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  • Could it be that your drivers are employing GPS jammers?



    GPS signals silently underpin our everyday activities, often without our conscious recognition. We constantly utilize them to traverse and navigate the world around us.From utilizing map apps on our smartphones to tracking our running distance with sports watches, and even ensuring safe travels worldwide, the everyday applications of GPS are numerous and vital. While a considerable number of individuals willingly disclose their location for the sake of convenience and benefits, not everyone shares the same level of enthusiasm towards using GPS.


    What is a GPS Jammer?


    The primary function of a GPS jamming device is to disrupt GPS signals, as the name suggests. By emitting disruptive "noise," these small yet powerful transmitters effectively conceal one's location and interfere with the proper functioning of a GPS device.

    Although GPS has become a ubiquitous technology in our daily lives, it is important to revisit its operational mechanism, particularly in the context of jammers. The global positioning system, known as GPS, operates by facilitating the reception of signals from satellite transmitters orbiting the Earth by trackers situated on the planet's surface.Through the reception of signals from four or more orbiting satellites, the GPS track undergoes a series of calculations to determine its precise position. Following this, the device transmits its location over a cellular network to a monitoring location, facilitating the configuration of your real-time location.


    Through the transmission of radio signals matching the frequency of a GPS device, GPS jammers interfere with the GPS satellite signals. Consequently, the GPS device is inundated with these radio signals, leading to its inability to accurately establish its position.


    The usage of GPS jammers disrupts various telecommunications devices, such as cell phones, internet networks, toll readers, and more. These jammers are highly potent, compact, easy to operate, require low power, and can be conveniently plugged into a car's cigarette lighter. Moreover, they can be easily obtained through online platforms.


    What GPS Jammers Are Used For


    Besides simply hiding one’s location, jamming devices are used for many reasons, including:

    Dodging police detection to steer clear of fines or tickets.

    Wi-Fi connections being obstructed.

    Concealment of the location of a vehicle or device is a proactive approach to thwarting theft and preventing unauthorized usage.

    Inhibiting the ability of mobile phones and other devices to transmit or receive messages, calls, emails, and various notifications.

    Employing strategies to obstruct the locating of devices.

    Concealing the exact whereabouts from an employer while using a company vehicle.

    The government's original intention behind developing GPS jammers was to cater to the needs of military and law enforcement agencies, but their utilization in different scenarios has sparked debates regarding their legitimacy.


    In a military context, concealing the positions of vehicles or devices is of utmost importance for the success of missions and the protection of individuals involved. The utilization of GPS blockers in high-risk situations offers invaluable privacy and safety guarantees.


    Outside of military applications, the utilization of signal blockers and signal jammers is deemed illegal in the United States, Canada, and various other nations. Despite the illegality, many individuals discover that it is effortless to purchase GPS blockers online and subsequently install them in their vehicles. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that users of these devices may face severe penalties, including hefty fines, equipment confiscation, and potential imprisonment.

  • What you need to know about preventing location tracking



    When considering secret filming and anti-positioning tracking as a war of attack and defense, as a protector of privacy, your first task is to accurately analyze the battlefield conditions.


    In more developed countries and regions around the world, the problem of location tracking has become an enduring dilemma. Furthermore, candid photography has also witnessed troubling trends, such as a proliferation in the number and distribution of captured scenes.


    The surge in numbers finds a striking manifestation in South Korea. Data from Korean authorities specializing in this matter indicates a noteworthy rise in cases related to location tracking and secret photography, with the numbers climbing from 1,100 in 2010 to exceeding 6,000 in the previous year.


    The Hankyoreh Daily reported that an online survey was conducted in May by the Seoul City and the Tree Women’s Human Rights Consulting Office. This survey involved 1,500 Seoul citizens aged 19 to 59, and the findings indicated that a substantial 70% of respondents felt uneasy about stalking violations in their everyday lives.Moreover, 80% of female respondents feel uneasy about this, and 57% of male respondents feel uneasy about it, indicating that women are more panicked about stalking than men.


    Victims of theft and fraud often have the advantage of recognizing and reporting these blatant illegal acts promptly. However, stalking cases present a unique set of circumstances where victims struggle to uncover and alert law enforcement in a timely manner.This year has witnessed the revelation of more than 20 stalking cases. It can be said that the victims were fortunate to discover the presence of tracking devices. The most saddening aspect is the large number of victims who remain unaware of being stalked.

    gps blocker device

    The "strongest weapon" is yourself


    The existence of tracking is comparable to an unseen explosive, persisting objectively and showing no signs of disappearing in the near future. This signifies that it has the potential to impact anyone. If one is ill-equipped or takes a chance without the means to resist when being pursued, the consequences will be unimaginable and irreversible.


    Even with strengthened supervision and punishment, candid photography cannot be completely eradicated. External protections can only provide limited efficacy before and after the occurrence.If the ongoing infringement of candid filming "during the incident" cannot be identified, all external protection measures will be rendered futile. Regardless of the severity of the punishment, if the hidden location tracker cannot be found in the darkness, what actions can be taken to contact the police?


    Therefore, instead of relying solely on strict laws, market supervision, or hotel management to eradicate all illegal candid photography overnight, it is more advisable for individuals to personally acquire practical and effective anti-tracking methods and take necessary privacy protection actions "during the incident." Taking control of the situation instead of relying on others is the most direct, efficient, and reassuring way to protect privacy.


    Despite the potential need for increased financial resources, obtaining privacy and security can be a complex endeavor. Nevertheless, by acquiring practical skills in anti-location tracking, individuals can successfully preserve their privacy regardless of their whereabouts.


    Through the emission of radio interference waves, the anti-positioning and tracking signal jammer effectively disrupts the functioning of GPS locators within the specified electromagnetic band. This results in the creation of an electromagnetic environment akin to that of signal-blocking equipment, enabling you to permanently block tracking signals gps jammer and ensure the preservation of your privacy.

  • A guide on how to effectively obstruct the Beidou GPS signal



    With the advancement of the Internet of Things, the requirement for location services is on the rise. Numerous organizations predict that a significant 60% of IoT devices will depend on geographical location data. Particularly, the market for extensive outdoor positioning is set to become an unignorable sector.


    In the realm of navigation technology, a highly esteemed club known as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has emerged. Despite its small membership of only four, this club has managed to captivate the interest of heads of state and garnered extensive research from top scientists and engineers. The esteemed members of this club include the American GPS, European GPS (Galileo GALILEO), Russia's GLONASS, and China's Beidou COMPASS.


    China's Beidou system has recently joined the ranks, establishing itself as the most rapidly advancing member. What is the current progress of Beidou? How does it influence our lives? This captivating topic has piqued considerable interest. Although academic journals feature numerous articles on Beidou, the excessive use of technical jargon alienates and discourages the average reader.

    Block GPS signal


    The expanding GPS locator market has led to a notable increase in the number of individuals who desire to evade GPS signal tracking. Consequently, these individuals are actively searching for products known as GPS signal jammer, which can effectively block the tracking of GPS signals.


    The GPS jammer is capable of effectively obstructing the GPS locator. When a gps jammer is employed, it disrupts the regular operation of the GPS locator, resulting in incomplete transmission of data to the locator monitoring platform. Similar to a mobile phone, the GPS locator requires the insertion of a mobile phone card or IoT card to transmit data. Hence, as long as the GPS signal jammer can impede the signal transmission of the mobile phone card, it can effectively block the GPS locator.


    The anti-location jammer disrupts the GPS locator by emitting radio interference waves within a specific electromagnetic band. This generates an electromagnetic environment that mirrors the signal-blocking device, effectively blocking GPS satellite signals. As a result, data transmission to the platform is prevented, rendering the device offline and unusable.This device is designed to efficiently block positioning signals, including GPS, Beidou, and base stations. It operates at a transmission power of 5W and offers an adjustable effective shielding distance of 1 to 15 meters (pre-set during manufacturing). By effectively blocking the GPS locator within the vehicle space, it ensures non-functionality without causing any harm to individuals.


    Start with GPS


    The space century for humanity commenced on October 4, 1957, with the Soviet Union's successful launch of the world's first artificial earth satellite. This event captured the close attention of the United States. Within Hopkins's Applied Physics Laboratory, mathematician Bill Guy and physicist George Weifenbach made a discovery of great significance. They observed a phenomenon where the frequency of this satellite had undergone a shift, later identified as the Doppler shift effect resulting from relative motion.


    When deciding on the most suitable orbit for the satellite, three options are available: low, medium, or high. Opting for a low orbit would result in lower launch costs and improved accuracy. However, it is important to consider that achieving global coverage would require the deployment of 200 satellites.


    Theoretically, global coverage can be achieved by deploying three satellites in a high orbit. Nevertheless, the launch of high-orbit satellites presents considerable difficulties, and the primary issue lies in the reduced accuracy of positioning. This can be attributed to two key factors: the excessive altitude of the orbit, resulting in significant errors, and the minimal relative speed between the geostationary orbit and ground objects, which hampers the practical implementation of the Doppler frequency shift solution method.


    A medium orbit serves as a viable compromise, demanding a mere 24-36 satellites to achieve global coverage. The significant relative speed between the satellite and stationary ground objects enables the effective utilization of the Doppler frequency shift method.


    Drawing upon the extensive deliberations mentioned above, the United States made the strategic choice of deploying a constellation of 24 satellites in a medium orbit. The inaugural satellite was successfully launched in 1978, and the complete system was put into operation in 1995. At present, there are 30 satellites, categorized into two distinct positioning modes: military and civilian. This approach embraces a global perspective.


    Beidou generation criticized


    After the loss of MH370, a lot of popular science appeared, making the public familiar with the term Doppler effect. Is the Doppler effect a good thing or a bad thing for satellites? It depends on what kind of satellite it is. This is a good thing for navigation and positioning satellites, because the greater the relative speed of the satellite relative to the measured object on the ground, the more obvious the Doppler effect, and the positioning will be more accurate. This is even the core principle basis for positioning navigation satellites.


    However, the Doppler effect is a bad thing for communication satellites, because the frequency offset will cause communication failure and must be corrected. For example, the Asia-Pacific International Communications Satellite located over the Indian Ocean is fixed relative to the ground. The seven search signals sent by the missing MH370 in the final stage were measured by this satellite and found a frequency offset. This was originally data that was to be corrected, but it was not Thinking of this, it became the only evidence to speculate on the aircraft's trajectory. To sum it up in one sentence: Using communication satellites to position satellites has turned the Doppler effect, which was originally a bad thing, into a good thing.


    The scale of Beidou II is similar to that of GPS, and the applied orbit and frequency are relatively consistent with those of European Galileo. This inevitably encounters the problem of competition for satellite orbits and frequencies. Satellite orbits and space frequencies are resources shared by mankind, so how should they be distributed? International rules do not divide them by country or population, but whoever takes advantage first will get it.


    In 2005, the first satellite of the Galileo project was launched, but it was not activated. It only occupied the orbit but not the frequency. Why was it not activated? The reason was that there was no money, and activation required money, and Europe was a little tight on money. The first star of China's Beidou II generation also went up to the sky, and it was opened as soon as it went up. Now the orbit and frequency are occupied.


    Galileo in Europe was tinkering slowly, while Beidou in China kept launching satellites one after another, and later even built a double satellite. Some frequencies of the Galileo project and Beidou II overlap, and both sides are in the field of international telecommunications. The alliance has been registered, and whoever gets it first will get it. China's fast pace has made Europe anxious, and it has put pressure on China through the United States, asking China to slow down and wait for the European people.

  • Which vehicles come equipped with built-in GPS tracking?



    The inclusion of GPS tracking systems has become a standard feature in nearly all newly manufactured cars. This advanced technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of your vehicle, allowing you to track its location in real-time. Statistical forecasts suggest that within the next five years, an overwhelming 98% of vehicles in the United States will be fitted with a GPS tracking system.

    Are you considering the purchase of your child's first car and contemplating safety features such as GPS tracking? The endeavor of car shopping becomes even more challenging when it involves buying your teenager's initial vehicle. After all, you are entrusting the safety of your beloved child on the road.

    In my personal opinion, GPS tracking is an indispensable characteristic for any car. When assisting my brother in the selection of my niece's first vehicle, I ensured that he opted for one equipped with an integrated GPS tracking system. This allows him to effortlessly monitor his cherished daughter.

    jammer phone

    GPS Tracking In Cars

    We are all well-acquainted with the concept of GPS tracking, be it in the context of our mobile devices or our cars. GPS has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives.

    What Exactly Is GPS Tracking?

    The Global Positioning System, abbreviated as GPS, facilitates the remote monitoring of an object's location. With the aid of GPS technology, one can precisely track the longitude, latitude, course of direction, and ground speed of a target.

    Discover comprehensive insights into GPS Tracking by exploring WhatIs, an authoritative reference and self-education website focused on Information Technology (IT).

    How Do GPS Tracking Devices Work?

    Recognizing the mechanics behind GPS is as essential as understanding its concept. According to National Geographic, GPS operates by means of a constellation consisting of 24 satellites that meticulously encircle the Earth in a specific orbit.

    GPS receivers, such as those found in phones or cars, are programmed to receive signals from satellites continuously. Through the measurement of signal travel time from a minimum of three satellites, the GPS receiver is able to accurately establish its own location. This process is commonly referred to as trilateration.

    Do All New Cars Have GPS Tracking Devices?

    The Zebra, an insurance company, has revealed that there are around 78 million cars in the United States that possess a built-in GPS tracking system. It is projected that within the next five years, an estimated 98% of cars in the country will be equipped with GPS trackers. However, it is important to note that the installation of GPS trackers in vehicles is not currently enforced by law in the United States.

    The logistics software company, Transfinder, has officially stated that GPS navigation for personal vehicles was introduced in 2001. Consequently, it can be inferred that vehicles manufactured prior to this year may not come equipped with built-in GPS navigation. Noteworthy car brands such as Nissan, Hyundai, and Ford provide factory-installed GPS navigation systems.

    What Is The Best Place To Hide GPS In Your Car?

    If the car you’re getting for your child doesn’t have a GPS built-in and you’re opting you get one for them, then you need to know the best place to install the GPS device. Here are the best places to hide a GPS device in your teen’s car:

    When it comes to hiding a GPS tracking device, the undercarriage of a car proves to be an excellent choice. This is primarily due to the magnetic mount feature present in most GPS devices, allowing for a secure and worry-free attachment to the metallic part of the vehicle. I have personally assisted a friend in the installation of a GPS using this method.

    For installing a GPS device in your teenager's car, consider the front or rear bumper as a prime location, with The Bumper being a notable option. While it is possible to remove the bumper for installation, in the majority of cases, securely affixing the GPS to the car's bumper using velcro is a reliable alternative.

    Installing a GPS device inside the dashboard, below the steering wheel, offers a discreet solution. While the installation process may pose some difficulties, this hidden placement ensures that it remains inconspicuous, making it less vulnerable to removal by thieves or curious teenagers, like my niece.

    How To Find Hidden GPS Device On Your Car?

    Although GPS navigation is beneficial in ensuring the safety of you, your teenager, and your vehicle, it can also be misused by criminals to track your or your teenager's car. To understand the laws in your state regarding the installation of a tracker on your vehicle, you can consult the National Conference of State Legislatures.

    Generally, though, it’s illegal in the U.S. for someone to install a tracker on someone else’s vehicle without their consent. If you have suspicions about someone tracking your vehicle, here’s how to find a hidden GPS device in your car:

    A comprehensive examination of both the interior and exterior of your vehicle is crucial when searching for a GPS device. Thoroughly inspecting areas like the undercarriage, dashboard, inside the bumpers, and even under the hood is highly recommended. It is worth mentioning that these very same areas are often utilized by criminals to conceal GPS devices.

    To avoid the inconvenience of conducting a physical inspection, employing a GPS detector is a prudent choice. A valuable article by GPS Tracker Shop delves into the intricacies of a GPS scanner and its operational mechanisms. This efficient tool can swiftly detect GPS devices, even if they were missed during a physical inspection.

    If you desire a thorough examination, it is prudent to consult a skilled mechanic who can assist in identifying any concealed GPS devices within your vehicle.

    Can Remove Or Block GPS Tracking On A New Car?

    If you happen to find a hidden GPS tracker in your car or your teenager's car, it can be removed. However, if your car is equipped with a built-in GPS system, removing it won't be an option. Nonetheless, you can effectively block GPS signals by using a GPS blocker. Take a look at the selection of GPS jammers available at the signal jammers Store.

    If you wish to disable the GPS device, another option is to extract its battery. In case this method proves unsuccessful, it is recommended to consult a qualified mechanic who can perform the removal for you.

  • In 2023, it will become easier to block GPS signals



    In our contemporary interconnected world, the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has become an inseparable component of our daily existence. From the navigation systems installed in vehicles to the location-based services accessible on our smartphones, GPS plays a pivotal role in furnishing accurate positioning information. However, there might be instances where individuals or organizations endeavor to hinder GPS signals for various purposes. This article will explore five techniques to obstruct GPS signals in 2023, which include the deployment of GPS jammers.

    multifunctional wireless signal blockers

    GPS jammers refer to electronic devices specifically designed to disrupt or hinder GPS signals by transmitting radio frequency signals on the same frequency band utilized by GPS satellites. By emitting a powerful signal, these signal jammers overpower the weaker GPS signals, thereby impeding GPS receivers from accurately locking onto the satellite signals. The compact and portable nature of GPS jammers makes them a popular choice for individuals seeking to temporarily block GPS signals within a localized area.


    It should be emphasized that the use of GPS jammers is illegal in most countries, including the United States, due to the potential risks involved. GPS jammers have the ability to interfere with critical systems such as aviation navigation, emergency services, and the proper functioning of authorized GPS users. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to employ GPS jammers except in authorized and controlled environments, such as military or law enforcement operations.


    Faraday cages are metallic enclosures that are designed to block external electromagnetic fields. These cages create a shield of conductive material, such as copper or aluminum, which prevents electromagnetic signals, including GPS signals, from entering or leaving the enclosed space. While Faraday cages are commonly used to protect sensitive electronic equipment from interference, they can also be used to effectively block GPS signals when they are designed properly.


    If you want to block GPS signals, you can create a Faraday cage by enclosing the desired area with conductive material. It is crucial to make sure that there are no gaps or openings that would allow signals to penetrate. However, constructing a Faraday cage for everyday use is usually not feasible due to the significant planning and construction efforts required.


    Unlike blocking GPS signals, signal spoofing involves the creation of counterfeit GPS signals to deceive GPS receivers. This method entails transmitting fabricated GPS signals that contain incorrect positioning information, causing receivers to compute inaccurate location data.


    Specialized software-defined radios (SDRs) can be utilized to carry out signal spoofing, generating deceptive GPS signals. However, it is important to note that signal spoofing, similar to GPS jammers, is considered illegal in most jurisdictions. This is primarily due to the potential risks it poses to safety-critical systems and the significant disruptions it can cause.


    Within controlled environments such as secure facilities or military installations, geofencing techniques can be implemented to control or prevent GPS signals from functioning within defined areas. Geofencing involves the creation of a virtual boundary using GPS coordinates, which in turn triggers specific responses when a GPS receiver enters or exits the designated zone. By integrating geofencing technologies with GPS receivers, it becomes possible to effectively limit or filter out GPS signals within specific zones.


    Although geofencing and signal filtering techniques may prove effective in specific scenarios, they are not practical solutions for general use cases that necessitate GPS signals for navigation or location-based services.


    The best and most responsible approach to addressing GPS signal concerns is through legal regulations and enforcement. Governments and regulatory bodies have a vital role to play in safeguarding the integrity of GPS systems and ensuring the safety and functionality of critical applications.


    By rigorously enforcing the existing laws governing the utilization of GPS jammers and signal spoofing devices, as well as conducting public awareness campaigns to educate individuals about the hazards associated with interfering with GPS signals, we can effectively discourage unauthorized and irresponsible usage. Moreover, ongoing research and development endeavors can play a pivotal role in enhancing GPS security, bolstering its resilience against signal disruptions.


    While the notion of obstructing GPS signals may capture the interest of a few, it is crucial to realize the potential dangers and legal implications associated with such actions. GPS technology has revolutionized numerous fields and significantly enhanced our daily routines. It is essential to give priority to responsible usage and explore alternative solutions for addressing concerns, such as legal guidelines, technological advancements, and public education, to ensure the continued reliability and functionality of GPS systems.

  • What factors contribute to the extensive disruption caused by GPS outage?



    The utilization of satellite signals extends beyond the mere provision of information to your vehicle's navigation system. GPS has evolved into an imperceptible yet indispensable resource that we depend on. Mobile phone jammer companies rely on GPS time signals to synchronize communication between your phone and their towers. Energy providers utilize GPS for harmonizing electricity grids during interconnections. Additionally, banks and stock exchanges employ satellite-based time-stamps to safeguard against fraudulent activities.


    In the meantime, a neglected navigation system that has the potential to surpass GPS.


    The security of Satnav, which controls a wide range of systems from power grids to air traffic control, is highly vulnerable. However, there is a more affordable and often ignored alternative that is ready to take its place.


    Logan Scott believed it was 28 September 2022 and he was present at a conference centre in Portland, Oregon. However, the majority of smartphones in his vicinity were indicating a location in Europe, causing confusion. Some devices were even displaying January 2023 and declining to send messages or emails.


    The conference centered around global navigation, and the issues arose when Scott was delivering a presentation on the vulnerability of GPS receivers to deception. To investigate, he borrowed a detector and successfully traced the origin of the problem. It was discovered that the GPS signal generator, intended for testing purposes, had not been adequately secured with terminal caps.


    The error was swiftly rectified, however, a deliberate assault could potentially cause significantly greater damage. Originally designed by the US military jammer for defense purposes, GPS is now utilized in a wide range of applications, including power grids, financial trading, ambulances, and air traffic control. In order to mitigate the risks associated with relying solely on gps blocker, the European Union is constructing its own satellite navigation system, Galileo, which has become a contentious issue in the UK's negotiations to exit the union. Nevertheless, relying on additional satellites to support existing ones may not be the most optimal solution. Instead, a more practical technology, rooted in the second world war, could be reintroduced for our defense purposes.

    The convenience of satnav has become ingrained in our daily lives. With just a simple pull out of your phone, you can instantly obtain your precise position within seconds.

  • Hunt Signal Jammer locations and rewards in GTA 5 Online mode



    Grand Theft Auto 5's vast open world is filled with many collectibles and points of interest for players to discover. Among them are 50 signal jammers that can be found scattered across the city of Los Santos and Blaine County. Destroying these devices can grant players special rewards, but locating them can be tricky. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about hunting down signal jammers in GTA Online.


    What Are Signal Jammers in GTA 5 Online?


    Signal jammers in GTA Online are small electronic devices that can disrupt phone signals and block internet access. They appear as small black boxes with blinking green lights, usually found attached to the side of buildings or on rooftops.


    When nearby a signal jammer, players will be unable to use their in-game cell phone to access contacts, emails, web browser and other features. The phone signal strength indicator in the top right corner will show zero bars and display "NO SIGNAL."


    Destroying signal jammers is beneficial because they negatively impact the GTA Online game world. With the gps blocker active, players cannot rely on their phones for communication and access to information. Shutting the jammers down restores full phone functionality and internet connectivity across Los Santos.


    Locations of All 50 Signal Jammers


    The 50 signal jammers are spread far and wide across the massive map of GTA 5, from downtown Los Santos all the way to rural Blaine County. Their exact positions are fixed but accessing them can require some climbing, flying or other creative approaches.


    Some useful spots to check for jammers include rooftops of skyscrapers, sides of office buildings, atop construction cranes, water towers, radio masts, cell phone towers, and remote high spots in the countryside. Referring to interactive maps available online can make locating the jammers much easier.

  • How accurate is mobile tracking?



    There are three ways to determine the location of your Tracki GPS tracker using geolocation data.


    1. Global Positioning System (GPS) functionality, which uses satellite signal jammers to determine location very accurately.


    2. Connect to WiFi by tracking the router’s MAC ID. If Tracki GPS Tracker cannot find a GPS signal, it listens to all nearby WiFi routers and reports their MAC ID to our servers, which have access to a map of wifi blocker routers and their locations around the world. Accuracy is approximately 100-300 feet.


    3. A less precise method is often called "cell tower triangulation," which refers to how cell towers calculate a tracker's geophysical location.


    What is Cell Tower Triangulation?


    In a perfect world, the GPS tracker's signal would be picked up by three or more cell towers, allowing triangulation to function. If you know the distance to a place from each of three unique points, you may compute the approximate position of that location in respect to the three reference points. We know the locations of the cell towers that receive our jammer GSM signal at Tracki because we have access to mapping of all cellular tower locations worldwide, and we can estimate the distance of the GPS tracker from each of those antenna towers based on the lag time between when the tower sends a ping to Tracki GPS tracker and receives the answering ping back.

    spireon gps

    In rare situations, a GPS tracker's signal may be received by more than three cell towers, providing for even greater precision. Because there are frequently many cell towers with overlapping signal coverage regions in big metropolitan urban areas, GPS tracker pinpointing accuracy is pretty good. When the GPS tracker is not exposed to the open sky, such as when it is within a building or underground, and there are no Wi-Fi networks nearby, cell tower triangulation may be the only means to determine location if GPS signal is not accessible.


    However, there are numerous areas with fewer cell towers available, such as on the outskirts of towns and in rural areas. When there are less than three cell towers accessible, locating a anti-tracking jammer device becomes significantly less precise. To have good coverage in cities with a lot more vertical structures that might be obstacles to GPS tracker transmitting and receiving, there must be a lot more cell towers spread. There are fewer cell towers in the countryside, and a GPS tracker's signal may be picked up by only one tower at a considerably longer distance.

    gps tracker detector

    Those places where the GPS tracker is only picked up by a single tower, and if it just has a single omnidirectional antenna, the accuracy is considerably worse.


    Tracking accuracy in rural locations might range from 0.25 mile to several miles, depending on how many obstructions may be obstructing the tower's signal.


    How does a GPS tracker work?


    GPS, or global positioning system, uses 24 to 32 solar-powered satellites and ground stations to relay data to GPS-enabled devices.


    The primary goal of GPS systems is to identify the exact location of an object or person in real time. The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) network is used by GPS tracking systems. Each satellite in orbit transmits microwave signals to a receiver. The GPS tracker's receiver then utilizes these signals to compute your precise location from at least four GPS satellites. Finally, your location is calculated when the system triangulates your actual position on the earth based on these distances to the closest meters.


    The method is based on a basic mathematical idea known as trilateration. GPS receivers use the exact location of at least four satellites and the distance between them to estimate four values: earth latitude, earth longitude, elevation, and time. The position of the receiver is determined by the position and distances to a certain satellite. The precise position of a satellite is regularly sent to all receivers within line of sight, which normally necessitates an unobstructed sky. The precise moment the satellite broadcast arrives at the receiver determines the distance to a satellite. The time created by each satellite's atomic clock is relayed at predetermined intervals by the satellite.

    how gps works

    What a GPS Tracking Device Is and How It Works


    GPS tracking devices operate on the same concept, but instead of displaying information on the device, the gadget's CPU calculates its location and transmits the resulting data to a server over the Internet via the international GSM cellular network. That server offers a platform from which end users may monitor the device's present and historical path, speed, and alarms. All of this data is then delivered over the internet and shown on a desktop software or a smart phone jammer utilizing an iPhone or Android app.


    Anyone may profit from a GPS tracking device. It may be used by company owners to monitor fleets, staff conduct, and by households to keep track of elderly, children, or pets. To prevent their luggage from being lost or stolen, travelers embed a GPS tracker in it.


    Active trackers, on the other hand, use a SIM and a GSM transceiver to process and send data in real time. Dispatchers receive real-time information via the GSM cellular network, allowing them to keep a close eye on their assets or valuables. Cellular network services are paid for with monthly fees.


    In the event that the GPS satellites signal is obstructed due to being indoors or by a structure, and there is no sky, the device looks for cell tower signals and attempts to determine rough position using cell tower signal strength triangulation.


    The GPS tracker determine where the device is located and roughly estimate the distance between the cellphone towers by interpolating signals between adjacent towers. A precision of down to 300 feet may be obtained in urban areas where density of cellphone towers is very high. Rural and county side areas which has less towers per square mile may see many miles between base stations and therefore inaccurately determine locations often showing a location miles away from the device real location.


    For conclusion, when GPS satellite signal is available that is preferable to use. But in those cases when a GPS tracking device is blocked from open sky by structures, tall buildings, trees or even heavy clouds, cell tower approximation can mean the difference between knowing a general area whereabouts of GPS tracker or being in a complete dark.

  • Satellite signal interference has reached new low



    5G 4G Phone Jammer

    Starlink and other low-Earth orbit constellations face new security risks


    Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 really threw Ukrainian communications into a tailspin: Shortly before the invasion, Russian hackers disabled Viasat satellite ground receivers across Europe. Then entrepreneur Elon Musk stepped in and offered access to Starlink, SpaceX's growing network of low-Earth orbit (LEO) communications satellites. Musk soon reported that Starlink was suffering from cell phone jamming attacks and software countermeasures.


    In March, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) concluded that Russia was still trying to block Starlink, according to leaked documents from U.S. National Guard pilot Ryan Teixeira seen by The Washington Post. According to the "Defense One" website, the Ukrainian military also blamed the Starlink problem on Russian gps jamming. If Russia blocks low-Earth orbit constellations, this will be a new height in the silent war between space and earth communications.


    “There’s really not a lot of information about it,” said Brian Weeden, program director at the Secure World Foundation, an NGO focused on space governance. However, Weeden added, "My sense is that Starlink is harder to jam or interfere with [than GPS satellites]."


    LEO satellites face new security risks


    Regardless of their altitude or size, communications satellites transmit more power and therefore require more energy to jam than navigation satellites. However, low-Earth-orbiting satellites orbiting the Earth at altitudes of 2,000 kilometers or less switch frequently, which "results in delays and creates more interference" than large geostationary satellites, said Mark, professor of data protection and data protection. Mark Manulis said. Applied cryptography at the Cyber ​​Defense Institute (CODE) of the Bundeswehr University Munich.


    Security and communications researchers have mostly studied defenses and countermeasures behind closed doors, but several publications and open-source research have revealed how unprepared many low-Earth orbit satellites are for a direct attack, and what defenses may be needed for future low-Earth orbit satellites.


    For years, private companies and government agencies have been planning low-Earth orbit constellations, each with thousands of satellites. For example, the Department of Defense has been designing its own network of low-Earth orbit satellites to complement its more traditional geostationary constellation for more than a decade and has begun awarding contracts to build it. University research groups also launch miniature standardized CubeSats (CubeSats) into low Earth orbit for research and demonstration purposes. This proliferation of satellite constellations coincides with the emergence of off-the-shelf components and software-defined radio—both of which make the satellites more affordable, but perhaps less secure.


    Russian defense authorities have commissioned a system called "Tobol" to counter jammers that could interfere with Russian satellites, journalist and author Bart Hendricks reports. This means that either Russia can deliver jamming signals to satellites, or it suspects that its adversaries can.


    Many agencies and organizations launching the latest generation of low-cost satellites have yet to address the biggest safety issues they face, researchers write in the 2022 Low Earth Orbit Safety Report. This may be because one of the lures of low-Earth orbit is the relatively cheap ability of new hardware to handle smaller tasks.


    "Satellites are getting smaller and smaller. Their purpose is very clear," said Ijaz Ahmad, a telecommunications security researcher at the VTT Technology Research Center in Espoo, Finland. “Less resources are devoted to computing power, processing, and storage.” Lower computing power means less encryption capabilities and a lower ability to detect and respond to outages or other proactive outages.


    The rise of software-defined radio (SDR) is also making it easier to deploy hardware for new missions, including the ability of small satellites to cover multiple frequency bands. "When you make it programmable, you provide some kind of remote connection to that hardware so that you can program it. But if you ignore the security aspect, there are serious consequences," Ahmed said.

  • GPS jammer to stop tracking messed up airport navigation driver fired



    What happens when you take steps to ensure a little privacy by blocking your company vehicle’s GPS tracker to hide your location from your boss? A New Jersey man discovered after his gps jamming disrupted "pre-deployment testing of the Ground Augmentation System (GBAS) at Newark Liberty International Airport" was fired from engineering firm Tilcon and fined nearly $32,000 by the FCC Dollar.

    According to the FCC, cell phone jamming device have "no lawful purpose" and can only be "sold to the U.S. federal government for authorized official use." GBAS is being tested at Newark Airport and is designed to "provide aircraft near the airport with improved navigation signals to enable precise arrival, departure procedures and terminal area operations." On August 3, the FAA complained of a malfunction during testing. On Aug. 4, a police officer used “direction finding technology” to determine that GPS interference was coming from a red Ford F-150 pickup truck.


    FCC agents interviewed the driver, who identified himself as Gary Bojczak, and admitted that he possessed and operated a radio device that interfered with GPS transmissions. Mr. Bojczak alleges that he installed and operated jamming device on company-provided vehicles to interfere with the GPS-based vehicle tracking system his employer installed on the vehicles.


    This is the first time the FCC has skipped the warning and instead imposed a hefty fine of $31,875. Officials worked quickly, given that John Merrill, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's position, timing and navigation program manager, told a GPS conference: "The FAA and FCC worked from March 2009 to April 2011 A single GPS jammer was developed "to locate a jammer operated by another truck driver on the New Jersey Turnpike."


    CBS New York interviewed other company-tracked vehicle drivers who aren’t opposed to such GPS tracking by employers. One driver said she had “nothing to hide” from her dispatcher, but there’s a big market—even if it is illegal—for GPS jammers.
