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  • Increasingly powerful GPS jammers cause more problems



    Illegal GPS signal jamming can disrupt local GPS devices and cell phone towers, according to UK reports.

    TechWeek Europe reported an uptick in signal jamming incidents based on the results of the Sentinel study, which were shared at the GNSS Vulnerability 2012 conference held at England's National Physical Laboratory on February 22. Roadside monitoring stations recorded a total of 60 violations within a six-month period.

    Sean Gallegher, writing in Ars Technica, reported on the dangers of interrupting GPS signals. Cell phone systems and even electrical grids rely on GPS signals for time-keeping. Jammers built for auto use to obscure location can affect other devices from 100 yards away and more. Powerful jammers can disrupt signals as far away as 32 kilometers. Yes, jammers have caused problems at airports already. They are illegal to use, but legal to own, in the UK.





    I had no idea little GPS jammers could cause so much havoc though.

    clackerd on

    why would you want to jam the GPS signals? If you’re not doing anything wrong then yu have no reason to worry.

    Angel Investors on



    First hand

    I know a guy who bought that exact jammer in the picture. I think it was a little over $100 shipped from China. It works. It kills my AT&T iPhone dead. It kills his Sprint phone. It killed everything except one device he's ever tried to test with.

    Dilbert on

    The more sophisticated jammers don't cause "noise", but rather they record and replay the pseudorandom generated digits they receive from the various frequencies and time drift them.

    zbowling on

    Jammers for car usage like this one are used by people to protect their privacy and not to harm vital infrastructures of the city.

    Alex White on

    in 2009 the Newark airport had a daily GPS failure that was finally traced to a trucker using a jammer, presumably to defeat a tracker enforcing safe driving rules.

    NelsonMinar on



    Authorities and warnings

    But... in the end... it mostly just made me want to buy a GPS jammer.

    primordius on

    The more we allow our public movements to be tracked, and the more control and oversight we grant the government and corporations, the harder it will become for the public at large if there should ever come a time when they want some of that power back.

    Crane on

    How vulnerable are Google's self-driving cars to GPS jamming?

    GiraffeNecktie on

  • Clever thieves use WiFi jammers to turn off those crappy security cameras you bought on Amazon



    A word of caution has been issued by the Los Angeles Police Department to the residents regarding the utilization of WiFi jammers by criminals. These jammers are being employed to easily deactivate "connected" security cameras and sirens. It is important to be aware that these jammers can be purchased at low prices from platforms like Amazon.


    Los Angeles news station KTLA5 has highlighted a concerning trend where tech-savvy thieves are utilizing WiFi jammers. These small devices have the ability to confuse wireless devices and inundate them with excessive traffic. By doing so, these criminals can gain access to homes without triggering any alarms. This raises questions about the vulnerability of affordable housing to security devices like Ring and Eufy.


    According to a recent report by Tom's Hardware, instances of criminals employing WiFi jammers have been documented for quite some time. These jammers can be conveniently purchased online for a modest price of $40.


    From a legal perspective in the United States, their use is considered illegal...


    In a 2020 FCC alert, it was stated that the deliberate use of phone jammers, GPS blockers, or other signal jamming devices to block or interfere with authorized radio communications is considered a violation of federal law.


    Despite the warnings, it appears that they were disregarded. Recently, law enforcement in Minnesota uncovered that nine robberies within a six-month period were linked to the use of wifi jammers. Luckily, the thieves are still opting for non-violent methods and focusing on empty houses.


    In light of the current circumstances, the Los Angeles Police Department is suggesting that homeowners opt for hardwired alarm systems instead of relying solely on WiFi. Furthermore, they are urging residents to ensure their homes are well illuminated during the night.


    The LAPD further suggests that you take precautions to keep your departure from your residence for an extended period of time confidential.


    Cell phones serve as two-way radios that communicate via cell towers. cell phone jammer operate by emitting a strong signal on the same frequencies utilized by mobile devices, effectively blocking communication between the device and the cell tower. As a result, the mobile device loses connectivity and shows "No Network" on the display.


    Cell phone jammers prevent and disable any mobile phone communications from entering specific areas of a building or open space to


    Take proactive steps to counter industrial espionage by implementing stringent measures to deter the use of mobile devices as eavesdropping tools or for unauthorized photography purposes.


    The endeavor to combat terrorist threats encompasses the mitigation of actions such as remotely triggering explosive devices in areas of heightened vulnerability.


    The eradication of public nuisances in establishments such as movie theaters, restaurants, and churches is essential.


    This item is available in a range of sizes and shapes. You can find pocket-sized versions as well as larger ones. Moreover, some models are cleverly disguised as regular cell phones or briefcases.


    Things to consider before buying a cell phone jammer:


    What is the effective interference range (more than 10-50 meters)


    Which cellular systems can it block (cdma in north america, gsm in europe and asia, tdma, 4G, 3G, pcs, dcs or all?)


    How many cellular systems (cdma etc..) it can block simultaneously (low-end models can only block 1 type at a time, while more complex models will block multiple systems at a time)


    Appearance: Regular device or one disguised as another type of device?


    Dimensions and weight

  • Churches installing cell phone jammers


    cell phone

    The use of devices originally designed to prevent eavesdropping and thwart phone-triggered bombings is on the rise in order to block incoming cell phone calls.


    The initial observation was made by the reporters. As they were occupied with the coverage of high-profile weddings, they encountered difficulties in reaching their editors due to the lack of cell phone reception at Sacred Heart. Seeking an explanation, they approached the priest who revealed that Israeli counterintelligence was responsible for the interference.


    Among the paintings of the Madonna and statues of saints in four churches in Monterrey, inconspicuous cell phone blocker, produced in Israel and resembling small books, have been strategically positioned.


    The harsh polychromatic sound of ringing cell phones is now being prevented in a variety of locations, including religious sanctuaries, India's parliament, Tokyo theaters, and commuter trains, by tools that were originally designed to aid security forces in preventing eavesdropping and stopping phone-triggered bombings.


    Following the disregard of requests from politicians to silence their cell phones, signal blocker were installed in the Indian parliament to prevent further disruptions during legislative sessions.


    The adoption of blockers in Italian universities came about when it was discovered that students, who were adept at using cell phones, were resorting to cheating during exams by exchanging text messages or capturing pictures of the test content.


    In this northern city, the four Roman Catholic Churches have started utilizing devices from Netline Communications Technologies Ltd., a company based in Tel Aviv. These devices were brought in by an insurance salesman as a personal favor for a priest.


    According to the Rev. Juan Jose Martinez, a representative of the archdiocese, there remains a considerable number of individuals who lack the understanding that being present at Mass involves sharing a significant moment with God. Unfortunately, the use of these small gadgets became the only available option.


    Acquired at a price of around $2,000 per unit, these devices can be activated using a remote control and emit radio frequencies at a low level. Their primary function is to interfere with cell phone signals within a 100-foot range.


    When using their cell phones, users may receive a message indicating that there is "no service" or that the "signal is not available."


    Wedding bells


    Two years ago, church officials in Monterrey acquired blockers for the Sacred Heart church, a baroque temple often chosen by Mexico's elite for weddings.


    According to Bulmaro Carranza, a parish clerk, cell phones would constantly ring every five minutes during weddings. This became a major concern, especially when the groom would occasionally forget to switch off his cell phone.


    Unbeknownst for months, the devices went undetected until reporters, who were assigned to cover the weddings, started voicing their grievances about the perpetual malfunctioning of their cell phones.


    According to Carranza, following the revelation of the jammers, priests from all over Mexico have been contacting him to inquire about obtaining them.


    Before the commencement of every Mass at Sacred Heart, a device located at the church entrance and another adjacent to the altar are activated. However, the clergy consistently remind parishioners to power off their mobile phones prior to the start of the services, in the hope that a culture of good cell phone manners will eventually prevail.


    The Rosario, San Juan Bosco, and Our Lady Queen of the Angels, along with other Monterrey churches with the devices, are visited by wealthier parishioners, according to Martinez.


    According to Martinez, the cell phone may be essential for many individuals, however, this should not be an excuse for neglecting proper etiquette and failing to respect sacred sites.


    Margarita Escobedo, a committed Catholic who faithfully attends church twice a week and selflessly dedicates her time to volunteering at the San Genaro church, expresses her support for the implementation of jammers in her parish. She acknowledges the growing annoyance caused by cell phones and believes that their interference can be effectively addressed through the use of such technology.


    According to Escobedo, people who bring cell phones to church are showing a lack of dedication to God. He pointed out that hearing sounds like birds chirping or techno music can be extremely distracting while trying to pray.

  • Two teenagers facing charges for interfering with school Wi-Fi in order to skip exams



    Charges have been brought against them for participating in computer criminal activity by supposedly causing disruptions to the network as requested by their companions.

    Authorities announced on Monday that two 14-year-old boys are facing charges for intentionally interfering with their school's Wi-Fi network to skip exams.

    As per, New Jersey high school freshmen have been accused of engaging in computer criminal activity and conspiring to commit such acts. School administrators contacted the police last Thursday after the Wi-Fi network experienced multiple crashes throughout the week.

    As per the information provided by Capt. Dennis Miller to, the administration of Secaucus High School reached out to the Secaucus Police Department to report that two students were engaged in a "scheme to disrupt the school's WiFi service whenever instructed."

    Due to their status as minors, the names of these individuals have not been made public. They have been handed over to their parents and are scheduled to make an appearance in the juvenile family court located in Jersey City, with the exact date yet to be determined.

    In a recent statement, Schools Superintendent Jennifer Montesano confirmed that the Wi-Fi has been restored and is operating smoothly. While she refrained from sharing specific details, she did acknowledge that an investigation uncovered two students who may have been responsible for the system disruption.

    How did they do it?

    A number of students shared with their belief that the boys were employing a Wi-Fi interrupter program or app to overload the school's routers with traffic in a denial of service (DoS) attack. This attack led to the network crashing when students tried to log on for classwork or online exams.

    A junior student from Secaucus High School revealed to the news outlet that she found out about the Wi-Fi problem when a friend informed her that one of the suspects had been requested to interfere with the signal during an exam.

    It was done for both the exam-adverse and for fun, she said:

    The motive behind his actions was to escape examinations and similar tasks. Moreover, one of the boys carried out this act on behalf of his friend, ensuring she would not have to undergo a test during the class. Undeniably, it constituted a significant prank.

    Jamming phones, Wi-Fi and GPS is illegal

    Some students were disgruntled – why should the whole class be disrupted because a few kids didn’t feel like squeezing out some brain juice that day? Others were impressed by the boys’ alleged technical acumen and sported more of a “Meh! Nobody got hurt” reaction, like this 10th grader:

    It was unexpected to see someone as young as us, or nearly our age, achieve something like this.

    People's education is being tampered with, although no harm is being inflicted upon anyone.

    With respect to the first issue, it is recommended that those students do not place too much emphasis on their classmates' alleged technological proficiency. Despite the fact that gsm jammer are illegal to market, sell, or use in the US - except for authorized, official use by the federal government - they are readily accessible online for a few hundred dollars.

    signal jammer are not just an inconvenience; they represent a dangerous hazard to public safety as they have the potential to block crucial emergency communications. cell phone jammer are unable to make a distinction between regular phone calls and emergency calls to family members or 9-1-1 responders. In a similar manner, GPS and wifi jammer disrupt both routine and essential communication services.

    In the past, there was an incident involving a man who faced felony charges for intentionally interfering with the phone signals of his fellow commuters. His frustration with their conversations led him to take such action.

    While it may be true that no harm was caused by the school Wi-Fi jamming, it is important for children to understand that this is not a harmless prank. The potential repercussions are significant and should not be taken lightly.

  • Break-in suspects using cell-jamming technology to avoid surveillance cameras



    WBTV reports that CMPD has discovered instances where thieves have skillfully circumvented surveillance cameras during home break-ins, thanks to their use of technology.

    Cell-jamming is the term used to describe the interference caused by an individual using a device to disrupt radio or wireless signals.

    The Federal Communications Commission has made it clear that intentionally using a phone jammer, GPS blockers, or any other signal jamming device to interfere with authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law. It is essential to recognize that this prohibition applies without exception, regardless of whether it is within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle.

    Cell-jamming is possible from a device roughly 30 feet from the target, or household security cameras.

    In a south Charlotte community, a video has emerged showing a suspect surreptitiously navigating through a yard during the nighttime. It is worth mentioning, though, that not all incidents have been captured on camera.

    John Shocknesse, VP of Customer Operations for CPI Security, highlighted the need to address potential interference with wireless devices and the importance of implementing strategies to prevent communication disruptions.

    In a split second, someone might show up on camera, but the presence of cell-jamming enables their swift disappearance through the mere act of flipping a switch or pushing a button.

    In south Charlotte, CMPD has identified this as a recurring problem during residential burglaries.

    Shocknesse acknowledged the lack of any such activity, highlighting the significance of being vigilant and equipped with the latest technology.

    WBTV sought his opinion on which devices are more prone to cell-jamming.

    Shocknesse pointed out that the issue arises primarily with older wireless devices that lack encryption.

    He stated that newer security systems and surveillance systems are built with improved technology, such as encryption, to provide heightened security.

    Shocknesse pointed out the critical role of cameras and onboard recording in ensuring that events are documented and can be provided to law enforcement if needed.

    Additionally, he recommended that the most efficient way to prevent cell-jamming is to utilize up-to-date technology with encryption and to use a wired device instead of relying on Wi-Fi.

    Effective measures to prevent break-ins at home include maintaining proper lighting, utilizing alarm systems, and ensuring that bushes are trimmed to a maximum height of three feet.

  • Thieves are using Wi-Fi jammers to break into people’s homes



    The Los Angeles authorities have revealed that a group of thieves has been outfoxing smart devices throughout the area.

    A statement from the Los Angeles Police Department on March 4 highlighted concerns about a group in Wilshire using Wi-Fi jamming technology to deactivate surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

    The recent spate of tech-savvy robberies in California forms part of a wider trend of technologically advanced criminal activities occurring nationwide. In the past year, law enforcement authorities in Minnesota and Connecticut also issued cautionary advisories to residents regarding organized groups of thieves skilled in Wi-Fi jamming. These examples are just a fraction of the numerous instances reported.

    signal jamming

    KARE11 has reported that even though the Federal Communications Commission has prohibited Wi-Fi signal jammers jamming devices, criminals can still purchase them inexpensively. These devices do not necessarily disable other devices but rather overload the network they are connected to.

    The intention behind these devices, as explained by cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman, is to obstruct radio transmitters and create traffic congestion that hinders genuine communication.

    He recommended that if you opt for a Wi-Fi camera for your front door, you should perhaps contemplate using a hardline camera inside your home. Wired cameras connected through Ethernet cables do not rely on Wi-Fi networks and are not vulnerable to interference caused by a wifi jammer.

    It is strongly recommended by the Los Angeles police to have burglary alarm systems hard wired.

    Tom’s Hardware states that while smart technology may be a contributing factor to the issue, it can also be part of the solution. It is recommended by officials to employ timers or smart home devices to simulate occupancy when you are not present. Furthermore, certain smart home technology is capable of notifying users in the event of signal or connection disruptions.

    In addition, Tom's Hardware recommends connecting surveillance devices directly to your device for storing camera footage, rather than solely relying on a cloud storage system. This way, even if there is a Wi-Fi disruption, the footage will still be saved and accessible.

    The LAPD promotes vigilance among residents through the practice of securing doors, enlisting neighbors to watch over their homes during absences, and reporting any suspicious behavior, including the presence of vehicles with temporary or dealer plates.

    Wilshire Park is located in Central Los Angeles.

  • The technical categorization of signal jammers for mobile phones



    The significance of mobile phones as a means of communication in people's everyday lives cannot be overstated. Nevertheless, there are certain circumstances where mobile phone signal jammers hold particular importance. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of mobile phone signal jammers, exploring their technical principles and application scenarios. By delving into these aspects, readers can gain a profound understanding of the technology and the valuable applications it offers.


    How mobile phone signal jammer works


    The key working mechanism of the mobile phone signal jammer is to emit signals at the identical frequency as mobile phone communication, albeit with increased power to disrupt the original signal. This interference signal will mask or overpower the signal typically received by the mobile phone, rendering the mobile phone incapable of establishing normal communication with the base station, thereby effectively blocking the signal.


    The interference signals produced by jammers are tailored to disrupt particular frequency bands, such as GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G, and even the most recent 5G network bands.


    The coverage area of cell phone jammer is determined by the power level, where higher power equates to a larger coverage range.


    Types of cell phone signal jammers

    With its small and portable design, this jammer is well-suited for personal or small-scale applications, such as conference rooms and small offices.

    Specifically crafted for environments like schools, examination rooms, prisons, and more, this high-power jammer is ideal for a variety of needs.

    Specialized jammers are created to cater to the distinct needs of specific locations, like military compounds, government offices, and other sensitive sites.


    The principle and application of GPS signal jammer

    GPS signal inhibitors generate electromagnetic waves at particular frequencies that disturb signals from GPS satellites, hindering GPS receivers from properly understanding satellite signals. This method is reminiscent of standard electronic jamming devices, but is tailored to the GPS frequency band.


    GPS signal jammers usually work in the 1575.42 MHz frequency band, which is the main frequency of GPS satellite signals. Their operating range can vary depending on design and purpose, from a few meters to hundreds of meters.


    The primary use of portable gps jammer is to protect personal privacy, whereas fixed jammers are primarily employed in professional fields like the military and government, providing a higher power output and wider range.


    By employing GPS signal jammers, the military can interfere with the navigation systems of the enemy, effectively preventing them from accurately determining their positioning and navigating.

    Some people or organizations could make use of GPS signal jammers to stop location tracking and safeguard personal privacy.

  • The academic institution supervisor verifies for any signs of cheating



    The AIIMS entrance exam controversy may have come as a shock to many, but the city university has implemented precautionary measures to avoid such incidents. While certain universities have chosen to install jammers at entrances, others have opted for metal detectors or security guards. However, only a few universities have taken the initiative to implement all of these measures. Jammers effectively detect mobile signals, thereby preventing students from resorting to unfair practices.


    Two years ago, Ms. Kang, the director of Punjab College of Technical Education (PCTE), made the decision to install jammers in the exam hall. This action was taken during a period when approximately 900 students were in the midst of their exams. Ms. Kang expressed her belief that a disruptor could effectively address the problems faced by all individuals by disabling their cell range cell phone jammer.


    At Guru Nanak Institute of Management and Technology (GNIMT), director HS Singha revealed that the deployment of two jammers on the campus three years ago has significantly decreased cheating occurrences. Moreover, strict physical checks are carried out to prevent students from bringing phones into the premises.


    MS Saini, who serves as the principal of Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College (GNDEC), highlighted the concerning trend of students resorting to unfair methods to improve their academic performance. He noted the challenges associated with physical verification, given the students' increased capabilities, leading to the installation of 11 jammers on campus. Moreover, the college has implemented the use of three metal detectors and bolstered security measures at the entrance gates wifi jammer.


    Ludhiana College of Engineering and Technology's principal, Pawan Kumar Gupta, informed that they had set up five jammers and two metal detectors on the campus roughly three years ago. He stressed that if all academic institutions followed suit in deploying these tools, the risk of cheating through technology would be significantly reduced.


    Can mobile jammers in colleges stop cyber crime?


    The idea of banning mobile phones on university campuses has generated concern among students in the city. The Maharashtra government's higher and technical education department is considering this measure as a means to tackle cybercrime within universities signal jammer.


    Nonetheless, students were disheartened by the perceived encroachment on their liberties. Lala Atole, a student at ILS Law School, asserts that the proposed ban lacks any logical basis.


    "School authorities can impose stricter rules on the use of mobile phones in classrooms, but installing jammers will directly impact students' freedom," he said. Some students believe that installing jammers will not affect most students as they are addicted to gaming during classes. "If cell phones are banned and we can't even answer important calls, students might think of skipping lectures. How does that help students?"


    Garware College student Vedang Bhagwat posed a query. Despite students expressing dissatisfaction with the decision, there is a division among university authorities regarding the proposal. The authorities are considering the installation of jammers in classrooms, but are hesitant to implement them throughout the campus gsm jammer.


    Hrishikesh Suman, principal, Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, opined, "Jammers will definitely help prevent distractions during classes. However, outside the classroom, this may affect the internal academic communication with the teacher." Only by getting the power to control jammers, The authorities will welcome this move. "Signal jamming affects our security systems and hampers emergency communications. Also, students are not used to restrictions and this may do more harm than good," said Dilip Sheth, Principal, SP College. Teachers believe it would be more helpful for students to voluntarily refrain. “Students should voluntarily refrain from using mobile phones without our close attention,” added MMCC principal MD Lawrence. Some even favor the use of cell phones on campus.


    Girija Shankar, vice-chancellor of Neswadia Business School, emphasized that disruptors are not the answer, especially considering the large population of out-of-town students in Pune whose guardians regularly need to reach out to them.

  • Police warn of thieves using wifi-jamming tech to disarm cameras, alarms



    Authorities with the Los Angeles Police Department are warning residents in Los Angeles’ Wilshire-area neighborhoods of a series of burglaries involving wifi jamming technology that can disarm surveillance cameras and alarms using a wireless signal.


    According to police, the burglaries typically involve three to four suspects who enter homes through a second story balcony.


    Once inside, the thieves target primary bedrooms in search of high-end jewelry, purses, U.S. currency and other valuables.


    Man found dead in pond of Southern California apartment complex


    “On many occasions, these suspects will have a getaway vehicle and driver to act as a look out,” authorities said in a community alert.


    To deter these types of burglaries, authorities provided the following tips:


    Ensure your electrical circuit boxes are secured with a padlock to make it harder for thieves to tamper with alarm systems


    Never tell Uber, Lyft or taxi drivers or post on social media that you will be on vacation or away from home


    Stay alert for suspicious vehicles with temporary or dealer plates, as well as rental vehicles


    Share your cellphone number with trusted neighbors and ask them to clear your mail and keep an eye on your residence if you plan to be away


    Place cameras around the home and ensure that the alarm DVR is secure and cannot be tampered with


    Consider moving to an alarm system that is hard wired rather than running on a wireless signal


    Provide extra security such as a pole to sliding glass doors to eliminate easy opening


    Place tracking devices, such as Apple AirTags, on valuable items like jewelry boxes, purses or vehicles


    See what shrubbery or trees can be trimmed or cut to keep your residence highly visible


    Install proper lighting and security signage and always leave light on in your home, especially while away


    Anyone with information on any of these crimes is encouraged to contact LAPD’s Wilshire Burglary Detectives at Those wishing to remain anonymous can contact L.A. Regional Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477 or online at L.A. Crime Stoppers.

  • How criminals are using jammers deauthers to disrupt WiFi security cameras



    An updated warning is now in place for individuals who employ wireless security cameras such as "Ring" for home security purposes.


    Despite owning a Ring camera, a resident of Detroit was unable to obtain footage of her car being stolen from the front of her house. An expert in the local community believes that this occurrence exemplifies the advancing technological skills of criminals.

    Earlier this month, the woman claimed that her car was taken from her driveway. Upon examining the footage from her Ring camera, she found that several hours were absent.


    According to Chris Burns, the owner of Techie Gurus, security cameras that utilize WiFi for recording are more geared towards convenience rather than security. This is because WiFi signals are susceptible to disruptions, which can impede the camera's ability to monitor activities around your home, a weakness that criminals are taking advantage of.


    Burns emphasized that relying on wireless for security is a mistake. He highlighted the fact that wireless signals are susceptible to jamming or blocking.


    The offenders can make use of this as a wifi jamming gadget, or a deauther, that might come in the form of an Apple Watch.

    When positioned nearby, a deauther can overwhelm a WiFi system, resulting in the interruption of recording by a WiFi camera. This accessory is reasonably priced, typically ranging from $10 to $50. Conversely, a jammer carries a higher price range, varying from $150 to $1,000.


    Being highly illegal, singal jammer are not readily available, which makes them harder to come by. Nonetheless, a powerful camera jammer can halt an entire street from being monitored on WiFi security cameras with just a flick of a switch.


    A statement from Ring's spokesperson pointed out that Ring device performance could be influenced by WiFi signal interference, a common issue with wifi-enabled devices. Customers struggling with connectivity problems are urged to get in touch with Ring Customer Support for help.


    How can customers protect themselves?


    Burns stated that for optimal security measures, it is essential to have hard-wired connections, such as being plugged into ethernet.


    It was mentioned by a Ring spokesperson that they are conscious of the issue, noting its uncommon occurrence.


    In light of the decreasing cost of technology, Burns pointed out that jammers are likely to become more prevalent. Thus, it is essential to prioritize the dissemination of accurate information to the public.
