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  • Install Gps Jammers to Prevent Accidents



    Charles Curry, the founder of Chronos Technology, a company specializing in GPS resilience, and a contributor to the report, stated to ElReg: "North Korea has engaged in such activities for an extended period, as has Russia. What measures can we implement to stop an individual from activating a high-power jammer and seizing control of the financial services sector in central London?"


    The necessity of installing mobile phone jammer arises from various concerns. Certain students utilize their mobile devices to communicate with one another during examinations, access online essays, and employ jammers to deter cheating. Additionally, many students tend to remain in bed after school or engage in late-night studying. The prevalence of misleading information on the Internet can hinder students' development and educational progress. Furthermore, some students engage in texting and making phone calls late at night, which can adversely impact their performance the following day.


    GPS jammers typically cause interference as a result of equipment malfunctions and unforeseen circumstances. Devices vulnerable to such interference are governed by a range of regulations. Interference arises when an operator transmits on an occupied frequency without verifying its status or is unable to monitor the station utilizing that frequency.


    Numerous technologies exist that are capable of detecting and mitigating such attacks. Wireless intrusion prevention systems (WIPS) are designed to identify signal interference. WIPS functions as a network device that continuously monitors the radio spectrum for unauthorized access points, facilitating intrusion detection, and automatically implements countermeasures for intrusion prevention. Certain radio-based devices utilize spread spectrum modulation, enabling the hardware to alternate among various frequencies, thereby complicating efforts to disrupt the device.


    Advanced jamming equipment can bring more security to the country


    Advanced jamming systems offer essential exposure and training for U.S. aircrews, guaranteeing that their initial encounters with sophisticated electronic attack capabilities occur outside of actual combat scenarios. These jammers play a vital role in maintaining the United States' air superiority, particularly in response to emerging and evolving electronic warfare challenges.


    The jammer is engineered to inhibit the operation of mobile drones and quadcopters by preventing the reception of downlink signals. It features proprietary software capable of swiftly identifying drones and disrupting hostile units at distances of up to 4 kilometers, utilizing specialized antennas. Below is a technical overview of the system.


    It appears that, for the majority of the past 16 years, our engagement in offensive electronic warfare has been relatively limited. During Bacon's operations over Iraq, the primary focus was predominantly on a singular objective: the interception of radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs).


    The possession of advanced jamming technology can significantly enhance national security measures.

  • Multi-frequency Jammers Protect Your Safe Driving



    The second way to protect your car is to use modern multi-frequency car alarms that always use different frequencies. This makes it very difficult for thieves to intercept these signals. Other types of modern alarms generate different codes every time you lock and unlock your vehicle. Even if a thief gets the code and cracks it, they will not find anything. Today, such protected car signal jammers for sale are very popular and expensive, but they can protect you.


    The accuracy of the IndoorAtlas technology used in modern buildings is 0.1-2 meters. Moreover, the technology does not require any additional hardware on the smartphone and can work alone or precisely cooperate with other indoor installation systems to achieve higher positioning accuracy. However, before using indoor location data on smartphones, developers must collect magnetic field data and overlay it on each floor plan. To do this, developers must create a floor plan image of the location and navigate the entire site while collecting magnetic field data. However, IndoorAtlas makes these steps easier by providing users with a practical online toolkit. In the north of the world, there are other companies such as Walkbase and Qubulus that have developed their own location positioning solutions based on precise positioning using wireless Wi-Fi networks. Both companies offer interesting location solutions, but IndoorAtlas stands out because it approaches the problem from a new angle.


    Microsoft, Sprint Nextel, Facebook, and Google are among the companies asking lawmakers to amend the famous Electronic Communications Privacy Act to comprehensively protect online content, mobile data, and location information. "As wireless access to our information becomes easier, there is no reason for the government to go to such lengths to obtain wiretap warrants, and we are also looking for ways to: not use audio of recent communications, such as emails and text messages," CCIA attorney Ross Schulman said in a blog post. AT&T wrote that law enforcement surveillance requests affected 0.25% of wireless users last year, assuming that every request was made against another user. That's an increase of 0.18% from 2007. Unlike Verizon's data, theirs includes data provided to 911 callers. AT&T also said that hundreds of full-time employees are responsible for reviewing and responding to all law enforcement surveillance requests.


    There are multiple iRobots with multiple different gps blocker for car. They may be touched or bumped by someone or something, thus having a different perception of the two things. Based on the sensors, the robot reacts. The robot can also react to sounds and differentiate based on the volume. There is also an iRobot Roomba that can identify obstacles to avoid (such as walls and stairs). iRobot also makes a small robot that looks similar to the Recon Scout XT and behaves similarly to ReconRobotics. Soldiers can put it in their pockets, throw it into a building, and use it for remote surveillance. Or, the robot can extend its "neck" so that the camera is 8 feet above it to monitor high walls or fences. Or there is another robot small enough to move under the door like a worm with a miniature camera.


    Jammers evolve into military weapons


    Jammers are one of the best tools for blocking signals. With the development of science and technology, jammers have evolved into military weapons and are widely used on the battlefield. Washington - Russian troops have blocked several US military drones over Syria, four US officials said, which seriously affected US military operations. Officials say Russia began jamming some small U.S. drones a few weeks ago after a series of suspected chemical weapons attacks in the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta region.


    Officials say the Russian military feared U.S. forces would respond to the attack and began jamming the GPS systems of drones operating in the area. "Russia wants to turn around and destroy our interests," Senator Ben Sasse said in a rush in response to Tuesday's Russian news. Todd, director of the Radio Navigation Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin, said Dr. Humphreys said jamming is very easy and it involves blocking or interfering with the drone's reception of GPS satellite signals.


    I am glad to say that I should be free to continue my appeal, President Jacob Zuma said in response to this week's parliamentary debate on the State of the Nation Address. Sitting here, in a dark corner of Redwood Ridge, holding tight like the president, we often insult those who try to disturb us with false nonsense. But beyond that, Zuma urged the government to respect Section 16 of the constitution. This is part of the guarantee of our freedom of association, speech and media. This shameful and unfair attempt to block our phones was made after a promise was made in front of SONA.


    “The security team resolved and clarified the GPS jammer with House Signal Distribution last Thursday,” Mr. Zuma said to applause.


    A company called CellAntenna continues to try to exploit the problem of cell phone smuggling in prisons to expand its product line. Unfortunately, many people (especially prison wardens) want us to believe that new technological tools can solve our problems, so they continue to gain momentum. A group of prison wardens not only filed a rulemaking petition with the FCC, but also supported a bill asking the FCC to allow cell phone jamming in prisons. For general information about CellAntenna, you can read about how to profit from prison security loopholes and why this is not a good idea at Cellantenna. In addition, we have sent this letter (press release here) to President Rockefeller and senior settlement members in preparation for tomorrow’s Senate hearing on this issue. We have also scheduled an extra five minutes of Harold Feld’s time to briefly explain why this is a bad idea.

  • Jamming Devices That Conflict with Other Devices



    Avoiding this type of jamming is relatively straightforward, and while autopilots exist, they are presently integrated into commercially available drones and cannot be protected by jamming systems owned by the manufacturers. Could this be interpreted as a covert agreement with drone manufacturers?


    Merely flooding the airwaves with excessive continuous wave (CW) power is the least efficient jamming technique and is seldom employed. More successful are specialized jamming systems that utilize modulation techniques to interfere with the demodulator of the targeted receiver, typically by applying high peak pulse power at a crucial frequency for demodulation. An even more potent approach involves manipulating components outside the receiver, such as transmitting effective modulation that disrupts data processing in computers.


    Wi-Fi RF cell phone jammers, typically available to military and government entities, can effectively disrupt the operations of various drones, including those used by hobbyists, commercial operators, and even basic terrorist models. These signal blocker device are capable of blocking Wi-Fi connections for individuals in close proximity, although their effectiveness diminishes beyond this range, causing the signal to revert to its source.


    Should the drone persist in its flight path toward the stadium after the Wi-Fi jammer has been activated, the likelihood of a significant threat increases substantially. The subsequent action involves deploying a GPS signal jammer to disrupt the drone's smartphone signal protection. It is important to note that car gps jammer can also disrupt cellular networks and emergency communications, thus they should be employed only when wi fi jammer fail to achieve the desired effect. This technology is currently accessible and can be utilized by authorized entities.


    Officials from the South Korean government have disclosed that a sabotage operation initiated in late March aimed at disrupting aircraft navigation systems. Reports indicate that North Korea transmitted jamming signals on 100 separate occasions. This interference impacted 962 aircraft and nearly 700 fishing vessels, as well as cell phone base stations.


    The implementation of cell phone blocker can significantly reduce the adverse effects associated with mobile phone usage. Given that children are in a crucial developmental phase, early exposure to mobile devices may adversely affect their physical and mental well-being. Consequently, we advocate for the use of mobile network jammers, which can shield children from harmful radiation and promote their healthy growth.


    Governments are buying drone jammers on a large scale


    Numerous companies are recognizing this trend and are actively pursuing opportunities within the anti-drone sector. They have developed a range of products, including drone guns, anti-drone shotguns, trained birds of prey, net guns, laser systems, missiles, radio jammers, and radio spoofing devices.


    A prime illustration of a multi-layered system is the Anti-UAV Defense System (AUDS) developed by Blighter Surveillance Systems, Chess Dynamics, and Enterprise Control Systems. This system integrates radar, electro-optics, cameras, target tracking software, and RF jamming technology.


    Many individuals are unaware of the extensive range of interventions required to effectively address the issue. The 2.4/5GHz bands are not the sole frequencies in use. Additionally, the 900MHz and 150MHz bands also utilize the 700MHz, 800MHz, and 1.9GHz frequencies, which are integral to cellular communications and aviation navigation systems. Regarding military considerations, it seems they are cautious about interfering with the 5.5GHz band, predominantly utilized by their maritime radar systems.


    Could you clarify how this system functions? In instances of total signal loss, like when a smartphone is blocked on the Spark to mitigate interference from a nearby device, the Spark will either maintain its position or navigate back to its home point. If these individuals are equipped with GPS interceptors, are they capable of operating them independently? Even if their trajectory can be manipulated by deploying multiple drones from various angles, leading to a broader disruption of GPS signals, they might be utilizing these tools to combat terrorists or criminals who lack any ethical backing. Illegally obtained cards and identification will still be used for transactions.

  • Why is GPS tracking great for preventing vehicle theft?



    With GPS tracking, you can identify the precise location of your vehicle anywhere in the world, which is highly beneficial for preventing theft.

    Should a stolen vehicle be fitted with a GPS tracking system, the owner can trace its whereabouts and quickly notify the police about the incident right after the theft occurs.

    Utilizing the GPS information, law enforcement can commence an immediate investigation, enabling them to rapidly identify the vehicle and efficiently address the theft.

    Current GPS tracking devices are designed to be smaller, offer greater precision, and can be utilized across a wide range of circumstances.

    GPS tracking devices document various data points, including the storage location of vehicles, their operational status, and any unauthorized usage, thereby providing valuable insights for improving vehicle management and operations.

    What types of GPS tracking devices are there and what are their features?

    There are two primary categories of GPS tracking devices: "real-time" devices that offer instantaneous updates on your vehicle's location, and "log type" devices that allow for the downloading and subsequent analysis of location data.

    With the real-time capability, you can always be aware of your present location and quickly track your vehicle if it is reported stolen.

    You may also consider the option of tracking vehicle speed, engine condition, mileage, and similar parameters in real time.

    The log type facilitates the later examination of the information documented by the GPS tracking device.

    This method may not facilitate real-time tracking of the vehicle's location; however, by gathering and examining location data over a prolonged duration, it is possible to gain insights into the vehicle's operational history, routes taken, and distances covered.

    While both types possess unique functions and features, they essentially rely on signals from GPS satellites to establish location data.

    The methods of communication consist of 3G, 4G, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, along with the optional integration of microwave systems.

    A jammer-compatible GPS tracking device is required

    The necessity of a GPS tracking device with jammer capabilities arises from the fact that GPS jammers are illicit devices that obstruct GPS signals, which some dishonest car thieves may utilize.

    A GPS tracking device that incorporates jamming technology is capable of recognizing interference with GPS signals and delivering a swift response.

    Utilizing a jammer while tracking a stolen vehicle will ensure that the tracking continues uninterrupted.

    It is crucial to prioritize measures that prevent vehicle theft.

    Swift retrieval of a stolen vehicle not only mitigates financial losses but also serves to deter future incidents of theft.

    A GPS tracking device that incorporates a jammer features superior tracking abilities, enabling it to furnish accurate location information in areas where GPS signals are weak, thus improving the dependability of recovering stolen vehicles.

    There is a growing interest in GPS tracking devices that feature signal jammer, as these jammers can enhance the capabilities of car thieves.

  • Range of Cell Phone Jammers Used in Schools



    Mary Jane had previously taken steps to prevent their use, including buying cell phone jammers, devices that cut off service. He said the device is considered illegal, but no one in the United States has been charged with owning such a device. When buying the signal jammer, he talked to nearby teachers, who were fully supportive. The jammer was older and less effective. At best, it could only block 3G signals, and students with smartphones could still use WiFi. So I bought the latest multi-function jammer.


    The school installed cell phone jammers in the dormitory building. This is an act of internal control, which is a good thing. Nowadays, most mobile phones are smartphones. Many students stay up late to play with their phones. The next day's class is very spiritless, affecting learning. After installing the jammer, students will not stay up late and will be more spirited the next day.


    Almost every student in the school now has his or her own mobile phone. What's worse is that mobile phones have become a "weapon" for many students against teachers. During the course of teaching, we found that most students use their mobile phones to surf the Internet. Many students tend to listen to music or play video games in class. I often talk in class, and my mobile phone suddenly rings, and I get distracted. Worse still, some students use their phones to help them cheat on exams. It has been reported that the new phenomenon of "cyberbullying" refers to students using text messages and social networks to electronically torture others while listening to lectures.


    So you need a phone jammer


    Since classrooms are usually small in size, we recommend using a 3G/4G phone jammer, which is very convenient to carry and use. Just press a button to turn it on. Of course, you don't have to worry about emergencies where someone needs to make a call. They can walk out of the classroom to make a call without disturbing others. Or, you can turn off the jammer device only when needed. If you have a small space, you can buy a handheld jammer, and if you have a larger space, you will need a desktop jammer.


    Interference Signal Attenuation


    The signal strength of the wireless signal gradually attenuates during transmission. Since the receiver can only receive and identify wireless signals with signal strength above a certain threshold, if the signal is attenuated too much, the receiver will not be able to identify the wireless signal. The following are some of the main common factors that affect signal attenuation.


    When electromagnetic waves propagate through the air, the signal strength gradually attenuates and disappears as the transmission distance increases. The attenuation in the transmission path is the path loss. Although it is impossible to change the air attenuation value or transmit wireless signals by avoiding the air, the transmission distance of electromagnetic waves can be increased by appropriately increasing the transmission power of the antenna end and reducing obstacles. The farther the electromagnetic wave propagates, the larger the space that the wireless signal can cover.


    Obstacles are most common in wireless network environments and have a significant impact on signal attenuation. Different walls, glass, and doors in daily environments have different degrees of signal attenuation. In particular, metal obstacles can completely block and reflect the propagation of wireless signals. Therefore, in the process of network planning, various obstacles that block APs must be avoided.

  • What Is Radio Wave Interference



    Radio waves are essential in today's world. They help with Internet connections on phones and computers, and many devices like TVs, radios, GPS, and microwaves rely on them to improve our daily lives. However, while they are useful, radio waves can also be misused, like when people use phones at concerts or listen in on others. Recently, radio wave jammers have gained attention. Some people may have heard of them but might not know how they work or if they are easy to get.


    Our store, which previously sold radio wave jammers, will provide a detailed explanation of how radio wave jammers work.


    What is a radio wave jammer?


    The official term for radio wave jammers is communication function suppression device. This device disrupts or blocks radio waves from electronic gadgets like smartphones, GPS, Wi-Fi routers, and computers, rendering their communication features ineffective.


    The wifi jammer works by sending out radio waves at the same frequency as the electronic device, which prevents the device from picking up the signals it was meant to receive.


    What is it good for?


    Today, almost everywhere in the world, including the United States, you can find radio waves and electronic devices. People use many gadgets, like smartphones, to communicate through these waves. While this is mostly positive, it can also have downsides when devices are used in inappropriate places.


    Jammers should not be used in places like offices, exam rooms, hospitals, and concert halls. Using them in these areas can enhance etiquette by stopping electronic devices from communicating and reducing their usage. Some individuals may want to block unauthorized GPS signals, hidden cameras, and eavesdropping tools to protect themselves from harassment or tracking. However, we will discuss in the next section if this is truly effective.


    Is the jammer sold online?


    Jammers should not be used in places like offices, exam rooms, hospitals, and concert halls. Using them in these areas can enhance etiquette by stopping electronic devices from communicating and reducing their usage. Some individuals may want to block unauthorized GPS signals, hidden cameras, and eavesdropping tools to protect themselves from harassment or tracking. However, we will discuss in the next section if this is truly effective.


    Cause trouble to neighbors


    It might be hard for people to use, but I have noticed that some stores sell camera blocker online. They can be used because the jammers have a weak interference signal. Some individuals may want to use them, but since these jammers only emit weak radio waves, they are not very effective at blocking signals.


    If the radio waves are the same type, like those from smartphones or Wi-Fi, other devices nearby will also have trouble communicating. This means your electronic devices won't be able to connect either.


    Today, life without radio waves seems impossible. If you use a laser jammer, your neighbor's devices might stop working, even if you believe that's a positive outcome.


    Getting permission to put up security cameras is simple since it doesn't really change daily activities. However, it's hard to get approval to block radio waves, which can make electronic devices nearly useless.

  • Russian military can’t fly drones



    The Ukrainian military is thoroughly jamming the radio waves of Russian military drones on the left (eastern) bank of the Dnieper River in the country’s southern Luzon province.drone jammer


    Because of this radio jamming, Russian troops on the left bank have been unable to repel a small contingent of Ukrainian marines that have been stranded in the fishing village of Kelinki since mid-October last year. The Ukrainian think tank Center for National Defense Strategy said


    The Ukrainian military “is deploying drones in large numbers near Kelinki.” “Electronic warfare units are interfering with the use of enemy drones.” In December, Ukrainian and foreign media reported that the battle in Kelinki was tantamount to a “suicide mission” for the marines of the 35th Brigade of the Ukrainian Army. But in reality, it was the Russian troops who suffered heavy casualties, including soldiers from the 810th Marine Brigade, the 104th Guards Airborne Division, and its army units. signal jammer


    The Ukrainian military's explosive-equipped quadcopters (aircraft with four rotors) come in two types: self-destructive first-person view (FPV) types and reusable bombing types, such as the large Baba Yaha, which flies at night. At the same time, Russian military drones are often unable to take off due to radio interference by the Ukrainian military.


    "Ukrainian military drones are aggressive and operate in groups," Russian war correspondent Alexander Sladkov said on social media. "The enemy uses FPV drones to attack Russian military vehicles, weapons and infantry units, and has no trouble targeting our roads and positions with artillery, putting us in trouble and danger both on the front line and in the rear," he wrote.


    "At night, large drones drop mines on our roads, hindering the movement of our troops," Sladkov said. "We are ready to engage in air battles with Ukrainian troops within the range of enemy drones, but are hampered by large-scale electronic attacks."

  • Cigarette Lighter Socket Gps Interference Machine



    As a woman, have you or someone close to you experienced being stalked?

    Have you seen such news? Nowadays, the development of technology has brought a lot of convenience to our lives, but it has also provided opportunities for bad guys and criminals. We often see such social news on the Internet or in newspapers. I have not had such an experience, but I have indeed seen a lot of similar news.

    In late February, a man in Nagoya was arrested by Aichi Prefectural Police on suspicion of violating the stalking control law after installing a satellite positioning system (GPS) device on the car of a female acquaintance and monitoring her movements. During the police interrogation, the man reportedly admitted to the charges and said, "I like women."

    According to reports, from September last year to February this year, the man secretly installed a GPS device on the light passenger car of a woman he met online and monitored her, making it look like he was monitoring her every move online.

    To be precise, if you install a GPS device on someone else's car and then post on the Internet that you are monitoring their behavior and let the victim know, you may be charged with a crime. ”

    Is it not a crime to install a GPS device?


    “In fact, under current laws, the act of installing a GPS device on a car is not punishable.

    GPS jammer At this time, the role of the GPS jammer comes into play. One day it will interfere with the GPS placed on your body, making it unable to detect the signal, so that people with intentions can get your location information, thereby protecting yourself. Make sure you will not be caught. A woman radio jammer I think it is very necessary to buy. Moreover, it is a small mobile phone and the price is not expensive.

    We know that it is a GPS positioning device, and by using this product, we can clearly know where we are. GPS has many uses, including navigation. However, you know, there are many bad guys who use it to do inappropriate things. Being tracked poses a threat to property and even personal safety.

    GPS determines your location by detecting three or more geostationary satellites, but in order to know your location remotely, you need to check the location of the mobile phone and superimpose it on the map, so you need to turn off your GPS mobile phone jammer. When the mobile phone is turned on, the location of the relay station on the mobile phone can be known, so the location information cannot be deleted unless the mobile phone or the relay box installed on the vehicle is turned off.

    There are many GPS tracking apps (current location tracking function) on smartphones. Even if they are installed on a computer without permission, the parties often don't notice, it's like someone is constantly monitoring their behavior. GPS jammers protect your privacy from GPS tracking apps.

    For example, if you put a GPS phone or location search device in the car of your husband, wife or lover (just put it in the trunk, inside the car or behind the bumper!), you can track the location of the car using your computer or phone. You can search for your current location. GPS radio wave blocker If you rush to the searched location and search, you can find your car within a radius of 20m. You can also find the vehicle in the hotel parking lot. If a person says they are going out with someone, but their car location is detected, you can tell if they are lying.

    If you want to block GPS, you can go into an underground parking lot or a multi-storey car park, but if the company finds that there is no GPS activated, the company will ask you where you are, and you have to answer if there is no, remember that it is not illegal to be "fired".

    Some people say that people should have the right to buy jammers, and VIP people can use these products to prevent illegal tracking. Freight companies usually use GPS trackers to operate, but mobile phone jammers prevent their bosses from monitoring them. It is also a tool for criminals (not to be expanded here). For prisoners abroad, it is a way to get rid of shackles and surveillance.

    The source familiar with the internal affairs of the Ministry of Defense said that these devices have the ability to monitor and interfere with the control signals of "drones". However, there are currently no laws regulating GPS jammers, so there are apparently many very small jammers sold online that can be used by simply plugging them into the cigarette lighter socket. Judging from the photos, it seems surprisingly simple inside. The jammer interference makes it impossible to receive GPS signals, so encryption cannot be used to process them. It may be more effective to wrap aluminum foil around the antenna so that it only receives signals from the sky.

    For personal safety and to prevent being tracked by bad guys, I think it is still necessary to buy a GPS signal interrupter.

  • MobiRemote key communication interruption (door lock interference)?



    Blocking remote key communication (lock interference) refers to the act of deliberately interfering with communication when the vehicle's remote key is used to lock the vehicle.

    Some malicious individuals and organizations attempt to block the lock by using certain devices and techniques to disrupt the communication between the remote key and the vehicle.

    Lock interference techniques include using jamming equipment to interfere with the radio waves of the remote key, and stealing and retransmitting the remote key's signal through a technique called a replay attack.

    This means that even if the owner thinks the vehicle is locked, it may not actually be locked correctly.

    Lock interference increases the risk of theft

    Although high-speed, interference-free wireless LAN standards have become popular, many people still use the 2.4GHz band 802.11g standard wireless LAN (Wi-Fi). This will reduce the situation where you receive radio waves not only from your home, but also from neighboring houses. Wifi jammers have been determined to be emitting powerful broadband radio waves. It continues to interfere with mobile phone signals. I wonder what the radio wave blocking ability is.

    The mobile phone suppression device system blocks communication by emitting weak radio waves of the same frequency as the broadcast information radio waves from the mobile base station, and prevents the subsequent display of location registration and polling from being "out of range" and communication. Will be suppressed. The purpose is to provide a GPS jammer that can reliably suppress the communication function of mobile phones and easily meet the standards stipulated by the Japanese Radio Law. This is the interference wave to be suppressed.

    Radio jammers, GPS jammers, text blockers and other devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with or disrupt authorized wireless communications. Over the years, I have used mobile phones in movie theaters many times. In the middle of the movie, people's phones rang. If you use a GPS jammer, you don't have to worry about such rude behavior. Just as you as a parent have the ability and right to disconnect the Wi-Fi at home, you should also have the option to cut off the mobile phone signal when necessary.

    This means that even if you are tracked or monitored by the car navigation system or GPS logger, you can get away by jamming the GPS. It can be said to be a product with a wide range of applications.

    If you think that just because your car is equipped with a GPS system, you can get it back even if it is stolen, it is not the case. Thieves also understand this. They can use GPS jammers to block tracking systems.

    Of course, even if it is banned, you can still buy it from online stores. GPS jammers used for vehicle theft can also be purchased online.

  • A Mobile Phone Jamming Device Serves as a Preventive Measure Deter Cheating



    With the rapid development of science, the phenomenon of cheating in important exams in life using wireless communication devices such as wireless headphones and mobile phone terminals (including smartphones) is increasing. Exam organizers have adopted various methods to deal with this phenomenon, but today I would like to introduce a very effective anti-cheating device to everyone. This machine is a signal blocker that blocks communications such as mobile phones. The device emits interference radio waves in the same frequency band as those used by mobile phones and PHS, impairing the radio wave conditions received by mobile phones, resulting in the inability to use mobile phones near the device.

    In one hall, a concert of a famous conductor was even interrupted. For this reason, theater operators and other theaters are currently strongly demanding the development of effective countermeasure technology. The frequency band range allocated to mobile phones, smartphones, etc. is not just a part of the frequency band, but a certain range, so how can a certain device interfere with radio waves in various frequency bands?

    For those who want to crowd in as wide an area as possible (hall, waiting room, etc.). Most mobile phones and GPS devices have a probability of more than 98% that they can be taken out of range. It has the highest output of all general radio wave jammers currently on the market. Protect your privacy by preventing peeping and eavesdropping. In Japan, blocking radio waves without the permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications may violate the Radio Law. However, customers need some useful information when buying a jammer, but it is not just general explanation information about how to use and where to apply it.

    If you rush to the place where the wifi signal is blocked and search, you can find the car within a radius of 20m. You can also find the vehicle in the hotel parking lot. WiFi is a very convenient way to share files, videos and music at home or in the office. In addition, wireless LAN is also easy to set up and use in daily life. However, there is a major disadvantage. You can share information with friends and colleagues, but that information can be easily stolen. Therefore, wifi jammers make your data sensitive to privacy and personal interests

    Isn't it possible to catch the culprit just by setting it up? I want to make a mobile phone jammer that can put my mobile phone out of signal range. If anyone knows the circuit diagram or has already made one, please tell me how to make it. I will not use it for pranks. It is just an experiment. I once asked the police about the jammer, and a lawyer I know said that it is difficult to arrest them unless the jamming radio waves are detected on the spot, that is, unless it is proved that they are being used at the time. Even if you are caught on the spot, the police can only give you a verbal warning.

    It's been almost a month, right? The signal where we live is very poor, and it is difficult to surf the Internet and make phone calls. At first I thought it was a problem with the phone. "My name is Mr. Wang, and I live in Xincheng. According to the warehouse owner, "I bought this jammer to interfere with the GPS signal of the mortgaged vehicle, but I didn't expect it to cause trouble to the neighbors. I'm really sorry." said.
