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  • A troubling new trend among burglars involves the use of Wi-Fi jammers



    The Morris County Police Department is warning residents about a new home invasion technique that involves jamming Wi-Fi signals, making it impossible for residents to call for help or access security cameras while thieves are inside the home.

    Police say the technique was used by thieves in an unsuccessful burglary in Florham Park earlier this week.

    According to a social media post by Florham Park Police Chief Joseph Orlando, authorities believe the suspect is part of a South American burglary ring that uses Wi-Fi jammers.

    "While Wi-Fi jammers are nothing new to the criminal world, this is the first time we have seen or heard of them being used in Morris County," Orlando said. "The advancement in criminal technology used by these criminal gangs is alarming."

    A resident of Lincoln Avenue in Florham Park was in his basement around 11:30 a.m. Monday when he heard a loud bang coming from the first floor, police said. He checked his home's security cameras and saw a man trying to gain entry to his home.

    Soon after, the resident's camera system and cell phone lost service, indicating the suspect had used a Wi-Fi signal jammers to disable any Wi-Fi-enabled device, police said.

    The suspect fled after realizing the resident was home, police said.

    Still unable to use his cell phone to call for help because of the jammer, the resident ran out to the street to get help, police said. A pedestrian called 911.

    Florham Park police arrived less than a minute later and searched for the suspect, authorities said. The Madison Police Department and Morris County Sheriff's Office also assisted in the search, but the man was not found.

    Police said they suspected the man was part of a South American burglary ring that used Wi-Fi jammers, but they did not elaborate on any other connections between Monday's attempted burglary and the ring's previous crimes.

    "These criminals are of South American descent and typically work in groups of three, park their getaway vehicles on adjacent streets, and utilize various pre-operative surveillance techniques to track their targets' patterns and behaviors to minimize the likelihood that they will commit thefts while residents are home," police said.

    Police said gang members also used surveillance cameras (disguised as landscape plants to blend into the home's outdoor landscaping) to monitor movement in and out of homes before attempting to break in.

    Police said the gang's surveillance cameras can be disguised in a variety of ways.

    "They come in a variety of forms, including fake utility boxes, flower pots, tree stumps, rocks and boulders, and even those funny owls that move their heads, supposedly to repel critters," police said. "Basically, you know what's in your yard or front landscaping area and what doesn't belong to you."

    Members of the South American burglary gang have committed burglaries across the country, including Baltimore, Los Angeles, Indiana and Florida. In April, the FBI warned of the presence of an international organized burglary ring in Indiana.

    The FBI said the gangs typically target homes in affluent neighborhoods while residents are away and often steal high-end jewelry, accessories and cash. Officials said the gang members traveled to the United States to commit the thefts.

    "While we are still investigating this incident, the only response strategy we can offer at this time is to install a surveillance camera system in your home and install a landline to combat Wi-Fi jammers," Florham Park police said. "In addition, regularly check your landscaping for any potential disguised surveillance devices and contact the police department immediately if you find such a device."

    Officials are also asking Florham Park residents near Lincoln Avenue, Cathedral Avenue and Lockwood Road to check their surveillance systems between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. Monday for signs of potential suspects or vehicles

    Police said the suspect in Monday's suspected burglary attempt was a man wearing tan or beige pants, a dark shirt and a face mask.

  • I stopped counting jammer websites when I got to 100



    We heard from our friend Charles Curry of Chronos Technology over the long weekend. He had a “yes and” to last week’s post about a jammer company with a new product line. – Full disclosure, Chronos has long be an RNTF corporate member.

    Charles is semi-retired but still keeps an eye on the jammer market.

    He and Chronos have quite the history detecting GNSS interference and recommending ways to mitigate it. They have worked with police departments advised governments, and published several papers.

    Their “Sentinel Project – Report on GNSS Vulnerabilities” was issued in 2014. Most of its findings and recommendations are as pertinent today as they were seven years ago.

    Here is Charles’ list of 100 active websites selling GNSS/ GPS jamming equipment, and a list of over 200 that used to do so, but that have links that appear inactive.

    Charles said there are more sites, he just stopped when he got to 100. – Yeah, a hundred ought to make the point reasonably well…

    FCC investigates Amazon over alleged marketing of wireless signal jammers

    The FCC is the federal agency that has the authority to enforce the law on this, and establish and enforce supporting regulations.

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it is taking action to enforce the law against marketing, selling, and using wireless jammers, including those that target GPS/GNSS. While reports do not mention anything about spoofing, it is against the law also.

    What Else to Know:

    While news reports do not mention anything about the FCC addressing spoofing, that is against the law also.

    Unfortunately, over the last 20 years the FCC’s enforcement bureau has been greatly reduced in size while the incidents of accidental (also not allowed) and intentional interference with GPS has greatly increased.

    While it is illegal to market, sell, and use jamming devices, they are not illegal to own.

    The U.S. does not have a systematic way to detect interference with GPS/GNSS signals. The 2022 interference event at Denver lasted 33 hours before it was geo-located and terminated. The event at Dallas the same year lasted for 24 hours and the source was never located.

    We looked for the original statement from the FCC spokesperson, but were unable to find it on the FCC site. It looks as though it was made directly to NBC in response to their inquiry.

  • Us Prisons Use New Tech to Dial down Illegal Cellphones



    What’s the context?

    US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals

    South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones

    Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely

    Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners

    Digital privacy rights advocates and tech experts say even solutions less far-reaching than full-blown signal jamming - like the South Carolina pilot - threaten to trample on the rights of prisoners by, for example, sharing legally protected information with private phone companies or carriers.

    Digital rights groups have long raised concerns over the push for cellphone jamming systems in prisons, describing them as overreach.

    Under federal law, state and local facilities are not allowed to use jamming technology, which is opposed by the telecommunications industry amid concerns that it could knock out signals in areas surrounding prisons.

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates communications technology in the U.S., has been wary of signing off on full-blown signal jamming but cleared the way within the last few years for states like South Carolina to implement so-called "contraband interdiction systems."

    Stirling is convinced signal jamming is a solid option but does not think it will be authorised in state prisons. It is already allowed in federal institutions.

    "I would love to get jamming – I don't see it happening, unfortunately," he said.

    Asked if the FCC was contemplating changes, a spokesperson pointed to the federal law banning jamming devices.

    Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), says both jamming and interdiction systems like the one used in South Carolina are "chilling options" that could have unintended consequences.

  • It Is Unlawful to Employ Signal Jammers and Gps Blockers



    NBC News reported that online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing radio frequency jammers as drone deterrence or privacy tools, bypassing laws that prohibit the sale of such devices in the United States.

    The warning issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says signal jamming devices can block emergency calls and pose a serious risk to public safety communications, as well as interfere with other forms of daily communication and air navigation systems.

    "The use of telephone jammers, GPS jammers, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or interfere with authorized radio communications violates federal law," the FCC said. "There are no exemptions for use in businesses, classrooms, homes or vehicles. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent powers to use jamming devices; With certain limited exceptions, use by federal law enforcement agencies is authorized under applicable statute."

    The FCC's warning also states that "it is illegal to advertise, sell, distribute, import, or otherwise market interfering devices to consumers in the United States."

    But NBC reported that Amazon third-party sellers, independent online stores based in China, and small domestic companies specializing in drone-related equipment flouted the law. The FCC told NBC that it is investigating the sale of jammers, including on Amazon.

    As part of its investigation, NBC interviewed the CEO of an American company that offers portable anti-drone RF jamming devices online. The CEO told NBC that the devices are easy for consumers to buy if they have the money, but they are mainly seeing interest from large corporations and government agencies as they prepare for domestic drone terrorism.

  • The Invention of Cell Phone Blockers Was a Direct Result of Dissatisfaction



    Dissatisfaction plays a vital role in the advancement of individuals, societies, and human civilization. While an excess of discontent can be detrimental, a moderate amount of dissatisfaction can prove to be advantageous. If everyone is content with their circumstances, there will be no impetus for progress, ultimately resulting in the regression of humanity. Today, we will discuss the importance of discontent in the innovation of cell phone signal jammers.

    The fundamental role of a cell phone jammers is to prevent unauthorized communication signals from being transmitted when required. This device is especially beneficial for individuals working within government and correctional institutions. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that signal jammers can potentially disrupt communications, thereby posing a substantial security concern.

    The necessity for security in certain facilities is evident. A prime example is military establishments that strictly prohibit any form of communication without prior approval.

    Cell phones play an important role in our daily life. Why are there cell phone blockers now? Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with the improper use of mobile phones in some formal occasions. Discontent is also a driving force of human civilization as a whole. It can be said that in primitive society, science came into being because ancestors were not satisfied with their understanding of the world, and technology came into being because ancestors were not satisfied with simple manual labor. This curiosity and desire, in fact, also led to the prosperity of technology later.

    Use jammers to prevent interference and block unauthorized communications

    To maintain uninterrupted communication, the use of a signal jammersis necessary to enhance your lifestyle. Many countries have restrictions on the personal use of cell phone jammers. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the laws in your region. Some individuals resort to installing jammers, particularly cell phone jammers, to prevent signal interference. If permitted by the laws of your country, you can obtain a valuable jamming device.

    Whether it occurs during a class, conference, presentation, or religious gathering, an untimely phone call can cause considerable disturbances. To address this issue, the utilization of cell phone signal jammers can effectively prevent such interruptions. By employing these devices, interference and unwanted calls can be blocked, granting you the authority to maintain a peaceful environment.

    Have you faced this situation previously? The phone continued to ring, but no one paid attention to the disruption. You exclaimed, "Please switch off your phone." Regrettably, your plea went unheeded. In any sizable crowd, instructing people to silence their devices simply doesn't suffice. There will always be a significant number who opt to keep their phones on for one reason or another. The solution lies in a cell phone jammer.

    The question of whether this indicates a more significant societal concern can be subject to discussion, but the fact remains unchanged. Even during funerals, it is inevitable that occasional phone calls will interrupt the silence or be made for prayer.

    Regardless of the scenario, the signal jammer can obstruct the necessary frequency for the phone to receive calls, ultimately preventing the phone from ringing.

  • 911 jammer tampered with the frequency a month before the attack



    A Fairhope man was charged last week with interfering with a 911 dispatch call, and new court documents show a similar thing happened at the same apartment building a month earlier.

    The residents of the apartment were the first to know and called the police.

    On June 6, Trenton Lisak, 31, allegedly interfered with 911 dispatch calls from the Mobile Police Department, Fire Rescue, the sheriff and even the Metropolitan Jail in the downtown entertainment district. Police say Lissak carried out the well-planned attack from an apartment in downtown Mobile.

    "People with these kinds of resources obviously cause a lot of concern," said Michael Kraus, a resident of the apartment building.

    In a moment of life and death, this can be catastrophic

    Officials at the Mobile County 911 Center told FOX10 News that detectives traced the disturbance to the 9th floor, where they found Lisak as well as the black market mobile jammer.

    Now, new court documents show that a month ago, multiple tenants in the building complained that Wi-Fi and phones were not working.

    Investigators said at the time that AT&T had gone to the apartment where Lissak was staying and told a tenant to stop interfering. After the disruption stopped, it began again on June 6. At that time detectives found the strongest signal jamming at the same door.

    Kraus, who lives on a nearby floor, said the poor Wi-Fi signal affected his remote work for weeks

    "Things are moving slowly, and I can see that there are issues like connectivity issues and interference," Krause said. "To me personally, it was very different, but after he left, or in this case, I guess arrested him, everything seemed to go back to normal." Since you told me it was on the 9th, that must explain a lot."

    Court records show that Lissak is no stranger to the law. He was jailed for unrelated crimes, including a burglary in Baldwin County.

    911 service director Charlie McNicol said Lissack's motive was unclear.

    "He could have a variety of reasons, like he just likes to watch chaos, or he has mental issues, or unfortunately, he could be planning a major event and want to ensure public safety by interfering with communications," McNicol said.

    Other residents told FOX10 News reporter Lacey Beasley that they saw SWAT officers enter the building the day Lisak was arrested.

    But employees at the apartment said he did not live there.

    The FBI is investigating.

  • The perfectjammer website for Signal Jammer is authentic



    We are presently tenants of a house. The neighborhood can get quite noisy late at night, even past midnight, as our neighbors blast their music.

    Seeking assistance from law enforcement proves to be fruitless. Despite my repeated calls, their commitment to dispatch someone to address the issue remains unfulfilled. Consequently, I commenced researching signal blockers that specifically target wifi signals, excluding cellular ones. Fortunately, I discovered a device that appears to be an ideal choice.

    Admittedly, I had my doubts about their payment procedures initially. Nonetheless, I quickly realized that their product was precisely what I had been seeking.

    I completed the payment and waited patiently. The standard shipping timeframe is set at 7 to 15 days.

    Once day 15 had elapsed, we were provided with the tracking details. Subsequently, it underwent port clearance and was then entrusted to DHL for delivery. Remarkably, within a span of 2 days, the package was delivered to its final destination.

    Having extracted it from the packaging, I promptly affixed the antennas and established the connection with the charger. To my satisfaction, the battery was already fully charged.

    Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

    Several days passed before we were confronted with the unwelcome music that kept us awake. Determined to address the issue, I retrieved the device from the nightstand and switched it on. It is worth mentioning that these neighbors reside a few houses away from us. To my astonishment, the music suddenly fell silent after a few seconds. Subsequently, I overheard individuals discussing the problem. In order to assess the situation, I allowed it to play for a good 20 minutes. Finally, I turned it off and went to bed.

    When I first charged the jammer device, it unexpectedly emitted a loud bang and smoke, rendering it inoperable. Upon reaching out to the company, I was assigned an RMA return number and instructed to send the device to China for repair or replacement. The return shipping incurred an additional $25 charge, in addition to the initial cost of over $350. It was a lengthy process to finally obtain the repaired radio signal jammer.

    Without a doubt, the cell phone signal jammer is a legitimate enterprise, as you asked. It seems that some reviews are dubious. I can confirm this with evidence in my possession.

  • Two teenagers facing charges for interfering with school Wi-Fi in order to skip exams



    Charges have been brought against them for participating in computer criminal activity by supposedly causing disruptions to the network as requested by their companions.

    Authorities announced on Monday that two 14-year-old boys are facing charges for intentionally interfering with their school's Wi-Fi network to skip exams.

    As per, New Jersey high school freshmen have been accused of engaging in computer criminal activity and conspiring to commit such acts. School administrators contacted the police last Thursday after the Wi-Fi network experienced multiple crashes throughout the week.

    As per the information provided by Capt. Dennis Miller to, the administration of Secaucus High School reached out to the Secaucus Police Department to report that two students were engaged in a "scheme to disrupt the school's WiFi service whenever instructed."

    Due to their status as minors, the names of these individuals have not been made public. They have been handed over to their parents and are scheduled to make an appearance in the juvenile family court located in Jersey City, with the exact date yet to be determined.

    In a recent statement, Schools Superintendent Jennifer Montesano confirmed that the Wi-Fi has been restored and is operating smoothly. While she refrained from sharing specific details, she did acknowledge that an investigation uncovered two students who may have been responsible for the system disruption.

    How did they do it?

    A number of students shared with their belief that the boys were employing a Wi-Fi interrupter program or app to overload the school's routers with traffic in a denial of service (DoS) attack. This attack led to the network crashing when students tried to log on for classwork or online exams.

    A junior student from Secaucus High School revealed to the news outlet that she found out about the Wi-Fi problem when a friend informed her that one of the suspects had been requested to interfere with the signal during an exam.

    It was done for both the exam-adverse and for fun, she said:

    The motive behind his actions was to escape examinations and similar tasks. Moreover, one of the boys carried out this act on behalf of his friend, ensuring she would not have to undergo a test during the class. Undeniably, it constituted a significant prank.

    Jamming phones, Wi-Fi and GPS is illegal

    Some students were disgruntled – why should the whole class be disrupted because a few kids didn’t feel like squeezing out some brain juice that day? Others were impressed by the boys’ alleged technical acumen and sported more of a “Meh! Nobody got hurt” reaction, like this 10th grader:

    It was unexpected to see someone as young as us, or nearly our age, achieve something like this.

    People's education is being tampered with, although no harm is being inflicted upon anyone.

    With respect to the first issue, it is recommended that those students do not place too much emphasis on their classmates' alleged technological proficiency. Despite the fact that gsm jammer are illegal to market, sell, or use in the US - except for authorized, official use by the federal government - they are readily accessible online for a few hundred dollars.

    signal jammer are not just an inconvenience; they represent a dangerous hazard to public safety as they have the potential to block crucial emergency communications. cell phone jammer are unable to make a distinction between regular phone calls and emergency calls to family members or 9-1-1 responders. In a similar manner, GPS and wifi jammer disrupt both routine and essential communication services.

    In the past, there was an incident involving a man who faced felony charges for intentionally interfering with the phone signals of his fellow commuters. His frustration with their conversations led him to take such action.

    While it may be true that no harm was caused by the school Wi-Fi jamming, it is important for children to understand that this is not a harmless prank. The potential repercussions are significant and should not be taken lightly.

  • Break-in suspects using cell-jamming technology to avoid surveillance cameras



    WBTV reports that CMPD has discovered instances where thieves have skillfully circumvented surveillance cameras during home break-ins, thanks to their use of technology.

    Cell-jamming is the term used to describe the interference caused by an individual using a device to disrupt radio or wireless signals.

    The Federal Communications Commission has made it clear that intentionally using a phone jammer, GPS blockers, or any other signal jamming device to interfere with authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law. It is essential to recognize that this prohibition applies without exception, regardless of whether it is within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle.

    Cell-jamming is possible from a device roughly 30 feet from the target, or household security cameras.

    In a south Charlotte community, a video has emerged showing a suspect surreptitiously navigating through a yard during the nighttime. It is worth mentioning, though, that not all incidents have been captured on camera.

    John Shocknesse, VP of Customer Operations for CPI Security, highlighted the need to address potential interference with wireless devices and the importance of implementing strategies to prevent communication disruptions.

    In a split second, someone might show up on camera, but the presence of cell-jamming enables their swift disappearance through the mere act of flipping a switch or pushing a button.

    In south Charlotte, CMPD has identified this as a recurring problem during residential burglaries.

    Shocknesse acknowledged the lack of any such activity, highlighting the significance of being vigilant and equipped with the latest technology.

    WBTV sought his opinion on which devices are more prone to cell-jamming.

    Shocknesse pointed out that the issue arises primarily with older wireless devices that lack encryption.

    He stated that newer security systems and surveillance systems are built with improved technology, such as encryption, to provide heightened security.

    Shocknesse pointed out the critical role of cameras and onboard recording in ensuring that events are documented and can be provided to law enforcement if needed.

    Additionally, he recommended that the most efficient way to prevent cell-jamming is to utilize up-to-date technology with encryption and to use a wired device instead of relying on Wi-Fi.

    Effective measures to prevent break-ins at home include maintaining proper lighting, utilizing alarm systems, and ensuring that bushes are trimmed to a maximum height of three feet.

  • Thieves are using Wi-Fi jammers to break into people’s homes



    The Los Angeles authorities have revealed that a group of thieves has been outfoxing smart devices throughout the area.

    A statement from the Los Angeles Police Department on March 4 highlighted concerns about a group in Wilshire using Wi-Fi jamming technology to deactivate surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

    The recent spate of tech-savvy robberies in California forms part of a wider trend of technologically advanced criminal activities occurring nationwide. In the past year, law enforcement authorities in Minnesota and Connecticut also issued cautionary advisories to residents regarding organized groups of thieves skilled in Wi-Fi jamming. These examples are just a fraction of the numerous instances reported.

    signal jamming

    KARE11 has reported that even though the Federal Communications Commission has prohibited Wi-Fi signal jammers jamming devices, criminals can still purchase them inexpensively. These devices do not necessarily disable other devices but rather overload the network they are connected to.

    The intention behind these devices, as explained by cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman, is to obstruct radio transmitters and create traffic congestion that hinders genuine communication.

    He recommended that if you opt for a Wi-Fi camera for your front door, you should perhaps contemplate using a hardline camera inside your home. Wired cameras connected through Ethernet cables do not rely on Wi-Fi networks and are not vulnerable to interference caused by a wifi jammer.

    It is strongly recommended by the Los Angeles police to have burglary alarm systems hard wired.

    Tom’s Hardware states that while smart technology may be a contributing factor to the issue, it can also be part of the solution. It is recommended by officials to employ timers or smart home devices to simulate occupancy when you are not present. Furthermore, certain smart home technology is capable of notifying users in the event of signal or connection disruptions.

    In addition, Tom's Hardware recommends connecting surveillance devices directly to your device for storing camera footage, rather than solely relying on a cloud storage system. This way, even if there is a Wi-Fi disruption, the footage will still be saved and accessible.

    The LAPD promotes vigilance among residents through the practice of securing doors, enlisting neighbors to watch over their homes during absences, and reporting any suspicious behavior, including the presence of vehicles with temporary or dealer plates.

    Wilshire Park is located in Central Los Angeles.
