devices or systems can buy them online and use them.

    What does a GPS jammer look like?

    Because the devices that can block GPS come from a number of manufacturers, they vary widely in shape, size and dimensions, making them difficult to spot inside a driver's vehicle. Most commonly, GPS interceptors operate over short distances and are small enough to plug into a power source such as a cigarette lighter or iPhone and intercept signals from GPS trackers installed in the cockpit of a vehicle.

    Some GPS jammers look like small black boxes or cylindrical devices with antennas, while others are designed to look like everyday items like cell phone chargers or USB drives.

    Handheld GPS jammers are usually small and easy to carry. They usually have a small built-in battery that is used to interfere with GPS signals from nearby devices. Larger GPS jammers are typically used on vehicles, boats, or buildings and are designed to cover a larger area or distance.

    Cigarette lighter GPS jammer structure

    Making a DIY GPS jammer for your car tracker is not an easy task, as it requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals. However, if you are determined to build one, you can disassemble a simple GPS jammer as a reference.

    The weakness of GPS signals makes it easy for low-cost jammers to jam them. These jammers do not attempt to mimic GPS satellites, but transmit loud enough noise to drown out the real signal. As a result, legitimate satellite signals become undetectable. When the jammer is activated, the effect on the already weak signal is obvious, as the mode of the device broadcast completely overrides the signal

    Now, the only thing to do is to examine its internal components and understand its functionality. Given the low price, it's still amazing to see how something so cheap can cause such significant damage.

    diy jammer gps

    On one side of the PCB, we can only identify two key components, the 78M05 regulator that reduces the vehicle's 12-volt power supply to 5 volts, and the infamous NE555 timer known to hackers. Unfortunately, it took the removal of illegal jammers to finally discover one of the most iconic integrated circuits in the history of electronics, but that's the reality.

    Radio frequency in vessel

    There is no doubt that the component labeled 13BA A041 is the main attraction. So, what is it? Although I was unable to find a datasheet for that particular model, it has been identified as a microwave voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The metal top we see is actually a shielding material, and with some effort we can examine the surprising array of components crammed into the tiny space of 9mm x 7mm.

    gpsjammer diy

    The basic working principle of the device is that the control pin of the VCO (identified as VC on the screen) is linked to the output of the 555 timer on the other side of the board. The signal of the 555 timer modulates the output of the VCO, which causes us to observe noise centered on the 1,575 MHz GPS frequency.

    By connecting the oscilloscope to the VC pin, we can see the 133 KHz sawtooth signal produced by the 555 timer. Adjusting this signal could change the frequency range in which the jammer operates, but the extent of this possibility is unclear without a VCO data sheet. Since these components are likely to be the cheapest, it is reasonable to assume that the limitations may not be too great.

    In addition, it is necessary to study the small four-pin device designated Q6 at the top of the board. When the high frequency signal is passed from the VCO to the center pin of the antenna connector, it is placed directly in the path of the high frequency signal, so it makes sense to use it as an amplifier. However, it can also be used as a diode to protect electronics from anything that might be picked up from the antenna.

    What are the frequencies of all GPS signals?

    GPS signal frequency band:

    GPS L1:1570-1580MHz

    GPS L2:1227.60 MHz

    GPS L3:1381.05MHz

    GPS L4:1379.913 MHz

    GPS L5:1176.45MHz

    Usually, the civilian frequency band only needs to block GPS L1 L2. Most devices only use GPS L1.

  • The perfectjammer website for Signal Jammer is authentic



    We are presently tenants of a house. The neighborhood can get quite noisy late at night, even past midnight, as our neighbors blast their music.

    Seeking assistance from law enforcement proves to be fruitless. Despite my repeated calls, their commitment to dispatch someone to address the issue remains unfulfilled. Consequently, I commenced researching signal blockers that specifically target wifi signals, excluding cellular ones. Fortunately, I discovered a device that appears to be an ideal choice.

    Admittedly, I had my doubts about their payment procedures initially. Nonetheless, I quickly realized that their product was precisely what I had been seeking.

    I completed the payment and waited patiently. The standard shipping timeframe is set at 7 to 15 days.

    Once day 15 had elapsed, we were provided with the tracking details. Subsequently, it underwent port clearance and was then entrusted to DHL for delivery. Remarkably, within a span of 2 days, the package was delivered to its final destination.

    Having extracted it from the packaging, I promptly affixed the antennas and established the connection with the charger. To my satisfaction, the battery was already fully charged.

    Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

    Several days passed before we were confronted with the unwelcome music that kept us awake. Determined to address the issue, I retrieved the device from the nightstand and switched it on. It is worth mentioning that these neighbors reside a few houses away from us. To my astonishment, the music suddenly fell silent after a few seconds. Subsequently, I overheard individuals discussing the problem. In order to assess the situation, I allowed it to play for a good 20 minutes. Finally, I turned it off and went to bed.

    When I first charged the jammer device, it unexpectedly emitted a loud bang and smoke, rendering it inoperable. Upon reaching out to the company, I was assigned an RMA return number and instructed to send the device to China for repair or replacement. The return shipping incurred an additional $25 charge, in addition to the initial cost of over $350. It was a lengthy process to finally obtain the repaired radio signal jammer.

    Without a doubt, the cell phone signal jammer is a legitimate enterprise, as you asked. It seems that some reviews are dubious. I can confirm this with evidence in my possession.

  • Provide answers to a wide range of questions concerning signal jammers


    cell phone

    It is possible that you are aware of cell phone jammers, as they are designed to disrupt incoming and outgoing calls, text messages, and data transfers.

    This blog will answer various questions about signal jammers

    Are cell phone jammers legal?

    In both the United States and many other parts of the world, it is unlawful to sell, advertise, distribute, or operate mobile jammers.

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) strongly believes that mobile signal jammer devices, designed to deliberately disrupt "authorized radio communications," pose a significant risk to crucial public safety communications. These devices have the potential to prevent you and others from making emergency calls, including 9-1-1, and they can also interfere with the communication systems utilized by law enforcement agencies.

    The Communications Act of 1934 serves the purpose of legally protecting radio frequencies, not only to address public safety concerns but also to prevent any interference with authorized radio broadcasts.

    How do cell phone jammers work?

    Cell phone signal blocker device, also known as cell phone blockers, signal disruptors, GPS jammers, or text blockers, are intended to disrupt cellular communication within a specified area.

    The transmission of signals on the same radio frequencies as cell phones by interfering devices causes disruptions in the operation of mobile devices. This form of attack, commonly known as a "denial of service attack," renders mobile devices non-functional when they are within the vicinity of these interfering devices.

    Inadequately advanced jammers endeavor to hinder phone signals by jamming just one frequency. This approach frequently misleads mobile devices into assuming the absence of any signal, resulting in their inability to operate.

    Why use a cell phone signal jammer?

    Champions of this technology argue that signal jammer devices are crucial in settings where individuals face difficulties in adhering to conventional cell phone etiquette regulations. Think of places like schools, theaters, vehicles, or peaceful train journeys, where engaging in conversations, sending text messages, streaming content, and similar activities may be considered disruptive or even unsafe.

    It is worth noting that mobile signal jammers not only hinder communication through speech and text on mobile phones, but they can also disrupt GPS, WiFi, and pose a significant challenge to police radar. This is precisely why the federal government has implemented a ban on the sale, promotion, and use of cell phone jammers in the United States, as mentioned previously.

    Will a cell phone signal jammer block a cell phone signal booster?

    Unfortunately, signal jammers can cause disruptions to the signal booster you are using.

    By amplifying existing signals, signal boosters aim to enhance signal strength. However, it is important to note that if a jammer interferes with the signal, the booster will be rendered ineffective.

  • Texas beauty school’s need with 5W adjustable cell phone jammer?


    cell phone

    The installation of a 5W adjustable cell phone blocker at a cosmetology school near Dallas serves the purpose of maintaining a quiet atmosphere in the classrooms. This decision, along with the presence of three additional jammers awaiting setup, marked the beginning of a sequence of events that transpired last week.

    For a while now,, which is based in London, has been on the radar of the FCC. In 2008, the agency took action against Phonejammer (PDF) for their marketing activities involving radio frequency devices designed to deliberately disrupt cellular and PCS frequencies within the United States.

    Despite the company's denial of marketing these products in the US, where they are prohibited, FCC staff pointed out that the signal blocker were all priced in US currency, the default shipping location was the United States, and the website included testimonials from American customers who had bought phone jammers from Phonejammer. Furthermore, the jammers on the site were specifically aimed at US cellular and PCS frequencies.

    The federal government's interest in your business practices might lead you to contemplate altering them, but this does not apply to Phonejammer. On November 9, 2009, a complaint (reportedly from AT&T) regarding cellular interference in the 800MHz and 1900MHz bands was received by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC's Texas field office staff conducted an investigation and identified the Cosmetology Career Center in Carrollton, Texas as the source of the problem. They discovered a 5W jammer on the premises (PDF).

    The attorney for Phonejammer stated to the FCC that the company has not delivered or distributed any units to the United States when contacted earlier this year.

    Available for purchase at $395, the 5W jammer from the Cosmetology Career Center features two antennas and a jamming radius of 2-25m. It effectively blocks PCS, GSM, and CDMA signals within the frequency range of 850MHz to 2100MHz. The website indicates its "operating location" as South America and Africa.

    Curiously, it is permissible to openly carry firearms into a Starbucks in both Texas and Florida, yet the same leniency does not extend to phone jammers. Consequently, when faced with a disruptive cell phone conversation at a neighboring table, the only available options are to tolerate the disturbance or resort to using a firearm. Such a scenario brings into question the adequacy of existing public policy measures.

  • What is the difference between a voice jammer and a GPS jammer?



    Modern life essentially requires us to give up data and privacy for everyday activities, from social media use to airport travel (i.e. biometric-based services like Clear and TSA Precheck). These practices extend to our vehicles and, in some cases, our private conversations. As the risk of hacks and data breaches continues, many people are looking for ways to not only reduce data breaches, but also protect themselves from harmful exposures.


    Some of the most tempting and easiest ways to go off the grid include GPS jammers and audio or voice protection systems, sometimes called voice cell phone jammer. When you consider these different counter-surveillance devices, it is important to recognize their differences, especially when it comes to legality. gps jammer are illegal devices, while audio jammers are legal and ethical, but their names are inaccurate because they serve completely different functions than their highly illegal counterparts.


    GPS Jammer:

    GPS jammers were originally designed for government use to hide the location of combat vehicles during high-risk missions. Essentially, a GPS jammer is a small device used to hide your whereabouts from GPS tracking devices that are monitoring your location and activities. GPS jammers emit radio signals on the same frequency as the GPS device, and due to the interference, the GPS tracker cannot determine the location of your vehicle.


    They're cheap, easy to conceal, and offer instant protection - GPS jammers seem like a no-brainer. However, their use is prohibited by law, and they can actually be dangerous.


    Audio Jammer:

    Audio jammers serve a similar purpose to GPS jammers, but in a different way. They are small devices that produce a unique sound to protect confidential conversations from external listening devices. Randomly masking sounds desensitizes microphones in that area, essentially rendering them useless. This extends to many types of microphones and eavesdropping devices, including voice recorders, radio frequency transmitters, hardwired microphones and shotgun microphones. The main goal is to ensure that private conversations remain private, even if the eavesdropper is only a few feet away.

  • How likely it is that a drone will be in your backyard


    cell phone

    Online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing RF jammers as tools for deterring drones or ensuring privacy, bypassing federal laws that prohibit the sale of these devices in the United States.

    Rf signal jamming device that interfere with communication systems, usually by sending competing radio signals to confuse nearby electronics. It's a decades-old technology that federal regulators have been trying to crack down on, but interest in jammers persists because people can use them to avoid unwanted drones, disable security cameras or block Wi-Fi networks.

    A significant number of consumers are not interested in the product mainly due to its price. Major corporations and state government agencies are keeping a close eye on the growing use of drones in warfare in Ukraine and Israel, and are getting ready for potential drone terrorism within their borders.

    There is a high demand for this technology among the public, yet some individuals are hesitant to embrace it out of fear that it may pose a risk to controlled airspace.

    Various potential uses exist for jamming devices, including creating interference for unwanted drones, disrupting Wi-Fi networks, and deactivating doorbell cameras. In a Reddit thread specifically focused on Ring doorbell cameras, certain users voiced concerns regarding the utilization of jammers to disrupt the cameras while engaging in theft to evade detection. Interestingly, a Reddit user pointed out the irony that Amazon appears to benefit from both perspectives: Ring is a subsidiary of Amazon, and Amazon also facilitates the purchase of devices that could disable Ring's cameras.

    Amazon chose not to address inquiries about tampering with Ring devices.

    Jammers, also known as RF "blocking," are a commonly discussed subject on online forums that cater to individuals who hold the belief that they are being specifically targeted for extensive surveillance by the government or other entities. This belief or phenomenon is occasionally referred to as "gang stalking."

    Within online forums dedicated to individuals who perceive themselves as targets of extensive surveillance by the government or other parties, jammers, also called RF "blocking," are a popular subject of discussion. This belief or phenomenon is occasionally labeled as "gang stalking."

    Markets with potential for anti-drone blocker like RF jammers include large corporations and organizations that worry about drone terrorism but are not permitted by law to deploy jammers. In a communication to congressional leaders in the previous year, four major sports leagues, including the National Football League, implored Congress to grant permission for state and local law enforcement to utilize anti-drone technologies.

    Prison administrators in certain states have indicated their intention to seek legal approval for the use of jammers, with the aim of preventing inmates from using cell phones.

    Nonetheless, the current law confines the procurement and utilization of RF jammers to a narrow range of government agencies, which primarily include the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Departments of Energy and Defense.

    Companies specializing in drone countermeasures tend to concentrate on clientele from abroad.

    IXI Electronic Warfare, a drone defense company, issues a warning on its website regarding the potential risks posed by drones to stadiums, prisons, and airports. They assert their ability to promptly neutralize these threats, employing radio-frequency jammers referred to as Dronekillers. However, it is important to note that stadium operators, prison authorities, and airport officials in the United States lack the legal authority to acquire such products.

    According to an email statement, the California-based company acknowledged that their main emphasis is on international endeavors, attributing this to the more permissive regulatory environment abroad. They also specified that their sales services within the United States are exclusively reserved for authorized federal agencies.

    Concerns have been raised by some experts in counter-drone countermeasures regarding the possibility of these devices spreading in the United States.

  • Ways in which a WiFi jammer can be utilized

    In the modern market, WiFi jammers have experienced a surge in popularity over the past few years. These devices serve as an effective means to enhance security measures and minimize the vulnerabilities associated with potential intrusions into personal data. A wifi jammer can be a convenient tool for home use, although it is essential to consider the presence of universal obstacles. Nonetheless, with proper configuration, this equipment can be utilized on a daily basis to protect sensitive information from tampering and prevent the theft of valuable data.

    When an obstacle arises, it provides an advantageous occasion to minimize the exposure of personal data to external entities. Blockers emit distinct signals at the desired frequency, resembling WiFi devices. Consequently, it effectively hinders any motion within a specific range.

    These barriers are employed to render tracking devices utterly ineffective in operation. Typically, companies and large corporations utilize such obstructive equipment to prevent the disclosure of their confidential information to competitors. WiFi signal jammers are trustworthy and well-tested devices that provide security and reliability, making them beneficial for anyone who values these attributes.

    What does an internet jammer do?

    The 2.4 GHz frequency band is utilized by WiFi technology. This frequency is commonly employed by various modern devices, as it offers cost advantages. However, this frequency range also exposes the system to increased vulnerability from external hazards. Advanced jammers with stylish designs can operate on multiple frequency ranges, effectively blocking multiple signals at the same time.

    The purpose of a WiFi-blocking device is to intercept signals within a specified range. These devices effectively disrupt wireless signals within their operational distance. In civilian applications, these devices can effectively block signals up to a distance of twenty meters. However, modern military-grade models are far more sophisticated, capable of blocking calls several hundred meters away, ensuring the protection of sensitive data from potential compromise.

    Can a jammer block WiFi?

    Modern jammers are often used to block WiFi signals. Among the main features of the equipment, you should pay attention to the following:

    Personal data is shielded and privacy is maintained on a wireless network through the use of signal blockers.

    With the ability of multiple WiFi devices to trace your whereabouts, the utilization of a blocker can swiftly minimize the likelihood of your detection.

    Furthermore, through the use of diverse tracking devices, monitoring your online status can be conveniently achieved. Security can be heightened by utilizing a wireless jammer to effectively decrease risks.

    The safety of their operations and employees is a paramount concern for many major enterprises. Consequently, it is prudent to address potential network vulnerabilities by employing dedicated equipment. For instance, compact and portable devices can be selected, which occupy minimal space yet possess a sufficiently broad range of influence to ensure seamless equipment functionality.

    Additionally, the device can be employed in a home setting. Suppose your children tend to prioritize playing games or watching cartoons over their academic responsibilities. In that case, you have the ability to block wireless signals, allowing them to focus on their learning. It is important to prioritize the acquisition of high-quality equipment for your home while being mindful of your expenditure.

    The acquisition of a jammer provides the ultimate defense mechanism against hacker attacks and intrusions. Everyday life witnesses the utilization of diverse devices, including portable and stationary variants. While these devices may vary in size and performance, they operate on a similar principle of processing incoming information, thereby ensuring enhanced accessibility and functionality for all users.

    Are WiFi blockers a thing?

    Modern-day WiFi jammers offer a multitude of applications. These cutting-edge devices play a crucial role in bolstering security measures and ensuring the utmost confidentiality of data. Moreover, there are multifunctional tools that can effectively block multiple signal types simultaneously, thereby enhancing the performance and efficiency of the equipment.

  • Utilize jammers to thwart interference and prevent unauthorized communications


    hidden cameras

    As technology becomes more and more advanced, the use of the Internet is becoming more and more popular for the modern generation. In particular, with the invention of 5G and smartphones, the Internet has ushered in a "golden age." Wi-Fi life has now become everyone's life. It changed the world. The topic about the advantages and disadvantages of WIFI has been very hot. Some people think WIFI makes the world a better and more convenient place; We should use WIFI extensively in our life. While some people think that WIFI and smart phones are not appropriate for some special occasions.

    To prevent interference, you know you need a signal jammer to improve your quality of life. While many countries make it illegal to use a cell phone blocker for personal use, be sure to check your local laws before you buy one from a professional blocker online store, and if the laws in your country allow it, you will be entitled to a useful jammer device.

    Whether in a class, conference room, presentation, or religious service, calling at the wrong time can be a huge distraction. Cell jammers can stop these calls from coming in the first place. This is what we call preventing interference and unwanted calls or blocking phone noise by using cell phone signal jammers; You will have the power to stop them.

    Have you ever been in a situation like this? The phone rang for a long time and no one cared about the interruption. You say loudly, "Please cover your phone." The result is that no one answers you. The unfortunate reality for any large group is that telling people to mute their devices just doesn't work. There will always be a small percentage of people who will leave their devices on for whatever reason.

    How to use cell phone blocker to restrict students from using cell phone?

    The use of mobile phone signal blockers is worthy of recognition, whether it is to reduce the interference of mobile phones on students' learning, improve the quality of students' learning, or to facilitate school management. You know the truth is that many schools and colleges have installed several different types of cell phone signal blockers so that parents and teachers can let students and children play with their phones. Some students expressed support. Because the use of mobile phones will make mobile phone noise immediately disappear, creating a quiet environment.

  • Super Bowl security prepares for drones with trackers and jammer



    The NFL and federal law enforcement are on high alert for unauthorized drones after one caused a play stoppage at a playoff game two weeks ago.

    Super Bowl LVIII will feature a tough defensive scheme that has nothing to do with a football. This one is about stopping drones.

    The NFL and federal law enforcement officials are taking a hard line Sunday to keep players and fans safe from unauthorized drones at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas where the Kansas City Chiefs will play the San Francisco 49ers.

    Unapproved drone flights have become a persistent problem for the NFL, as well as for other sports leagues and large public gatherings. The NFL said there were about 2,500 drone incursions near stadiums during the 2022-2023 season, an increase of about 90% from a year earlier.

    The flights have sometimes encroached on televised broadcasts, including two weeks ago at the AFC championship game in Baltimore when an unapproved drone violated the restricted airspace. Federal prosecutors later charged a Pennsylvania drone pilot who said, according to the FBI, that he wasn’t aware of the flight restrictions.

    Possible criminal charges and civil penalties await anyone trying something similar Sunday, officials said.

    “So please leave your drone at home,” Cathy Lanier, the NFL’s chief security officer, said at a news conference Wednesday.

    Most of the drones are operated by hobbyists seeking aerial video, according to experts, but especially at a high-profile event such as the Super Bowl, authorities said they’re also looking out for people with more nefarious intentions.

    Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the incident two weeks ago was a warning.

    “It does not require much imagination to understand the significant threat such an incident could pose,” he said at the news conference Wednesday. Although no one was hurt in that incident, he said, “what happened in Baltimore underscores the vital importance of the mission.”

    Mayorkas added that there were no known credible specific threats to the Super Bowl or Las Vegas.

    Federal law enforcement designates the Super Bowl as a top-tier security event, on roughly the same level as a presidential inauguration ceremony or a visit by the pope. Allegiant Stadium, where the teams will play, has a capacity of about 65,000 people.

    Any stadium’s defense against drones has multiple layers, said Mary-Lou Smulders, chief marketing officer for Dedrone, a Virginia-based company. Its drone countermeasure technology is in use by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which covers Las Vegas and its major stadiums.

    “Like any security issue, the more layers you add, the safer you are,” she said. “The same applies to airspace security.”

    The first layers, she said, are all designed to detect and track drones using at least three types of technology: radio-frequency sensors, cameras and radar. They have different strengths, she added: Radio-frequency sensors can distinguish between drones and other objects better than radar, while radar has a longer range and a camera can help determine if a drone is carrying a payload.

    With a camera, Smulders said, “the most interesting thing to ask is: Is it carrying a payload, yes or no?” If it were, that “would dramatically affect your security posture.”

    A second set of layers is designed to interfere with a drone’s flight, she said: “cell phone jammer jamming” or cutting off the radio communication between a drone and its pilot; hacking into a drone to take over control; and locating the pilot on the ground and arresting the person.

    drone jammer Jamming and hacking are not usually available as security tools for an NFL game. Federal law restricts who can interfere with a drone’s flight, and in the United States, only a few government agencies including the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have the authority to do so. Congress is considering legislation to change that but, for now, the federal government provides agents for high-profile events like the Super Bowl but not for a game on any given Sunday.

    At a regular season game in Baltimore in November, play was delayed twice because of drone activity.

    The NFL game stoppages are helping raise the profile of drone countermeasures, a growing industry that experts say will become more important as drone technology improves and becomes cheaper.

    Allegiant Stadium has one advantage over Baltimore’s: It’s a domed stadium, with a roof to shield the game from anything overhead. But it’s not completely enclosed, Smulders noted: The stadium has 80-foot walls that are retractable if weather allows. The doors have usually been closed during games.

    Still, the NFL is on higher alert for drones than it used to be. In 2017, a California man used a modified drone to drop leaflets on the 49ers stadium, authorities said. He then drove to nearby Oakland and did the same at a Raiders game. He later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation.

    For Sunday, the Federal Aviation Administration has banned drones within a radius of 30 nautical miles (about 35 miles) of the stadium beginning one hour before kickoff. There have also been restrictions in place for additional events in Las Vegas the past few days.

    Lanier has previously told NBC News that the NFL had a close call at the Super Bowl in Atlanta in February 2019, when an FBI team spotted a drone just before six Air Force F-16s were set to conduct a flyover before the game. The F-16s flew at a higher altitude to avoid a possible collision, she said.
