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  • Cell Phone "Jammers" Face Stringent Measures



    The FCC says illegal devices that block cell phone signals could pose a security risk.

    The FCC has noticed a rise in people selling "jammers." The devices can block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and GPS systems and could be used to cause chaos in public places.

    The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "blind spots" in a small area (usually about 30 feet) and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to prevent people from using their phones. But they can also cut off 911 calls, interfere with navigation near airports and have been used to jam radio communications near police stations. FCC officials say they have noticed an increase in the flow of jammers, which are banned by federal law, into the U.S. Many of the cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

    It is illegal to sell, advertise, use or import jammers under the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits blocking radio communications in public.

    Earlier this week, the FCC issued subpoenas to eight individuals and companies that posted ads for jammers on Craigslist.

    The FCC said cities including Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati and Corpus Christi, Texas, advertised jammers on the site. Officials said they do not believe the cases are related.

    "Simply posting an ad for a signal jammers on a site like is a violation of federal law. Signal jammers are contraband for a reason," Michele Ellison, director of the FCC's enforcement bureau, said in a statement. "One person's moment of peace or privacy could jeopardize the safety and well-being of others."

    According to the citations, most sellers advertised the jammers as a way to take an "undisturbed nap" on the bus, quiet a classroom or keep your area "free of interference," without mentioning the more nefarious uses the devices could be used for.

    "We are increasingly concerned that individual consumers operating jammer devices do not appear to understand the serious consequences of using jammers," one of the citations read. "Instead, these operators mistakenly believed that their illegal operations were a matter of personal convenience or should be excused."

    But the FCC said at least one seller appeared to know that jammers were contraband.

    Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised on Philadelphia Craigslist for sale a "cell phone blocker, wifi blocker" for $300. In his ad, he said that "due to the nature of this item, we are revealing very few details," that the jammer was "not a toy," and that "I just wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible."

    "The nature of the ad suggests that Mr. Grabowski knew about the sensitive and/or illegal nature of the equipment he was selling on Craigslist," the citation reads.

    People who receive the ticket have 15 days to remove the ad from the site and provide the FCC with information about where the jammer was purchased and to whom it was sold. Simply posting an ad for the sale of a jammer could result in a fine of more than $100,000.

    The FCC has set up a "jammer tip line" for people to report to the agency people who may be selling or using jammers.

    "We intend to take increasingly tough enforcement action against offenders," Ellison said. "If we find you selling or operating a jammer, you will be punished."

  • Expanding the Role of Cell Phone Jammers in Security and Privacy


    cell phone

    Expanding the scope of cell phone jammer applications

    Cell phone jammers were initially created for law enforcement to intercept messages from terrorists and criminals. Over time, they have undergone significant advancements. Nowadays, they play a crucial role not only in combating terrorism but also in various official and civilian applications. Their capability to block communications as a precautionary step against organized crime and to disable remote-controlled explosive devices makes them essential in contemporary security measures. Furthermore, there have been instances where signal jammers have prevented attempts to assassinate prominent figures, underscoring their vital function in high-risk security situations.

    Technological advances enhance jamming capabilities

    The efficiency of cell phone jammers is attributed to the sophisticated technology powering them. These gadgets emit precise signals that disrupt the functioning of the remote-controlled receiver, thus thwarting the implementation of any programmed instructions. It is crucial to note that this interference is limited to a specified zone, guaranteeing that devices beyond this shielded region remain unaffected. This accuracy is vital for upholding uninterrupted communication across a broader expanse while safeguarding the intended area.

    Jammers employ uniquely coded signals to trick GSM device receivers, stopping mobile phones from linking up with their respective base stations. This advanced method guarantees that any effort to communicate through a cell phone within the jammed area is successfully disrupted, while authorized communications beyond the jammed area continue without interruption.

    Applications Beyond Terrorism

    Educational Institutions:
    - Cell phone jammers are increasingly used in educational institutions to prevent cheating in exams. By blocking signals within exam rooms, authorities can ensure a fair exam environment.

    Prisons and Detention Centers:
    - In detention centers, jammers are essential to prevent inmates from making unauthorized calls, which could coordinate criminal activity outside the facility.

    Corporate Security:
    - Companies use jammers to protect sensitive information during high-level meetings, ensuring that no unauthorized recording or transmission occurs.

    Public Events and Venues:
    - During large public events such as concerts or sporting events, jammers can prevent disruptions and ensure the safety of attendees by blocking potential threats such as remote control devices.

    - In medical settings, jammers help maintain security in areas where cell phone signals could interfere with sensitive medical equipment.

    It is evident that cell phone jammers offer numerous advantages; however, their utilization necessitates a careful balance between ethical and legal factors. The deployment of jammers is subject to regulations that differ across countries and regions. In numerous locations, their usage is restricted to authorized individuals and specific situations to prevent any potential abuse and guarantee uninterrupted access to emergency communications.

    With the continuous advancement of technology, it is expected that cell phone jammers will undergo further improvements. These future enhancements may involve refining the targeting capabilities to minimize any unintended disruptions, enhancing the portability for quick deployment in dynamic scenarios, and strengthening the encryption to ensure that jamming signals remain impenetrable.

    Cell phone jammers have transformed from a niche law enforcement tool to a versatile device with widespread use in security, privacy, and public safety. By leveraging advanced technology, these devices play a vital role in protecting against threats ranging from terrorism to cheating on exams. However, their use must be strictly regulated to balance security needs with individual rights and freedoms. As we move forward, the continued development of jamming technology promises to enhance our ability to protect and secure society from emerging challenges.
