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  • Is cellphone signal jamming the answer for drugs, violence in prisons?


    cell phone

    The newly appointed attorney general of Oklahoma, along with other distinguished prosecutors across the nation, is calling upon Congress to enact a law that would legitimize the practice of blocking cellphone signals at state prisons.


    Attorney General Gentner Drummond highlighted the fact that criminal enterprises can be conducted behind prison walls. He emphasized the necessity for law enforcement to have access to the appropriate tools, urging Congress to promptly address this issue.

    Drummond joined 21 other attorneys general last week in a letter urging Congress to pass ''meaningful" legislation allowing states to jam cellphones at prisons.


    In their address to congressional leaders on Wednesday, the prosecutors highlighted that inmates are employing contraband cell phones to organize murders, riots, drug deals, fraud, and a multitude of other illicit activities. The alarming reality is that these cell phones are currently unblockable, thereby presenting an ongoing and significant threat to public safety.


    Cellphones used to direct drug rings from inside prisons, DOJ says


    The release of statistics by the U.S. Department of Justice has prompted a fresh drive to amend the law, drawing attention to the alarming state of affairs in Oklahoma.


    In a news release on Friday, the U.S. attorney from Oklahoma City highlighted that state inmates affiliated with four separate criminal organizations were able to access contraband cell phones despite their incarceration. This facilitated their continued direction of drug trafficking and violent networks through communication with associates outside the prison walls.


    “Now, 275 dangerous criminals have been held accountable, more than a half-ton of poisonous drugs and 393 firearms have been removed from the streets, and $1.3 million in cash has been taken away from drug traffickers," U.S. Attorney Bob Troester said about the results of the drug prosecutions.


    As per the news release, thirty offenders were incarcerated while they were actively leading drug rings, which were notorious for their violent nature. It is noteworthy that these individuals managed the operations by utilizing smuggled cellphones.


    Sentenced in December was Eduardo Rosales, a leader of a ring operated by the Southside Locos gang that distributed methamphetamine from Mexico across the state in 2019. Rosales, 37, of Oklahoma City, was already in state prison at the time for drug offenses.


    Chance Alan "Wolfhead" Wilson, a resident of Purcell, was sentenced in December for the murder of his sister. While serving his time in state prison, Wilson was found to be running a drug ring. Federal prosecutors have identified Wilson, aged 38, as a prominent figure in the Universal Aryan Brotherhood, a prison gang.


    The judge ruled that both offenders must serve 30 years in federal prison.


    Thousands of cellphones seized from Oklahoma facilities


    Last year, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections reported the confiscation of 5,247 cellphones in both state-run and privately operated correctional facilities, as announced on Friday.


    "Despite the presence of cellphone-detecting K-9 units and nonstop intelligence-gathering efforts, some phones still manage to get through. That is a reality faced at all levels, from county jails to federal prisons," said Josh Ward, chief of communications.

    Court records have brought to light the fact that guards have been involved in the unauthorized introduction of cellphones into Oklahoma prisons. Additionally, these devices have been illicitly delivered by either being thrown over prison fences or dropped using drones.


    Oklahoma authorities have emphasized the need for innovative solutions to tackle the proliferation of illicit cellphones.

    Governor Kevin Stitt, in 2019, highlighted the necessity of addressing the technology issue with a suitable technological solution. This statement was made following a series of gang-related conflicts in six prisons, which subsequently led to the implementation of lockdowns.


    The governor's office has emphasized that the use of contraband cellphones by inmates allowed for communication that facilitated the occurrence of the "premeditated acts of violence".


    During that specific year, Senator James Lankford from the United States spoke in favor of granting states the ability to utilize jamming signal technology.


    “Why don't we change that law?” Lankford asked on the Senate floor. “Great question. A question that should have been answered by this body a long time ago, but communications companies and cellphone company lobbyists overwhelmed this body and pushed back and say, ‘Let's study the issue.’”


    He said he repeatedly met with leaders at the Federal Communications Commission in an effort to resolve the issue. "Each year ... they say, 'We're studying it.'"


    FCC opposes cellphone jamming, citing safety concerns


    The FCC has long held a firm opposition to the introduction of jamming wifi technology within state prisons.


    In one of its statements, the FCC has highlighted that it causes more problems than it resolves. Additionally, it can disrupt mobile 911 calls and public safety communication.


    Despite Lankford's involvement as a cosponsor, the Cellphone Jamming Reform Act, introduced in August, failed to receive a vote and ultimately met its end.


    In a tweet last week, Lankford highlighted the necessity for states to possess jamming authority.


    During 2021, the FCC devised a procedure enabling designated prison officials to formally request wireless providers to turn off cell signals individually, without the requirement of obtaining a court order.

  • The Illegality of Cell Phone Jammers: Unveiling 3 Key Reasons


    cell phone

    By employing cell phone jammers, one can effectively obstruct the ability of both you and others to establish vital connections with emergency services like 911. Additionally, these devices pose a hazardous risk to public safety communications and can disrupt various other forms of essential daily communication.

    Delving into the subject matter, this article elucidates the intricate workings of signal jammers, the legal prohibition surrounding their utilization in the United States, the recommended course of action to tackle interference in authorized communication, and the avenues through which Cellbusters can address any queries or inquiries pertaining to cell phone jammers.

    jammer cell phone perfect

    How Cell Phone Jammers Work

    By emitting a Radio Frequency (RF) signal stronger than the power emitted by the nearest cell phone base station or tower, cell phone jammers effectively disrupt cellular communication. The frequency of this RF signal closely resembles that used by cellular phone carriers, leading to the destabilization of the phone. The jamming primarily affects the downlink signal, causing the signal bars on your phone to disappear when it is being jammed.

    By blocking cellular signals, cell phone jammer not only impede regular communication, but also pose a grave threat by overpowering all frequencies, making it impossible to make a 911 emergency call. This is a major concern as it not only inhibits the reception of public safety messages, but also endangers individuals who urgently require mobile communication.

    Many countries have outlawed the use of cell phone jammers for several reasons. In the United States, individuals who choose to utilize such devices are knowingly breaking federal law.

    Cell Phone Jamming is Prohibited in the USA

    The United States, like many other nations, has imposed a ban on the utilization of cell phone jammers in almost every conceivable situation.

    The Federal Communications Commission has made it clear that federal law strictly forbids the operation, marketing, or sale of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications. This prohibition encompasses cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

    The sale, distribution, advertisement, importation, or marketing of wifi jamming device to consumers is illegal in the United States. If someone uses or promotes a jammer within the country, they may be subject to legal penalties.

    significant monetary penalties (fines of up to $11,000)

    seizure of the unlawful equipment

    criminal sanctions including imprisonment

    Usage of jamming equipment is not permitted in residences, businesses, vehicles, or classrooms, without any exemptions. Local law enforcement agencies do not have the authority to independently use jamming equipment. However, federal law enforcement agencies are authorized to employ jamming equipment in certain limited exceptions, as specified by applicable statutes.

    While signal jamming is against the law, the use of cell phone detectors is perfectly legal in the United States.

    How to Respond When Authorized Communication is Being Jammed

    Have you been encountering difficulties with your network connection? It is worth considering the possibility of a signal jammer causing interference. Keep in mind that there are multiple factors that can result in poor network connections, and signal jammers are one of them.

    faulty equipment

    physical obstructions that block the signal

    lawful devices that are operating on the same frequencies

    Prior to initiating an interference complaint through the FCC Consumer Complaint Center, it is advisable to troubleshoot any equipment and connectivity issues in accordance with the guidelines provided by the manufacturer and service provider. In addition to consulting your owner's manual and reaching out to the company's tech support, conducting an online search for your device/model and the specific issue can prove helpful in identifying or excluding possible causes.

  • Various settings require cell phone jammers for security purposes



    We ought to commend the teacher who deliberately interrupted phone signals within his classroom, recognizing that it is a singular environment where this intervention is warranted.

    multifunctional wireless signal blockers

    The incident involving teacher Dean Liptak, who is also a former pro-wrestler, facing backlash for his decision to block cell phone signals in his classroom at Fivay High School, was an inappropriate response from both the administrators and, quite frankly, the government.


    Without a doubt, his actions were unquestionably illegal. As per the Federal Communications Commission, the deliberate utilization of 'cell jammers' or comparable devices intended to intentionally obstruct, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications (such as signal blockers, GPS jammers, or text stoppers) is a direct violation of federal law. Moreover, it is important to note that the sale of jammers within the United States is strictly prohibited, although they can still be readily obtained from international sources, provided that the seller remains uncaught. It is crucial to highlight that only government employees are legally permitted to procure such equipment.


    Liptak's punishment seems lenient, as he only received a five-day suspension without pay. In contrast, a Florida man who had a jammer in his car for several months was fined a staggering $48,000. It is worth noting that there have been instances where a priest resorted to using a jammer during sermons and even a funeral, allegedly with permission from the police.


    Admittedly, the driver, the priest, and the teacher may have exercised questionable judgment when utilizing the jammers, as they inadvertently disrupted more than just their intended locations. However, their actions were driven by good intentions, and it could be contended that Liptak had the most compelling rationale of all: to compel the little troublemakers we affectionately call our future to finally pay heed.


    In the days of yore, distractions within the classroom were limited to occurrences such as catching a glimpse of something outside the window (SQUIRREL!), passing folded notes, or perhaps sneaking in a comic book. However, in the present day, a student can partake in all of those activities and a thousand more on a single screen. How can a teacher, regardless of their proficiency, effectively compete with the allure of YouTube, Snapchat, Trivia Crack, or even PornHub? Merely implementing a filter on the local school Wi-Fi network holds no significance for a student who possesses unlimited data from their parents' family plan.


    Instead of condemning Liptak, it is imperative for society to seek ways to empower teachers in need of assistance. The FCC and Congress should establish exceptions to the Communications Act of 1934, which serves as the basis for many restrictions on cell jammers. Enterprises should be permitted to explore new avenues for developing easily manageable jamming device.

    It is an indisputable fact that there are various scenarios where the careful deployment of jammers with limited and precisely calibrated range would be an excellent decision.




    I've been on the wrong end of a couple of cell phone calls at movie theaters in the last few years. Namely, in the middle of a movie, people's phones not only went off, but the idiot in question answered, then proceeded to have a conversation, at normal volume, as if that's perfectly okay, and not grounds for justifiable homicide. (At one of those films—the execrable Land of the Lost, so perhaps I should have been grateful for the distraction—I actually stood up and said to the offender, "Are you kidding me?" I like to think the rest of the audience applauded, but I couldn't hear anything over the hate-blood pounding in my ears.)


    Those who attend concerts, have a deep appreciation for Broadway productions, are avid film enthusiasts, and various others would be spared from such impoliteness if theaters made use of jammers that activated as soon as the lights dimmed. Granted, there may be occasional emergencies, doctors on call, or parents who need to ensure the babysitter can contact them, etc. Nevertheless, these individuals should explore alternative options for their night out.




    The sign should display: No shorts, No shoes, No phone usage, No service. Customers who fail to place an order with a server because they are engrossed in a phone call should be subject to a 35 percent tip automatically added to their bill. Alternatively, the bistro's signal blocker should disconnect these supposed customers—if their call is truly that significant, they can go outside.


    The Workplace


    It is widely acknowledged that email and the Internet have become indispensable tools in most office settings. However, the significance of cell phones in the workplace is subject to debate. According to a survey conducted by Pew Research, only 24 percent of adults with full- or part-time jobs consider a cell or smartphone as "very important" for accomplishing their work tasks. Moreover, research indicates that 50 percent of employers perceive cell phones as detrimental to workplace productivity.


    It is worth noting that there are plenty of locations where using a cell phone can be actively perilous. However, it is highly likely that cell phones are regularly brought onto warehouse or assembly line floors without detection. If employers had the ability to block signals while still permitting emergency calls, it would ensure the absence of any harm or wrongdoing.


    At Home


    No matter how much parents rely on parental control and monitoring software, it becomes an arduous task to encourage a child (or even the spouse or grandparents) to engage in conversation during family dinner once they have access to a smartphone with a data plan.


    Just like how parents have the capability and authority to disable the Wi-Fi connection at home, they should also have the choice to disable the cellular signal if they wish to do so. Attempting to take phones from individuals' hands and putting them in airplane mode is unlikely to be effective, and transforming the entire house into a Faraday cage is an extreme measure that should only be considered by those who are overly paranoid. However, having an in-home cell jammer should be a viable option whenever it is desired or necessary. (Remember to keep that landline, everyone.)


    All these illustrations rely on the availability of alternative communication lines during emergencies, or at least on individuals having enough mobility to move outside the range of the signal jammer. Unfortunately, at present, even those with the best intentions cannot utilize the limited technology available without significantly disrupting services beyond the boundaries of their classrooms, theaters, offices, or homes. If you suspect the use of an illegal jammer in your vicinity, please access the FCC online complaint portal or dial 1-888-CALL-FCC (or 1-888-225-5322).


    Prior to taking any action, it is important to consider whether you have genuinely encountered any adverse effects, or if perhaps, that hour without cell signal was the most enjoyable hour of your day. Additionally, if your signal is disrupted, it is unlikely that you will be able to place the call anyway.

  • The functioning mechanism of hidden camera detectors is a subject of interest



    Have you ever questioned whether there might be undisclosed surveillance cameras in hotels, vacation rentals, or other premises you have visited?

    Picturing yourself using your finances to embark on a tranquil vacation, only to later realize that you were being closely monitored every step of the way, is a rather distressing notion.

    Unfortunately, this has become a real-life situation for numerous travelers, despite its resemblance to the plot of a newly released horror movie.

    The discovery of Hidden Camera Detectors in their Airbnb accommodations has been reported by more than 10% of guests, offering a unique perspective.

    Additionally, hidden cameras have been found by people not only in public restrooms, but also in hotel rooms, dressing rooms, and various other settings.

    Although hidden cameras are sometimes utilized outdoors to enhance home security, it is essential to be aware that certain individuals may exploit them for malevolent motives, such as prying into your personal life and infringing upon your privacy.

    Within the realm of social media, one can observe a plethora of advertisements endorsing gadgets that claim to detect concealed cameras and bugs, which may pose a threat to your privacy in your home, hotel room, or Airbnb. However, their actual usefulness is a subject of inquiry.

    The continuous miniaturization and affordability of cameras and listening devices have raised concerns about their potential misuse for intrusive surveillance. These concerns have been amplified by widely publicized news stories, creating a market for anti-spy devices to address this growing fear.

    The usual areas where one may come across covertly positioned cameras.

    Having knowledge of these customary areas enables a speedier detection of them.

    Here are the typical areas where covert cameras are frequently positioned.

    Hidden Camera

    Electronic Devices

    The strategic placement of hidden cameras within telephones, power outlets, and other electronic devices is advantageous due to their constant power requirements. This perpetual power supply allows the hidden camera to function continuously, 24/7.

    The retail market for "spy cameras" often features devices equipped with USB ports for convenient charging. This has led to the widespread use of USB-powered items such as memory sticks and phone chargers as common disguises.

    Smoke Detectors and Alarms

    Concealing a camera within alarm devices, including smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, or similar devices, is a possibility worth considering. It is worth noting that these devices can effectively utilize the alarm's battery as a dependable power supply.

    The ceiling's wide lens grants a comprehensive view of the entire room, while its height adds a touch of inaccessibility.


    The detection of hidden cameras concealed within mirrors can be achieved by shining light on them from various angles, coupled with the meticulous observation of the mirror's surface when all lights are turned off.

    Acting as hidden windows, two-way mirrors effectively obscure any view from one side to the other. By placing a camera lens against the transparent surface, its presence becomes inconspicuous, especially when observed from a distance.

    Toilets and Bathrooms

    Hidden cameras are strategically deployed for a variety of reasons, such as spying, extortion, and intelligence gathering. Bathrooms, in particular, have become a popular choice for these surreptitious devices, driven by the desire for voyeuristic activities.

    The possibility of concealing waterproof cameras inside toilets exists, with the edge of the seat serving as a clever camouflage to obscure the device from an overhead perspective, or by discreetly drilling it into the porcelain material.

    Surveillance in bathrooms, whether they are public or private, is illegal under the law. It is essential to report any presence of CCTV cameras, even if they are not hidden within toilets or cubicles, without delay.

    Do hidden camera detector apps work?

    Hidden camera detector apps serve as a swift method to detect hidden devices, although their accuracy is inferior to that of dedicated radio frequency detectors. Nevertheless, they can be of assistance in identifying infrared lights.

    If you possess a night vision camera such as AlfredCam, you can effortlessly assess the app's performance by testing its ability to detect the infrared lights emitted by the device when night vision mode is activated.

    Should I call the police if I find a hidden camera?

    If you happen to stumble upon a hidden camera or microphone, it is of utmost importance to promptly reach out to the police. In case you are away from your home, it is advisable to notify the hotel administration and/or the booking service you have utilized.

    The hidden camera should not be touched as the police will obtain fingerprints upon their arrival. If it is not possible to leave the vicinity immediately, it is recommended to utilize a towel or blanket to cover the device.

  • Which vehicles come equipped with built-in GPS tracking?



    The inclusion of GPS tracking systems has become a standard feature in nearly all newly manufactured cars. This advanced technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of your vehicle, allowing you to track its location in real-time. Statistical forecasts suggest that within the next five years, an overwhelming 98% of vehicles in the United States will be fitted with a GPS tracking system.

    Are you considering the purchase of your child's first car and contemplating safety features such as GPS tracking? The endeavor of car shopping becomes even more challenging when it involves buying your teenager's initial vehicle. After all, you are entrusting the safety of your beloved child on the road.

    In my personal opinion, GPS tracking is an indispensable characteristic for any car. When assisting my brother in the selection of my niece's first vehicle, I ensured that he opted for one equipped with an integrated GPS tracking system. This allows him to effortlessly monitor his cherished daughter.

    jammer phone

    GPS Tracking In Cars

    We are all well-acquainted with the concept of GPS tracking, be it in the context of our mobile devices or our cars. GPS has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives.

    What Exactly Is GPS Tracking?

    The Global Positioning System, abbreviated as GPS, facilitates the remote monitoring of an object's location. With the aid of GPS technology, one can precisely track the longitude, latitude, course of direction, and ground speed of a target.

    Discover comprehensive insights into GPS Tracking by exploring WhatIs, an authoritative reference and self-education website focused on Information Technology (IT).

    How Do GPS Tracking Devices Work?

    Recognizing the mechanics behind GPS is as essential as understanding its concept. According to National Geographic, GPS operates by means of a constellation consisting of 24 satellites that meticulously encircle the Earth in a specific orbit.

    GPS receivers, such as those found in phones or cars, are programmed to receive signals from satellites continuously. Through the measurement of signal travel time from a minimum of three satellites, the GPS receiver is able to accurately establish its own location. This process is commonly referred to as trilateration.

    Do All New Cars Have GPS Tracking Devices?

    The Zebra, an insurance company, has revealed that there are around 78 million cars in the United States that possess a built-in GPS tracking system. It is projected that within the next five years, an estimated 98% of cars in the country will be equipped with GPS trackers. However, it is important to note that the installation of GPS trackers in vehicles is not currently enforced by law in the United States.

    The logistics software company, Transfinder, has officially stated that GPS navigation for personal vehicles was introduced in 2001. Consequently, it can be inferred that vehicles manufactured prior to this year may not come equipped with built-in GPS navigation. Noteworthy car brands such as Nissan, Hyundai, and Ford provide factory-installed GPS navigation systems.

    What Is The Best Place To Hide GPS In Your Car?

    If the car you’re getting for your child doesn’t have a GPS built-in and you’re opting you get one for them, then you need to know the best place to install the GPS device. Here are the best places to hide a GPS device in your teen’s car:

    When it comes to hiding a GPS tracking device, the undercarriage of a car proves to be an excellent choice. This is primarily due to the magnetic mount feature present in most GPS devices, allowing for a secure and worry-free attachment to the metallic part of the vehicle. I have personally assisted a friend in the installation of a GPS using this method.

    For installing a GPS device in your teenager's car, consider the front or rear bumper as a prime location, with The Bumper being a notable option. While it is possible to remove the bumper for installation, in the majority of cases, securely affixing the GPS to the car's bumper using velcro is a reliable alternative.

    Installing a GPS device inside the dashboard, below the steering wheel, offers a discreet solution. While the installation process may pose some difficulties, this hidden placement ensures that it remains inconspicuous, making it less vulnerable to removal by thieves or curious teenagers, like my niece.

    How To Find Hidden GPS Device On Your Car?

    Although GPS navigation is beneficial in ensuring the safety of you, your teenager, and your vehicle, it can also be misused by criminals to track your or your teenager's car. To understand the laws in your state regarding the installation of a tracker on your vehicle, you can consult the National Conference of State Legislatures.

    Generally, though, it’s illegal in the U.S. for someone to install a tracker on someone else’s vehicle without their consent. If you have suspicions about someone tracking your vehicle, here’s how to find a hidden GPS device in your car:

    A comprehensive examination of both the interior and exterior of your vehicle is crucial when searching for a GPS device. Thoroughly inspecting areas like the undercarriage, dashboard, inside the bumpers, and even under the hood is highly recommended. It is worth mentioning that these very same areas are often utilized by criminals to conceal GPS devices.

    To avoid the inconvenience of conducting a physical inspection, employing a GPS detector is a prudent choice. A valuable article by GPS Tracker Shop delves into the intricacies of a GPS scanner and its operational mechanisms. This efficient tool can swiftly detect GPS devices, even if they were missed during a physical inspection.

    If you desire a thorough examination, it is prudent to consult a skilled mechanic who can assist in identifying any concealed GPS devices within your vehicle.

    Can Remove Or Block GPS Tracking On A New Car?

    If you happen to find a hidden GPS tracker in your car or your teenager's car, it can be removed. However, if your car is equipped with a built-in GPS system, removing it won't be an option. Nonetheless, you can effectively block GPS signals by using a GPS blocker. Take a look at the selection of GPS jammers available at the signal jammers Store.

    If you wish to disable the GPS device, another option is to extract its battery. In case this method proves unsuccessful, it is recommended to consult a qualified mechanic who can perform the removal for you.

  • Dallas store owner by unlawfully obstructing her employees ability to make phone calls


    cell phone

    The FCC has reported that the store owner proposed selling the signal jammers to the agent. Despite this, the agent politely declined the offer and proceeded to issue a Notice of Unlicensed Radio Operation, clearly stating the illegal nature of signal jammer operation.

    Despite their illegality, a Dallas store owner took the unconventional route of utilizing cellular signal jammers. The underlying purpose behind this decision was to discourage her employees from wasting valuable time on their phones.

    The recent FCC report underscores the intricate landscape of deliberate cellular interference, revealing the widespread use of commonly accessible cellphone jammers.

    phone jammer illegally blocked

    The FCC's report reveals that a complaint was filed by an AT&T employee with the commission, raising concerns about the potential use of a phone jammer near Ravi's Import Warehouse in Dallas. The website of this vast store emphasizes its wide array of affordable goods.

    The complaint prompted the FCC, the US government agency responsible for allocating and managing the nation's airwaves, to launch an investigation.

    As per the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), after reaching the company's premises, their agent had a conversation with Anita Bhatia, who claimed ownership of Ravi's. The FCC's official statement indicates that Bhatia admitted to the agent that Ravi's employed a signal jammer as a means of prohibiting its employees from using mobile phones during their work hours.

    In 2019, Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, pursued the passage of a bill that would have enabled state and federal penitentiaries to employ jamming devices. Unfortunately, his efforts did not succeed.

    As per a recent report by ABC, the primary trade association of the US wireless industry continues to oppose the utilization of cellular signal jammers in prisons. CTIA, the association responsible, highlights the necessity for a multi-faceted and collaborative strategy to address the challenge of contraband phones. CTIA recognizes the seriousness of the issue and actively advocates for the implementation of solutions such as Managed Access Systems, which intercept calls originating from unauthorized phones while safeguarding lawful communications. The industry has made substantial commitments in terms of resources and funding to assist corrections officials in combating this problem and maintains ongoing cooperation with policymakers at all levels of government to ensure the adoption of effective solutions.

    The subject of signal jammers is a matter of worldwide concern, and it should be noted that not all jammers are intended for malicious purposes. A case in point is a recent incident highlighted by ZDNet, where a father in France employed a signal jammer to restrict his children's access to social media during nighttime. However, this well-intentioned action unintentionally resulted in the disruption of internet connectivity for the entire town.

  • After employees were caught with $2.5 million in contraband, the state prison system has introduced measures to monitor illicit mobile phones


    cell phone

    The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) is currently developing an innovative approach to detect unauthorized cell phones within its prison system in Columbia, S.C. (WIS).

    military jamming

    On Thursday, an announcement was made regarding a pioneering cellphone tracking trial, which followed the arrest and charging of two SCDC officers involved in a substantial contraband seizure at the Broad River Correctional Institution on July 1st.

    Alexis Simone Tucker, a 27-year-old individual residing in Columbia, has been formally charged with multiple serious offenses. These include trafficking methamphetamines weighing 400 grams or more, trafficking cocaine exceeding 200 grams, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, providing contraband to prisoners, misconduct in office, and involvement in a drug conspiracy.

    The prison authorities discovered that Tucker had managed to bring in various illicit packages by concealing them within a work bag clearly marked with the SCDC label.

    Jorge L. Romero Navarro, a 46-year-old resident of Columbia, is facing charges of misconduct in office and drug conspiracy.

    Navarro was arrested in connection with Tucker because it was alleged that he purposefully averted his gaze when Tucker brought illegal goods into the prison.

    In its statement, the SCDC disclosed that the total contraband seized encompassed 3,249 grams of marijuana, 1,485 grams of tobacco, 982 cigar wraps, 605 grams of methamphetamine, 217 grams of cocaine, 27 cellphones, chargers, game controllers, air pods, and various other prohibited items.

    SCDC Director Bryan Stirling emphasized the extensive surveillance system in place, with an abundance of cameras scattered throughout various locations. This vast network enables us to closely monitor and comprehend ongoing activities.

    WIS was informed by Stirling about his disappointment regarding the engagement of his staff in criminal activities. However, the interception on Saturday served as a powerful reminder of the vital role cell phone jammer play within state prisons.

    Stirling highlights that signal jamming wifi has been a matter of extensive discourse at the national level for almost two decades. This strategy primarily aims to disrupt cellphone coverage within prisons, thereby preventing inmates from engaging in illegal activities facilitated by contraband phones.

    Despite extensive talks spanning two decades, the United States maintains its prohibition on the use of technology that blocks mobile calls.

    However, during this interim period, we successfully negotiated with the industry to enable the deactivation of these phones. It is important to emphasize that this is not signal jamming and it will not immediately shut down the phone. Instead, its purpose is to assist us in identifying the phones, as highlighted by Stirling.

    This summer, SCDC is poised to revolutionize the correctional system by being the first to adopt an innovative method for locating cell phones used by inmates.

    Stirling informed WIS that the test will utilize mobile device identification to trace illegal calls made from within the prison premises.

    The interception of mobile IDs will grant SCDC the authority to remotely shut down the device by initiating communication with the service provider.

    Once our testing is finalized, we will proceed to the FCC and present our operational product, urging them to grant us the necessary permissions. With the allocated funds, we will then endeavor to implement this solution across all correctional facilities. If our efforts prove fruitful, we will approach the legislature to emphasize the need for widespread adoption.

    As of now, the information available indicates that cell phones are fetching a price of roughly $6,000 within the confines of a prison.

    Stirling's strategy involves shutting down a significant number of phones in order to artificially inflate the price to unrealistic levels.

    Stirling's final remarks emphasized the potential decrease in criminal incidents if cell phones were turned off. This measure would have a substantial impact on curbing various crimes, both within prisons and in the surrounding areas. Drug dealing, violence, and other related activities would witness a significant slowdown. It is worth noting that events occurring within prison boundaries often have far-reaching consequences.

    The SCDC is not at liberty to disclose the specific timeframe for the test's initiation or conclusion.

    Officials have reported that Tucker and Navarro were held at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, but they have now been released.

    In case you come across any spelling or grammar errors in this article, please report them by clicking or tapping here, and don't forget to mention the headline.

  • Is it feasible for a mobile phone signal jammer to pass through a wall and impede the signal?


    wall block

    To ascertain the capability of a mobile phone signal jammer to offer complete wall-to-wall shielding, it is imperative to examine different circumstances.


    Take a moment to examine the mobile phone signal shielding device itself. This device emits a radio frequency signal that is specifically targeted at mobile phone signals. As this signal encounters obstacles in its transmission path, it undergoes attenuation. The degree of attenuation varies depending on the nature of the obstacles it encounters. For example, when faced with an entire steel-concrete wall or a brick-concrete wall, as well as a reinforced concrete wall followed by two consecutive brick-concrete walls, the signal is capable of effectively blocking small and medium-power mobile phone signals. The radio frequency signal emitted by the device is attenuated, thereby preventing the shielded mobile phone signal from penetrating through the wall. It is important to note that the shielded mobile phone signal, being a wireless signal, lacks the ability to pass through obstacles and reflect.


    Mobile phone signals can be blocked to different extents depending on the type of wall material used. For instance, walls made of light steel keel gypsum board or glass, as well as wooden doors, offer lower levels of attenuation. Additionally, even when the mobile phone signal is blocked, it can still affect the space behind the wall through open doors and windows or by reflecting and refracting off the wall, creating a false perception of the signal-blocking device having the ability to penetrate.


    A signal jammer with a protective metal casing.


    Does the utilization of a metal casing enhance the performance of this signal jammer?


    Initially, let's delve into the advantages offered by this specific signal jammer.


    With its simple yet effective structure, the aluminum profile excels in dissipating heat. Widely recognized as the preferred material for heat dissipation, it boasts remarkable performance in this aspect. Additionally, the heat dissipation teeth of the profile can be customized into diverse shapes, enabling seamless integration as the protective shell of a signal jammers. This not only adds to the product's visual appeal but also highlights the meticulous craftsmanship involved.


    The affordability of aluminum profiles stems from their high production volume and extensive usability. This, in turn, significantly diminishes the material expenses involved in manufacturing signal jammers. Moreover, it eliminates the necessity for a dedicated housing, thereby reducing costs even further.


    Next, we shall discuss the negative aspects of signal jammers that come with metal casings.


    The product's unappealing appearance stems from its metal casing and the direct screwing of external antennas onto its body. To ensure comprehensive signal blocking for 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and WIFI, a mobile phone jammer requires a minimum of 10-12 frequency bands, which translates to the need for 10-12 antennas. Consequently, the device takes on the resemblance of a hedgehog, devoid of any aesthetic charm.


    The metal casing, functioning as a radiator, is designed to dissipate a substantial amount of heat generated by the signal shield during extended operation. Consequently, the temperature of the casing rises rapidly, and at times, the surface temperature can even reach 60-70 degrees. It is crucial to refrain from direct contact with your hands to prevent the possibility of burns.

    Using a mobile phone signal jammer through walls is not recommended, whether it is a high-power or small-to-medium-power device. The main reason behind this is the lack of guaranteed shielding effect. Therefore, it is advisable to install the mobile phone signal blocking device in a location where the need to block mobile phone signals arises, rather than relying on its usage through walls.

  • A total of 1,600 individuals were surreptitiously recorded in hotel rooms across South Korea



    Two individuals have been apprehended and another duo is currently under investigation in relation to the recent scandal that unfolded in South Korea. Numerous covert cameras were discovered concealed within digital TV boxes, wall sockets, and hairdryer holders.

    A tourist has reported discovering concealed cameras in his Miami Airbnb accommodation.1. A tourist has reported discovering concealed cameras in his Miami Airbnb accommodation.

    Max Vest entered the two-bedroom apartment he had leased, only to discover two devices discreetly connected to power outlets. One was cleverly concealed beneath a sizable mirror, while the other was inconspicuously positioned beneath an air freshener. Subsequently, law enforcement authorities verified that these devices were, in fact, covert surveillance cameras.

    Hidden Camera Detectors

    The arrest of an Airbnb host has taken place due to the unlawful act of secretly recording videos of more than 2,000 tourists.

    Jay Allee was initially apprehended in November 2021, following a report from a guest at his San Antonio rental who alerted the authorities about a power adapter that was covertly designed as a camera. The local police subsequently verified the presence of a camera.

    A male individual has been accused of surreptitiously placing a surveillance camera inside the restroom of a Starbucks establishment.

    Officers were dispatched to the Starbucks located at 1815 Hillsdale Ave. in response to a call reporting the discovery of a camera inside a pipe that had been forcefully opened in the restroom. Swiftly, the officers retrieved and confiscated the cameras.

    Is this something you recognize?

    Envision this situation: You have just arrived at your designated hotel room, anticipating a tranquil retreat, only to stumble upon a surreptitious camera surreptitiously surveilling you from an inconspicuous vantage point.

    Unbeknownst to you, you find yourself in a situation where you have unknowingly rented an Airbnb accommodation that is equipped with concealed cameras, meticulously recording your every action. Alternatively, envision a distressing scenario where your private moments are surreptitiously captured by hidden cameras in locker rooms or public restrooms, leaving you exposed and vulnerable.

    In our present society, there exists an ongoing apprehension of being surreptitiously monitored, pursued, or extorted without one's permission. However, there is now an opportunity to maintain a proactive stance!

    Discover effective strategies to overcome vulnerability.

    Rest assured that if you have ever experienced concerns regarding covert surveillance through concealed cameras and the subsequent loss of your essential feeling of safety, you can now find solace in knowing that those worries can be put to rest.

    The ultimate concealed camera detector eliminates all the inconvenience and uncertainty associated with uncovering hidden cameras, providing you with a renewed sense of security.

    Simply press a button, conduct a search, and then unwind and relax!

    Exercise caution! They have the potential to be present in any location.

    Hidden cameras, commonly referred to as spy cameras, possess the ability to be inconspicuously positioned within any given setting. Certain models are incredibly minuscule, rendering them imperceptible to the unaided eye. These devices surreptitiously encroach upon your personal sphere, unbeknownst to you, thereby laying bare your intimate instances and leaving you vulnerable to potential extortion, deceit, or even graver consequences.

    8th Street Hidden Camera Detectors ensures the utmost protection, safeguarding your personal space and granting you absolute tranquility.

    Avoid becoming the next target.

    According to a recent survey conducted among 2,000 Airbnb guests, a significant majority of 1,400 individuals expressed their apprehension regarding the presence of concealed cameras in their rented accommodations.

    Hidden cameras are more prevalent than one might imagine. Extensive coverage by reputable sources such as The New York Times, Washington Post, and BBC has shed light on this matter. It is alarming to realize that any hotel, Airbnb, or restroom could potentially harbor a concealed surveillance camera without your awareness.

  • Can the mobile phone signal jammer disrupt the signal of the base station?

    Individuals who have undergone extensive examinations are well-acquainted with this phenomenon, as it is frequently mentioned prior to the exam that mobile phone signal jammers might be deployed within the examination venue. In certain instances, the examination rooms themselves explicitly notify candidates through the integrated speakers, ensuring that they are aware of the presence of mobile phone signal jammers within the examination premises.


    The primary purpose of a mobile phone signal jammer is to disrupt or block the transmission of signals between mobile devices and cellular towers.


    Mobile phone signal jammers are employed to disrupt mobile phone calls and network transmission within a specific vicinity. Typically, these devices find application at college entrance examination venues to deter certain students from surreptitiously carrying advanced electronic gadgets into the examination room for cheating purposes. However, it should be noted that the primary objective of a cell phone signal jammer extends beyond this particular scenario.


    To guarantee the security of crucial locations and positions, numerous confidential establishments will deploy mobile phone signal jammers in select sensitive areas, adhering to pertinent management regulations and requirements. These jammers effectively disrupt the transmission and reception of mobile phone signals, including 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, and other signals, within a specific range. Consequently, communication connections and data transmission become unattainable, effectively enforcing a mandatory ban.


    Mobile phone signal jammers possess the capability to obstruct mobile phone signals. These devices are commonly employed in examination rooms to deter candidates from engaging in cheating activities. Due to their remarkable shielding effectiveness, mobile phone signal jammers have raised concerns among individuals regarding their potential impact on base station signals within the vicinity or surrounding communities.


    A mobile phone signal blocker operates by emitting targeted signals to disrupt, obstruct, or impede the connection between a mobile phone and the base station. As a result, the mobile phone is unable to receive any signal or access network services. Additionally, the text messages transmitted and received by the mobile phone will be distorted, rendering the original content unrecognizable.


    An installation plan for the outdoor signal jammer is being devised.


    In order to install the signal jammer outdoors, it is crucial to implement waterproofing and lightning protection measures. It is generally advised to opt for a dedicated installation box designed specifically for signal jammers. This installation box is constructed using flame-retardant plastic and can be extended with additional meters on both sides. It features a window-type ventilation position to enhance heat dissipation. The antenna of the mobile phone jammer protrudes from the top of the box through a sealed hole using hot melt glue. At the bottom of the box, there are power input holes and diversion holes to prevent water accumulation.

    8 Bands Jammer

    The signal jammer's host is positioned at the top of the box, while the antenna protrudes from it. It is crucial for the antenna to extend out of the box to maintain the optimal shielding effect. As for the power adapter, it should be placed in the lower and middle section of the box.


    It is imperative to implement lightning protection measures when installing the signal jammer (along with the installation box) outdoors, for instance, on the exterior wall of a building. This precaution becomes even more crucial in areas prone to thunderstorms. Extra attention should be given to ensure safety in such circumstances.


    The installation of a lightning rod on the shield is the actual measure taken for lightning protection. In case a ready-made lightning rod is not available for purchase, one can create their own lightning rod using the following method.


    You have the option to select 3-4 steel bars ranging from 5-10mm in diameter and 50cm in length. One end of each bar is sharpened to resemble a needle, while the other end is welded together to create a "Y" shape. The welded end is then connected to a steel bar with a diameter of 2-3mm. The ground, where the iron wire is protected by PVC pipes, is connected to one end of the iron wire. This iron wire is further connected to an iron strip. Typically, the iron strip measures around 50-100cm in length and 2-5cm in width, and is driven deep into the ground. In case iron strips are not readily available, you can substitute them with 10mm steel bars.


    It is imperative to install the lightning rod at a height of 30-50cm above the antenna of the mobile phone signal jammer. To avoid any interference, it is crucial that the lightning rod, including the grounded steel wire, does not come into contact with either the mobile phone jammer or the installation box. The appropriate distance between them should be maintained.
