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  • Let state prisons jam cellphones



    Renowned state prosecutors from across the nation are reiterating their plea to Congress, urging the passage of legislation that would empower state prisons to interfere with cellphone signals utilized by inmates. These prosecutors contend that these devices facilitate the planning of violent acts and the execution of crimes.


    A letter penned by 22 Republican prosecutors, led by South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, was sent to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The prosecutors stressed the importance of Congress passing legislation that would grant states the authority to establish a cell phone jamming system. The primary objective of this system is to ensure the safety of inmates, guards, and the general public.


    According to Wilson's office, they have plans to communicate with Democratic state prosecutors, highlighting that the issue is not driven by partisanship.


    The attorneys have furnished a letter to The Associated Press, which references several criminal incidents. According to the attorneys, these incidents were orchestrated by inmates using illegal cellphones. Notable among these incidents are a drug conspiracy in Tennessee and a double homicide hit that was allegedly ordered by an inmate from Indiana.


    Moreover, a 2018 gang-related siege that unfolded at a prison in South Carolina was also cited. This distressing event lasted for over seven hours and resulted in the tragic deaths of seven inmates. One prisoner vividly described the horrifying scene of bodies piled on top of each other, resembling a macabre woodpile. Corrections officials placed blame on the coordinated violence, which stands as the most severe prison riot in the United States in the last 25 years, partly on the presence of illicit cellphones.


    The prosecutors contended that if inmates were denied the use of contraband cell phones, it would serve as an effective means to prevent the proliferation of drug trafficking, deadly riots, and various other criminal activities.


    Prosecutors are demanding a modification in a federal communications law that has been in effect for nearly a century, as it currently prohibits state prisons from employing jamming signal technology to render illicit cell signals useless. This change is necessary to counter the methods used to transport phones, including concealing them inside hollowed-out footballs, smuggling them in through corrupt employees, and occasionally even dropping them via drones.


    The ongoing battle against illegal cellphones in state prisons has been a long-standing endeavor, championed by South Carolina Corrections Director Bryan Stirling. He has been at the forefront of a nationwide movement among corrections directors, urging for the adoption of advanced technology to crack down on contraband phones.


    In 2021, a significant triumph was realized when the Federal Communications Commission implemented a regulation that would enable state prison systems to seek permits for the purpose of identifying and disabling illegal cell signals, one by one, in collaboration with cellphone providers. South Carolina was the first state to apply for this technology, but Stirling informed AP on Tuesday that no progress has been made on the state's application.


    Stirling clarified that federal prisons are permitted to block cell signals within their walls, although they have not yet taken advantage of this allowance.


    Jamming technology is met with opposition from CTIA, a wireless industry group, as it fears the potential disruption of lawful phone calls. Nonetheless, according to a 2020 FCC document, CTIA has informed the commission that it has been successfully working alongside its member companies to discontinue service to contraband devices in compliance with court orders they have obtained.


    Calling combating contraband phones “a serious issue,” CTIA officials said in a statement to the AP that the “wireless industry remains committed to working with corrections officials and policymakers at all levels of government to implement effective solutions that combat contraband phones while protecting lawful communications.”


    Despite an email request for comment on the renewed push for jamming, the FCC officials have not promptly replied.


    The topic of jamming legislation has been previously examined by Congress, but no bills have been passed into law or even received a hearing. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, reintroduced a comparable proposal in August during the previous Congress.


    “We’re not going to stop advocating,” Wilson told AP on Tuesday. “I can only hope that at some point, Congress is going to take note.”

  • Reports Of Cheating At Colleges Soar During The Pandemic


    cell phone

    With the imminent arrival of the exam, the utilization of 5G signal jammers has been extensively promoted and put into practice. These mobile phone jammer are actively employed and can be spotted in exam rooms across major schools. The rationale behind the escalating installation of this equipment in educational institutions is worth exploring.

    8 Bands Jammer

    Mariam Aly, an assistant professor at Columbia University, has employed a range of strategies in her quest to prevent her students from cheating. In her cognitive neuroscience class, she grants her students a week to finalize an open-book exam. Additionally, as part of this exam, the class's nearly 180 students must adhere to an honor code by signing it.


    Nonetheless, the act of cheating persists. When it comes to handling student misconduct, she claims it to be the most challenging part of her profession. Aly acknowledges, "It creates an awkward and painful situation for all parties involved." She further states, "It is exceedingly difficult to place blame solely on them. One cannot help but feel disappointed and frustrated."


    She acknowledges that her students are facing extraordinary levels of stress and uncertainty, and she can empathize with them. Having never attended school during a pandemic, she understands the unique challenges they are going through.


    The level of popularity attained by something is contingent upon the demand it generates. This phenomenon can be attributed to the growing prevalence of cheating, which has become more and more widespread in recent years, accompanied by the frequent appearance of alarming cheating methods.


    To address the problem in an effective manner, a specialized form of shielding equipment is utilized within the examination room to counteract cheating facilitated by electronic signals. The presence of this equipment proves immensely beneficial for a wide range of examinations, leading to an increasing number of individuals choosing to employ it as a means of preventing cheating.


    With its advanced technology, this type of exam signal blocker can efficiently disrupt the communication signals of 5G mobile phones, as well as effectively block 2.4G and 5.8G WIFI signals. Consequently, individuals using mobile phones or specific electronic devices will encounter signal transmission and reception issues within the designated range of this shielding device.


    Regardless of the product, only this guarantee can provide fairness to test takers who struggle with their exams, and this exam signal jammer operates in complete silence and without any noise. This shielding technique poses no harm to the human body, allowing candidates to take the exam with peace of mind.

  • Homemade Cell Phone Signal Jammer



    FCC regulations typically classify cellular phone jammers as illegal due to their adverse impact on the communication systems of emergency personnel, who extensively rely on the same frequency as cell phones for their essential communications, including their own use of mobile devices.Despite this, prisons, educational institutions, and city administrations have launched campaigns to permit the use of signal jammers. The primary purpose of these efforts is to deter cheating in classrooms, maintain the concentration of taxi drivers and limo chauffeurs on the road, and prevent inmates from utilizing smuggled mobile phones.


    Wave Bubble Cell Phone Jammers


    Due to their illegality, cell phone jammer can only be acquired through illegal means from foreign sources or assembled illicitly at home. Proficiency in manipulating chips and antennae is essential for this endeavor. Notably, the Wave Bubble Jammer is capable of disrupting a wide range of radio frequencies, extending beyond those utilized by cell phones.Installation of a lithium-ion battery is essential to provide power, enabling a jamming duration of two to four hours, depending on the frequencies in proximity. Recharging options encompass a USB connector or a standard 4 mm DC jack. Additionally, AAA batteries can be utilized as an alternative.


    Two antennae extend from the microchips in the jammer, enabling it to intercept a wide range of frequencies within a radius of twenty to twenty-five feet.A significant level of complex SMT soldering is essential to install the specific chips required for this device to operate effectively. These chips encompass multiple TSSOP and SOT chips, 0603 RC's, along with obscure components. Furthermore, the construction and debugging process necessitate the use of specialized equipment.The unavailability of specific sources for these is attributed to the device's illegal status within the United States.


    Cell Phones Modified to Jammers


    Several cell phone jammers have been modified from outdated cell phones to operate on the identical frequency as the targeted cell phone, emitting a tone that renders any conversation on the phone impossible. It is worth noting that these devices are illegal and constructing them oneself is a complex task, requiring proficiency in soldering microchips and manipulating radio frequencies.Similar to cell phone jammers, police CB radios operate by scanning and capturing all frequencies within their vicinity, ensuring effective communication over the CB. However, cell phone jammers go the extra mile by blocking transmissions.


    A substantial number of nefarious wireless devices exist with the explicit intention of causing deliberate interference in wireless networks. Despite their unequivocal illegality, these devices can now be readily acquired online for a reasonable sum.


    These jammers operate by generating a potent wireless signal that disrupts the physical layer of the wireless communication protocol being utilized. Consequently, they have the capacity to interfere with protocols across various frequency bands. Their primary impact is on the medium, which represents the first layer of the OSI stack.Consequently, any upper layer employed for communication will be impacted. This encompasses Wifi, bluetooth, 3G, 4G, GSM, GPS, and other communication technologies. It is akin to an eccentric individual who disrupts a conversation by shouting. Regardless of whether the speakers are conversing in English or Russian, they will no longer be able to engage in meaningful communication.

  • Quest Mechanic «Signal - Part 1»

    After the new wipe that made its way into Escape from tarkov on 28th December, players have been trying to grind in the game and have been completing quests given by traders to reap rewards, experience points, and reputation. Broadcast - Part 1 Quest is the starting point for a series of quests under trader Sergey Arsenyevich Samoylov, known by his alias "Mechanic." Once you finish this quest, you will have the opportunity to finish the other Broadcast quests and also do other ones offered by Mechanic. This particular quest happens on Lighthouse, the eighth location that was added to the game.

    8 Bands Jammer

    When you take up this quest from the Mechanic, he says that he does not really understand anything in life and that he heard something about a live broadcast in the city somewhere. He adds, “They say that someone is performing surgeries and filming it on their camera. I'd understand if it was an actually good willed doctor helping people. I would even understand if there was an organ trade, although that in itself is disgusting. But tell me, why stream this? Is this a kink for some perverted oligarchs? I honestly don't have an answer. But I do know that this broadcast must be shut down. Can you put a cell phone blocker near them?”

    The Broadcast - Part 1 quest objectives are:

    Locate the hidden recording studio on Lighthouse

    Place a Signal Jammer inside the studio

    For this task, you will need the Operating Room key. This can be found in the pockets and bags of Scavs as well as in jackets. However, that being said, it is a rare key. It can sometimes also be bought from the flea market.

    Firstly, you will have to go to the Water Treatment Plant on Lighthouse for this quest and enter Building 1. Your PMC will start just outside Building 1 and as you enter it, you will have to hug the right-side wall and walk all the way straight till you find a door. This door leads you to the Operating Room where you will use the key.

    Once you enter the room, you will immediately be prompted to plant the signal jammers anywhere in the room. It is a 10-second timer and if you happen to die while planting, you will have to start from scratch. However, the good news is, if you successfully plant the jammer, the Broadcast - Part 1 quest will get auto completed and you will not have to survive an extract from the raid.

  • The rise in Wi-Fi interference has been linked to an increase in burglaries



    Wi-Fi jammers: The tool of choice for criminals

    The use of Wi-Fi jammers in burglaries is on the rise, indicating a growing trend among burglars. To counteract this, the police have taken proactive measures by securing arrest warrants to thoroughly investigate and apprehend those involved.Exploiting vulnerabilities present in wireless networks, thieves and criminal organizations are capitalizing on these weaknesses, while law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing these criminals by means of arrest warrants. By employing signal jammers, these perpetrators can effectively disable security systems and surveillance cameras, enabling them to clandestinely infiltrate homes without raising any red flags for the police.

    Exploit wireless network vulnerabilities

    Due to the extensive adoption of wireless networks in residential settings, perpetrators and criminal syndicates have discovered an alternative method to perpetrate illegal actions without legal permission. Exploiting the dependence of numerous home security systems and cameras on Wi-Fi connections for communication and surveillance, thieves take advantage of this vulnerability.This legal loophole was cleverly employed by the crew to evade the requirement of a search warrant. By utilizing Wi-Fi jammers, thieves can effectively disrupt these connections, rendering security measures useless without proper authorization.

    Disable security systems and cameras

    The presence of Wi-Fi interference raises apprehension as it allows thieves to tamper with the signals that security systems and cameras heavily depend on. By disabling these devices, criminals can carry out their illicit actions without the worry of being recorded or triggering any alarms.

    By employing this technique, they gain a significant upper hand as they can enter the residence without alerting anyone or leaving any incriminating evidence, even in the absence of a search warrant. Moreover, it affords them a greater window of opportunity to act before authorities or homeowners become aware of the intrusion, without requiring a warrant.

    The mechanism of Wi-Fi interference

    Jamming wireless signal

    Wi-Fi interference serves as a tactic employed by criminals to hinder or obstruct wireless signals, effectively preventing communication between devices connected to a Wi-Fi network. The radio frequencies emitted by these jammers can disrupt the seamless operation of the Wi-Fi network, resulting in its unreliability or complete inability to function.

    Radio frequency interference

    The functioning of jammers involves the transmission of radio signals on the same frequency band utilized by Wi-Fi networks. This interference hampers the smooth transmission and reception of data packets, thereby rendering it impossible for legitimate users to gain access to the network. Consequently, individuals attempting to connect to the targeted network will encounter severe connectivity problems or may find it completely unattainable.

    Wi-Fi networks can be subjected to specific frequency bands through the use of different types of jammers. For instance, certain jammers are designed to operate on the 2.4 GHz band, which is commonly utilized by older Wi-Fi standards like 802.11b/g/n. On the other hand, there are jammers that can specifically target the 5 GHz band used by newer standards such as 802.11ac/ax.

    By concentrating on specific frequency bands, criminals possess the ability to selectively disrupt devices or networks with certain capabilities and vulnerabilities. This strategic approach empowers them to exploit security system weaknesses, ultimately gaining unauthorized access to homes or businesses.

    The invasion of organized crews and high-end homes

    The tactics employed by organized crime syndicates to gain unauthorized access to homes are growing more sophisticated, with the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers for upscale break-ins. These criminal networks specifically set their sights on high-end residences boasting advanced security systems, deeming them as optimal targets to engage in illicit pursuits.

    Through the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers, thieves can effectively evade alarm systems and surveillance cameras that would typically obstruct or capture their actions. This technology enables them to operate covertly, providing them with a substantial advantage over homeowners who depend on these security measures to ensure their safety.

    These well-organized operatives employ a methodical approach when selecting their targets, often investing considerable time in conducting thorough research and surveillance beforehand. Their primary objective is to identify residences with valuable assets, such as precious jewelry or valuable artwork, to ensure that the potential rewards outweigh the inherent risks. Once a target has been chosen, they meticulously plan every detail to ensure a successful break-in.

    There are situations where these wrongdoers may go to the extent of impersonating service personnel or delivery personnel to gain entry into a property. By mingling with authentic professionals, they can seamlessly penetrate a heavily guarded residence without raising any red flags.

    It is imperative for homeowners to acknowledge this growing menace and take appropriate actions to ensure their safety and protect their property. Going beyond traditional alert systems, investing in additional layers of security can act as a deterrent to these organized criminals. For instance, the installation of motion sensor lights around the house or the use of smart locks that require biometric authentication can provide an extra level of protection against these resourceful wrongdoers.

    Homeowners must prioritize staying well-informed about the latest techniques employed by criminals and maintaining a vigilant mindset to ensure the safety of their homes. By staying ahead of the game and implementing comprehensive security measures, homeowners can greatly diminish the likelihood of falling prey to these organized wrongdoers.

  • Are you a parent who is facing difficulties in effectively managing the amount of time your kids spend on screens?


    cell phone

    We extend our help to parents and guardians who seek to ensure additional online safety for children using internet-enabled devices. Our service efficiently blocks inappropriate digital content and enables tracking of the child's online activities.


    Dad Uses Signal Jammer to Stop His Kids from Going Online


    Inadvertently, a resident from the town of Messanges in southwestern France may be sentenced to six months in jail for unknowingly causing disruption to telephony and mobile internet services in his neighborhood by using a signal jammers.


    Unexpectedly, his actions were not driven by ill will. His sole purpose was to hinder his teenage kids from going online on their mobile devices after their designated bedtime.


    In a recent development, the French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR) highlighted an unusual grievance lodged by a local mobile phone operator. According to the complaint, the residents of Messanges faced a disruption in their cellular and mobile internet services every week, precisely from before midnight until 3 AM.


    A peculiar complaint was lodged by a local mobile phone operator, as revealed by the French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR). The complaint highlighted the inconvenience faced by the residents of Messanges, who were unable to utilize their cellular and mobile internet services from midnight until 3 AM every day of the week.


    After a thorough investigation, the ANFR has determined that radio frequencies in the area were being disrupted by a mobile phone jammer, a device that is prohibited in numerous European countries, including France.


    At approximately 1:30 am, a skilled technician managed to pinpoint the exact location of the signal to a residence situated in the coastal town. Subsequently, the investigators, in the company of police personnel, proceeded to knock on the door of the individual. Without delay, the man openly acknowledged his use of a multi-band jammer.


    The ANFR provided an explanation stating that the father of the family had installed a jammer in order to stop his teenagers from using their smartphones to access the internet instead of going to bed. The primary reason for this action was the children's addiction to social networks and various applications. After conducting research on online forums, the father concluded that a jamming wifi would be the most suitable method to put an end to his kids' excessive screen time.


    Version 2: In addition to instructing the owner to disable the jammer and discontinue its usage, the ANFR agent highlighted the significance of complying with the regulatory framework, as mentioned by the agency.

  • Seeking to Prevent Your Teenagers from Texting While Driving?


    cell phone

    According to experts, teenagers should strive to keep their screen time under two hours per day. The excessive use of phones can have adverse impacts on their physical and mental health. Additionally, excessive screen time has been linked to the development and progression of myopia, as well as conditions such as dry eye syndrome, digital eyestrain, and discomfort resulting from poor head and neck postures cell phone blocker.


    The curiosity surrounding the activities of teenagers on their smartphones led Harvard researchers Emily Weinstein and Carrie James to embark on a study. Their findings revealed a complexity that often eludes adults. By surveying a vast sample of over 3,500 teenagers across the United States, they gained insights into the motivations behind sexting and the strategies employed by teens to navigate online friendship dilemmas.Their research has made a profound impact on me. It is astonishing to realize that as adults, we frequently offer unhelpful advice and simply dismiss teen phone use as a mere addiction. As a result, parents are failing to seize genuine opportunities to aid teenagers, as stated by their study wifi blocker.


    Again and again from teens that they don't want to feel dysregulated when it comes to their technology use, and that they actually have pretty impressive, even amazing awareness of what tech habits they have that are serving them and the tech habits that they wish they could change. We had so many quotes from teens about just this feeling of, I don't know why, but this app, TikTok is running my life, or I keep falling asleep on social media and I wish I didn't. And what we found that's actually so powerful about that recognition is that adults often get really stuck in this position of being like a referee when it comes to teens technology use, where we're just blowing the whistle when kids do something wrong or calling teens out when they misstep. We get stuck in this position.


    Want to Keep Your Teens (or Employees) from Texting Behind the Wheel?


    I have reason to believe that there is a rising trend of individuals tampering with GPS applications while driving, leading to potential distracted driving dangers that are contingent upon the particular app and the location of the device.


    I like the texting-blocking angle myself, but I’m leery of the general data-blocking one. What about apps that use differential GPS? (Satellite plus base station data-path corrections, for greater precision.) What about streaming audio apps, like Audible or Spotify? (I use both on extended drives, and I’d hate to tell either a teen or employee she couldn’t, just to block texting). What if the driver wants to hand her smartphone off to someone else in the car to use for some data-related function, say looking up a restaurant or fiddling with the GPS or just checking email or text messages on behalf of the driver? (My wife did this for me for over a year whenever I drove, until she got her own smartphone.)

  • Create your own do-it-yourself cell phone signal jammer


    cell phone

    A cell phone jammer is an electronic device that blocks signal transmission between a cell phone and a cell tower. By using the same frequencies as cell phones, signal jammers can cause strong interference with communications between callers and receivers. Can effectively block signal transmission from networks such as UMTS, 3G, CDMA, GSM and PHS.


    DIY Cell Phone Jammer - Components Required


    COMPONENTCOMPONENTUSAGEResistor R1Emitter LoadingResistor R2Base BiasingCapacitor C1Frequency GenerationCapacitor C2FeedbackCapacitor C3FeedbackCapacitor C4Noise ReductionCapacitor C5CouplingCapacitor C6CouplingCapacitor C7DecouplingTransistor Q1AmplificationInductor L1Frequency Generation


    For any jammer circuit, there must be three important sub-circuits:

    RF amplifier

    Voltage Controlled Oscillator

    Tuning circuit

    These 3 circuits combine to form an efficient cell phone jammer circuit.


    Cell phone signal jammer working


    Within the RF amplifier circuit, there is transistor Q1, as well as capacitors C4 and C5, and resistor R1. This particular circuit serves the purpose of amplifying the signal that is generated by the tuned circuit. Once amplified, the signal is then sent to the antenna through capacitor C6. By doing so, capacitor C6 prevents the transmission of any DC current, allowing only the AC component of the signal to pass through.


    The turning on of transistor Q1 triggers the activation of the tuned circuit located at the collector. Comprised of capacitor C1 and inductor L1, this circuit operates as a zero resistance oscillator, producing exceptionally high frequencies with minimal damping.

    As time progresses, the magnetic charge passing through the inductor decreases, resulting in the capacitor being charged in the opposite or reverse polarity. This sequence is repeated, and eventually, the inductor charges the capacitor until it reaches a neutral state.


    The cessation of oscillation occurs when internal resistance is established, signifying the continuation of this process. Before reaching the collector terminal, the RF amplifier feed is directed through capacitor C5, followed by C6. Capacitors C2 and C3 generate random pulses (noise) at the frequency generated by the tuned circuit.


    The frequencies generated by tuned circuits are amplified using RF amplifiers. These amplifiers combine and amplify the frequency produced by the tuned circuit with the noise signal generated by capacitors C2 and C3 before transmitting it.

  • The purchase of mobile phones by children and teenagers has become a matter of great concern


    cell phone

    The fact that parents often consider purchasing cell phones for their children and teenagers is quite understandable. The primary reason behind this is to maintain a constant connection with their children. With a phone at hand, children have the convenience of reaching out to their parents whenever required, whether it is to coordinate a pick-up from school or to seek immediate assistance during an emergency.


    It is crucial to take into consideration certain matters that accompany the purchase of a cell phone for your child. These matters hold considerable importance and should be acknowledged by many parents, as they encompass not only the risks associated with cell phone usage but also behavioral issues. Before providing your child with a mobile phone, it is essential to closely monitor their behavior.


    Addiction is problematic


    The technological advancements found in cell phones have a strong appeal to children and teenagers, making them susceptible to addiction. Engrossed in texting, browsing social media, and constantly communicating with friends, they find it difficult to detach from their phones. Regrettably, the prevalence of cell phone addiction is escalating, adding to the gravity of the situation.

    The inclination towards excessive cell phone usage can result in a lack of concentration on academic pursuits and other essential matters. This phenomenon arises as students persistently utilize their phones to browse social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, engaging in chats instead of dedicating time to studying and fulfilling course-related obligations.




    The worst part about cell phones for kids is that many of them can engage in extremely inappropriate and potentially dangerous behaviors. Questions about bullying and how easily it spreads online have persisted for years. With mobile devices, people can easily be bullied. Children and teenagers can send each other angry messages non-stop. They may even make it harder for other children to enjoy their lives, or they may even ruin their own lives.


    Additionally, children may send inappropriate images and text to others. They may send or receive dirty and possibly sexually explicit messages. They may not know how inappropriate these things are.


    The pictures children take of themselves can also be quite disturbing. Children may take photos of themselves without clothes and send them to others. This can be harmful because children expose their bodies to others who want to see them. This is a serious threat and not many children realize what they may sometimes encounter.

    handheld wifi signal Jammers

    How teens and parents can deal with screen time and device distractions


    54% of U.S. teens say they spend too much time on their phones, and two-thirds of parents are concerned about their children’s screen time.


    Parents are also concerned about the impact of screen time on their children, a separate survey showed. About two-thirds of parents said they were concerned about their children spending too much time in front of screens, and 57% reported setting screen time limits for their children in some way.


    Meanwhile, some parents of teens admit they too struggle with the lure of screens: 36% say they themselves spend too much time on their phones. 51% of teens said they often or sometimes find their phones distracting them when trying to talk to their parents or caregivers.


    With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the popularization of smart devices such as smartphones and tablets, students’ use of smartphones has reached the level of one for every student. In the past two years, due to the epidemic, students’ use of smartphones has also increased. Come more and more. It is impossible to learn school class knowledge through online classes on mobile phones. Although the school has repeatedly banned students from bringing mobile phones to campus, some students still bring mobile phones to campus. Schools face many challenges in managing smartphones:

    Students use mobile phones to play games and chat online, and even adolescent children browse unhealthy content online, which seriously affects physical and mental health;


    Students do not sleep at night after school, cannot concentrate in class the next day, and easily fall asleep in class, etc., resulting in serious deterioration in academic performance;

    Use mobile phones and other devices to cheat in exams, etc.


    Based on the current situation, what we can do is:

    Parents should increase the time for interaction and communication with their children, pay more attention to their children's life and study, and take their children for outdoor sports. This will reduce the time children spend playing at home when they have nothing to do, and will also help cultivate parent-child relationships.


    Guide children to play some educational games or learnin


    g software to make education interesting and emphasize that the Internet is a learning tool, not a toy.


    Control the time children play games: Use a cell phone jammer to properly control the Wi-Fi network signal of the mobile phone so that students’ mobile phones cannot play online games within a certain period of time. Reduce conflicts between children and parents during the communication process.


    Jamming mobile phones can be installed in school classrooms. Mobile phone wifi jammer can be turned on during class to block mobile phone signals in the classroom, and mobile phone signals can be restored during breaks.


    The dormitory can be equipped with a mobile phone signal jammer. After turning off the lights at night, turn on the mobile phone signal jammer to restore the mobile phone signal late at night. Use cell phone signal jammer wisely.

  • Fascinating Information Regarding GPS Jammers



    The preservation of our privacy and the responsible management of our data, as well as the individuals authorized to access it, should always be a matter of utmost importance. This is a grave matter that should not be taken lightly.

    The level of concern escalates when your insurance company is the party responsible for collecting your data.One significant drawback of this situation is that, irrespective of whether you are eligible for a discount through a GPS tracker or app installed in your vehicle, if you are involved in an accident, your insurance company will utilize the gathered data to determine your responsibility and subsequently increase your insurance premium.

    Among the extensive data gathered by these trackers, it encompasses factors like your acceleration rate, speed, braking speed, mileage, destinations, and location history. If this data were to fall into the wrong hands, it could have significant implications. Therefore, opting for a gps jammer would not be an apocalyptic scenario.


    A multitude of fascinating facts pertaining to GPS jamming are not widely known among the populace. It is our obligation to expound upon this subject in order to prevent the dissemination of misinformation.

    You Only Need To Block GPS Signal To Jam a Tracker

    The claim being made is completely baseless. There is a widespread belief among many individuals that GPS trackers solely rely on GPS signals for tracking. However, it is crucial to understand that the reality is quite different. The majority of NavSat systems and GPS tracking devices are equipped with Sim cards, which serve two purposes. Firstly, they allow for cell phone triangulation in situations where GPS signals are not accessible. Secondly, they facilitate the transmission of the collected information to a monitoring station.

    At least three satellite signals are necessary for modern tracking devices to establish the position accurately. Once activated, these trackers are always ready to pinpoint the location, as long as they are situated in an open area.

    If we desire to acquire the real-time coordinates of the tracker, it is imperative to have a SIM card that is connected to a network operator within the tracker. By utilizing cellular networks, the tracker can send its location either through SMS text messages to a cell phone or by transmitting the location data to a server. Consequently, you can employ an application, a fleet management system, or a web-based tracking platform to broadcast the live location on a map.

    Therefore, it is essential to comprehend the requirement for a portable cell phone jammers to interfere with GPS L1 signal, as well as GSM, 3G, and 4G signals.

    It is a well-known fact that GPS blockers are readily accessible and inexpensive on the internet. It is unsurprising that criminals opt for these devices to obfuscate their identity and conceal their whereabouts while engaging in thefts.

    GPS jammers of relatively low power can be purchased online, and their disruptive effects extend far beyond your vehicle. These signal blocker have the ability to interfere with more than just satellite navigation systems.

    As criminal syndicates expand their operations across long distances, they have also adopted the use of these devices. Consequently, drug cartels or gangs may employ them strategically to disrupt navigation while transporting illicit substances, thereby evading detection by their adversaries.

    These devices are even being employed by criminal gangs to facilitate the theft of high-end automobiles and valuable cargo carried by trucks. As a result, if a GPS jammer were to be utilized, the built-in tracker of an armored van or truck equipped with an anti-theft GPS system would be unable to relay its stolen or hijacked position.

    Employees Use a GPS Jammer To Avoid Being Tracked Via Fleet Management Systems

    The predominant concern surrounding GPS tracking devices revolves around the perceived violation of privacy by most individuals. Within the realm of commercial driving, employees are resolute in safeguarding their personal privacy and are unwilling to sacrifice it to meet their employers' need for monitoring and control.

    By utilizing vehicle tracking systems, fleet managers can efficiently monitor their employees' performance, ensuring adherence to safety protocols and legal constraints, facilitating efficient route planning, and promoting a reasonable work schedule. However, it is imperative to maintain a delicate equilibrium between safeguarding organizational interests and respecting employees' privacy.

    GPS jamming devices are utilized by some truck drivers to obscure their movements, and certain employees exploit company-owned vehicles for personal tasks. Unbeknownst to them, attempting to disrupt a GPS tracker using a scrambler does not result in the vehicle disappearing; instead, it remains visible on the live map as an incomplete trip.

    Additionally, when the jammer is plugged into a cigarette lighter socket during a trip, a discernible timeline will become apparent, signifying the onset of the jamming operation, akin to an interrupted journey. As a result, this may capture the attention of those who are tracking your movements, leading to heightened surveillance.
