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  • Marines Need Rifle-Mounted Jammers to Help Infantrymen Fight Drones



    The Marine Corps is on the hunt for electronic warfare attachments, "buckshot-like" ammunition, and advanced optics for its standard-issue rifle to help dismounted troops track and defeat incoming drones, according to a recent announcement from the service.

    The notice seeking sources, published July 15 by Marine Corps Systems Command, details plans to field several new attachments to troops at the squad and platoon level to mount on their M27 Infantry Automatic Rifles in order to "support 'every' Marine's ability to conduct self-defense against threat Groups 1 and 2 small UAS [unmanned aerial systems]," drones that weigh 20 pounds or less and between 21 and 55 pounds, respectively.

    Those attachments include a "directional RF [radio frequency] and/or Global Positioning System gps jammer" designed to interfere with the signals drones use to communicate

    Rather than have dismounted troops to rely on bulky and unwieldy stand-alone hand-held, counter-drone jammer, the emphasis on mounting these new attachments on an "organic" (read: essential) rifle reflects a need for systems that have "little to no impact on [Marines'] primary mission," as the notice puts it.

    For the advanced rifle optics, the most likely candidate for Marines is the SMASH 2000L fire control system from Israeli defense contractor SmartShooter, which allows troops to "lock on" to an incoming drone target for a "guaranteed hit." The Marine Corps has been testing the system since 2021 but has yet to field it across the broader close-combat force.

    The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab "has provided a limited quantity of the [SmartShooter] SMASH 2000L optics to a small number of Marine Corps units for experimentation," a battle lab spokesperson told "The optic has not been provided by the program office for use in Marine Corps training, nor has it been provided to deployed units."

    For the average grunt, it's unclear how much weight these new devices will add to their rifle and, in turn, how that might affect its use on the battlefield.

    The M27 weighs 9.8 pounds loaded with a 30-round STANAG magazine and outfitted with a sling. The addition of the Corps' new Squad Common Optic (2 pounds), a rail-mounted AN/PEQ-16 laser illuminator (9.9 ounces), and a standard Knights Armament suppressor (1.4 pounds) results in a 13.8-pound weapon -- just under the weight of the noticeably heavy XM7 Next Generation Squad Weapon rifle the Army recently started fielding.

    Beyond these rifle add-ons, the Corps is also searching for "enhanced ammunition for existing firearms," namely "buckshot-like" rounds for the service's arsenal of rifles chambered in 5.56x45mm and 7.62x51mm, such as the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System, as well as for its M2 .50-caliber machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers.

    Details about the new ammunition were not immediately available, but as recently as April Marines have engaged in counter-drone training with shotguns, alongside other "direct fire" weapons such as rifles and machine guns.

    A Marine Corps Systems Command spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday.

    Conventional militaries and non-state actors have increasingly menaced U.S. and allied forces with low-cost, weaponized drones in recent years, a development that had previously prompted Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., the former head of U.S. Central Command, to dub them the most dangerous threat to American forces in the Middle East since the advent of the improvised explosive device at the dawn of the Global War on Terror.

    While the Marine Corps is working overtime to field several vehicle-mounted counter-drone solutions such as the vehicle-mounted Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, or L-MADIS, the new push to equip grunts with easy-to-carry systems is part of the service's broader effort to make every Marine a drone defender at a time when some units are currently deploying to geopolitical hot spots such as the Indo-Pacific without such capabiilties.

    "Every unit down to the individual Marine, regardless of geographic location on the battlefield, is vulnerable to reconnaissance and, more dangerously, attack from threat Groups 1 and 2 small UAS," according to the notice. "To facilitate freedom of movement, Marines require the ability to conduct self-defense against the threat."

  • The Debated Realm of Signal Disruptors



    Searching on Google's shopping site showed dozens of links to devices that are advertised as signal jammers, including anti-drone devices. Google itself does not sell them, but instead directs shoppers to third-party sellers, such as electronics retailers in China. These retailers typically say they can ship to the United States, and their marketing materials are not specifically for military or law enforcement use. One Chinese seller posted a video on YouTube, which is owned by Google, demonstrating how its product blocks cell phone signals.

    A Google spokesperson said the company has reviewed the cases shared by NBC News and is removing listings that violate its policy prohibiting the sale or promotion of such devices.

    Sometimes it's unclear who is behind the online sellers. One retailer called itself "Professional Global Signal Jammer Manufacturer Online Jammer Store" but did not disclose its location. The company did not respond to a request for comment. The FAQ section of its website includes the following dialogue:

    "Will customs confiscate my package?"

    "So far, we have not encountered this situation."

    It is unclear how many people may have illegally purchased radio frequency drone jammers from the various websites reviewed by NBC News. At least some of the companies said they sell their products to customers outside the United States, where the FCC's strict rules don't apply.

    At the other end of the radio signal jammer market are military suppliers, government contractors and other companies that don't generally target their products at consumers. Many of these companies have websites marketing their products, but they don't list prices or offer options to buy them immediately. Instead, they list options to "request a consultation" or "contact an expert."

    An FCC spokesman pointed to the commission's standing advisory on law enforcement and a 2020 federal interagency advisory on drone defense.

    On Wednesday, after NBC News published the report, the FCC said it had received several investigations related to jammer marketing, including one involving Amazon.

    "We are conducting several investigations into retailers, including Amazon, for possible violations of the commission's rules by marketing and selling devices without proper FCC authorization," FCC spokesman Jonathan Uriarte said in a statement.

    Amazon did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the investigations on Wednesday.

    The FCC has cracked down on radio frequency jammers and their online sales. In 2016, the commission said it had fined a Chinese online retailer, CTS Technology, $34.9 million for selling hundreds of illegal jammers over two years and selling some to undercover FCC agents.

    There have been no similar fines in the U.S. since then, though other Chinese retailers still market radio jammers to Americans online, an NBC News review of their websites shows. NBC News could not determine if any of them have shipped products to the U.S.

    The FCC has also targeted buyers in past years. In 2018, the FCC said it fined the operator of a Dallas warehouse $22,000 for using a jammer to prevent employees from using their cell phones while working. In 2016, the commission said it fined a Florida man $48,000 for using a jamming device to prevent people in other vehicles from talking on their cell phones during his daily commute. In 2014, Marriott agreed to pay $600,000 to settle allegations that one of its properties in Nashville, Tennessee, interfered with Wi-Fi signals at non-Marriott hotels.

    Over the years, the FCC’s focus has shifted to other topics, such as combating robocalls, said Dale Hatfield, a former chief engineer at the commission.

    “Their enforcement activity seems to be more targeted at things that are more directly visible to consumers,” he said.

    It’s hard to determine how big a problem illegal jammers are because signal interference is often brief and hard to document, said Hatfield, an adjunct professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. For the same reason, he said, interference cases are difficult for the FCC to handle.

    “It can be very intermittent,” he said. “How do you go back and figure out why?”

    Former FCC Commissioner McDowell said the commission’s enforcement efforts are largely determined by the types of complaints it receives.

    “Typically, the enforcement process comes into play when an outside agency notifies the FCC of a situation,” he said.

    Jamming devices have many potential uses, from disrupting unwanted drones to disrupting Wi-Fi networks to disabling doorbell cameras. On a Reddit message board dedicated to Ring doorbell cameras, some posters complained about people using jammers to disrupt the cameras and avoid detection during thefts. One Reddit poster said the irony was that Amazon seemed to be profiting from both sides: Ring is a division of Amazon, and Amazon is also a marketplace for buying devices that can disable Ring cameras.

    Amazon did not respond to questions about jamming Ring devices.

    Jammers, or radio frequency "blocking," are also a frequent topic of discussion in online forums dedicated to people who believe that the government or others are conducting deep surveillance on them, a belief or phenomenon sometimes referred to as "gang stalking."

    Potential markets for anti-drone systems such as RF jammers include large businesses and organizations that are concerned about drone terrorism but are not legally allowed to use jammers. Last year, four major sports leagues, including the NFL, urged Congress in a letter to congressional leaders to allow state and local law enforcement to use anti-drone capabilities.

    Prison officials in some states have said they want legal authority to use jammers to prevent prisoners from using their phones.

    But under current law, the list of government agencies authorized to buy and use radio frequency jammers is short, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the Departments of Energy and Defense.

    Companies that specialize in drone countermeasures often focus on foreign buyers.

    Drone defense company IXI Electronic Warfare warns on its website that drones pose a potential threat to stadiums, prisons and airports, and says drones can help "eliminate threats in seconds," including using a radio frequency jammer called a "Dronekiller." But overall, stadium operators, prisons and airport authorities do not have the legal authority to buy such products in the U.S.

  • Signal Jammers Offer Hope for Drones to Change Battlefield in Ukraine



    In the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, soldier Mykola shows off his drone jammer system: It may look like just a big white thermos, but it’s a vital shield for both sides in the war.

    Jammers have become a workhorse weapon in Ukraine in recent months, used to neutralize the small killer drones that are now ubiquitous over the battlefield.

    More than two years after the Russian invasion, the devices have become indispensable for the Ukrainian army.

    Mykola describes them as “like a bulletproof vest, adding a little protection, adding a little confidence… so the chances of survival increase,” said the soldier from the 92nd Brigade’s Achilles UAV Battalion.

    The system weighs 4 kilograms and fits into a backpack, Mykola said, and is “one of the first portable electronic protection devices” for Ukrainian infantry. “It protects our infantry from Russian FPV drones.”

    First-person view quadcopter drones are small, relatively cheap, and equipped with cameras that provide pilots with live images from the scene, as if the pilot were right there on the device.

    They are equipped with explosives and can directly strike enemy forces within a radius of several kilometers.

    Oleksandr Pavlyuk, commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces, recently told the British newspaper The Times: "Drones currently kill more soldiers on both sides than any other weapon."

    To counteract these interferences, scramblers send out jamming signal at the same frequency as the drone's control signals, thus cutting off the connection between the device and its pilot.

    Mykola said Russia is one step ahead because it has "been working on electronic warfare systems for more than 30 years." Ukraine, he said, "only started developing equipment after Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula in 2014."

    Today, "everyone is looking for free frequencies to produce FPVs and other drones. Everyone is thinking about how to counter these frequencies."

    Both sides sometimes come up with surprising ways to counter drones. Videos show Russian tanks covered in welded metal plates with only the cannon protruding - called "turtle tanks" on social media.

    Both Ukrainian and Russian troops have filmed themselves placing large fishing nets on trenches.

    A senior military officer specializing in electronic warfare said Ukraine is currently able to jam 60% to 70% of Russian FPV drones. But "every three months, we need to come up with new ways," the Ukrainian officer said.

    A Chinese agency working with Russia has been trying to procure drone jammers

    According to a May 22 procurement announcement on the official WeChat account of the Guangdong Provincial Council for the Promotion of Trade with Russia, foreign companies are seeking "drone equipment," including drone detectors and jammers.

    The association, which is overseen by the province's Ministry of Commerce, said buyers want "jamming generators, drone detectors (trade names BorisTone, Assel Labs and Bulat) or other similar technical solutions, drone suppressors and communication band jammers."

    The Bulat drone detector was developed by Russian company 3MX. It is known that Russian troops used it during the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

    The Yunfu Municipal Council for the Promotion of Trade posted the same notice on WeChat last week, asking any "interested companies" to submit their information.

    Drone jammers emit signals on the frequencies used by drones to operate and transmit information, thereby suppressing drones' communication capabilities.

    Ukraine has relied heavily on drones since Russia’s full-scale invasion and has invested heavily in advanced technology and domestic manufacturing. Ukraine has been using drones to target Russia’s oil and gas industry, which remains the largest source of funding for Moscow’s war effort despite Western sanctions.

    China’s announcement comes as Western governments are pressuring Beijing to ensure that dual-use products with military applications do not flow into Russia’s defense sector or its troops on the battlefield in Ukraine.

    The United States accuses Beijing of covertly supporting Moscow’s war effort by selling such dual-use products. These products include semiconductor chips, navigation equipment and jet aircraft parts.

    Beijing says it remains neutral in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and has repeatedly said it does not supply weapons to either side and “strictly controls” the export of dual-use items.

  • Lithuania Sends Drone Jammers to Ukraine Following New Aid Plan



    Ukraine has received a contribution of drone-jamming equipment from Lithuania as part of its most recent military assistance package. This addition will complement the numerous advanced Lithuanian counter-unmanned aircraft systems that are already in operation.

    The ministry's aid program includes a range of unspecified capabilities such as weaponry, ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-drone equipment, as well as training and logistics support requested by Ukraine signal jammer.

    Kyiv will receive a substantial long-term assistance plan from the country, amounting to 200 million euros ($217 million). This plan is set to be distributed over the course of six years, until 2026 drone jammer.

    Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas emphasized the vital role played by the weapons and equipment provided by Lithuania and its allies in supporting Ukraine's fight for independence and ensuring the security of Europe.

    Continuing Support

    Since the commencement of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, Lithuania has extended more than 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) in assistance to Ukraine, demonstrating its commitment by allocating 1.2 percent of its GDP towards this cause.

    The notable contributions made by this organization consist of two Kongsberg National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, 36 Bofors L-70 anti-aircraft guns along with ammunition, and 50 M113 armored carriers.

    Plans were also revealed to supply extra demining gear, ammunition, and food provisions to the nation from 2024 to 2025.

    Furthermore, it intends to provide training to approximately 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers by the conclusion of 2024.

  • Equipment Designed to Interfere with Radar Detection



    Reconsider your decision if you are thinking about utilizing a radar jammer to evade a speeding ticket, as radar jammers are against the law.

    Jammers distinguish themselves from the widely known radar detectors. While a radar detector informs you about the presence of a radar gun used by the police on the highway, jammers, on the other hand, actively interfere with the radar signals. Although signal blocker are not prohibited for use in passenger cars, their effectiveness is not guaranteed as they solely provide an alert when radar is detected, which might be tardy.

    The radar jammer operates by effectively neutralizing the radar guns employed by law enforcement agencies. By rendering the car invisible to radar signals, it becomes impossible for them to track your speed. Although intended to assist in evading tickets, in actuality, they may exacerbate the situation.

    Detecting a radar jammer on the highway is a serious issue. It goes beyond mere fines or higher insurance costs.

    Radar jammers are prohibited in certain states, which implies that you may face penalties even if you refrain from using them on federal roads. It is crucial to note that possession of such devices should be avoided altogether, and it is particularly important not to utilize them in California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, or Virginia.

    The regulation of radar jammers by the FCC is highly stringent, with radar jammers being deemed illegal since 1996. Consequently, individuals are prohibited from using or selling such devices. Furthermore, the FCC has prohibited companies from advertising jammers altogether.

    The utilization of radar jammers often leads to the police being able to detect their usage, even if they are unable to record your speed. The interference caused by these devices can serve as a clear indication, prompting the police to pull you over.

    Laser speed monitoring can be countered by utilizing a laser jammer, which effectively obstructs the monitoring beam. Although the use of laser jammer does not infringe upon federal law, it is important to note that numerous states have enacted legislation prohibiting their usage.

    It is advisable to refrain from utilizing them in California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

    It is recommended to refrain from speeding in order to avoid a ticket legally. However, using radar jammers as a solution is not advisable, as their existence does not justify their usage.

  • Communications jamming technology is falling into the hands of paramilitary groups



    Proliferation of wireless signal jammers


    The increasing dependence of our society on wireless technology is evident in our daily routines. Whether it's using WiFi to check emails or relying on GPS for directions, wireless devices play a crucial role. Nevertheless, this reliance also exposes us to the threat of best signal jammer.


    How does a signal jammer work?


    In a general sense, jammers disrupt existing wireless signals by flooding them with noise, resulting in interference. By adjusting the jammer to a specific target frequency range and emitting a high-power noise, tone, or pulse, it can disrupt nearby receivers attempting to detect signals on that particular frequency. While the traditional application of jammers has been to interfere with radio communications, the underlying principles can be extended to other types of wireless signals, including cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and more. The range of jammers varies based on the device's power and size. In urban settings, compact handheld jammers can effectively disrupt signals within a range of 100 meters or less, whereas large military-grade jammers can be strategically deployed in locations that cover extensive stretches of open terrain, spanning hundreds of miles.


    Military and paramilitary uses of signal jammers


    The utilization of jammers was widespread in World War II, as the Nazis disrupted Allied radio transmissions in occupied Europe. Subsequently, their popularity surged during the Cold War. The Soviet Union and China employed jamming techniques to interfere with incoming signals, Cuba blocked American radio stations, and both North and South Korea engaged in jamming each other's transmissions.


    The utilization of signal jammers persists in electronic warfare (EW), particularly within the Russian military. Reports suggest that Russia utilized this technology to obstruct U.S. low-altitude surveillance drones during the Syrian conflict in 2018, raising questions about the drones' outcomes - whether they crashed or veered off course.


    Mexican drug cartels have increasingly utilized jammers, which seem to complement the drones that they have also incorporated into their operations.


    Small commercial drones are being employed for monitoring territories, particularly during nighttime, with the assistance of thermal cameras. These drones have also been weaponized to drop explosives on targets, a tactic previously utilized by terrorist groups like the Islamic State in the Middle East. Consequently, members of cartels carry portable anti drone jammer to disrupt nearby drone connections, as well as cellular and radio communications.

    handheld wifi signal Jammers

    One might think that signal jammers are not a matter of concern for individuals like me who are neither high-value military targets nor affiliated with warring drug cartels. However, this perception is misleading. It is crucial to recognize that signal jammers can be easily obtained online, at a low cost, and are user-friendly for those who know where to look. These devices have the ability to disrupt various aspects of your daily routine. Surprisingly, Facebook has shared demonstrations that reveal the impact of signal jammers.


    Our aim is not to advise you to discontinue the use of WiFi, dispose of your phone, or discard your ham radio - wireless devices are practical and invaluable during emergencies. Nonetheless, for the protection of your loved ones and assets, it is advisable to consider their potential vulnerabilities and take precautions to minimize reliance on wireless devices.

  • Myanmar resistance has announced that it has overcome junta anti-drone jammers



    The utilization of unmanned aircraft by groups opposed to the regime is expanding, with a greater focus on targeting military forces.


    The use of drones by resistance fighters in Myanmar has become increasingly prevalent as they continue to target Myanmar military forces. Rebel groups and drone operation groups have revealed that this shift in strategy has been made possible by overcoming the junta's anti-drone jammers. By harnessing the power of drones, these fighters are now able to mount effective offensives against the oppressive regime.


    The performance of the drones has seen a remarkable improvement, as reported by Ko Nyein, the leader of Cloud Wings, a rebel drone force operating in Kayin state, eastern Myanmar.


    His statement highlighted the improved capabilities of their drones, including the ability to transport heavier payloads, reach greater heights and cover longer distances, all while overcoming the obstacles posed by the junta's signal jammers. Furthermore, he emphasized the extensive deployment of their drones across various military divisions throughout Myanmar.


    The year 2022 witnessed rebel forces launching approximately 642 drone attacks on junta soldiers, as confirmed by three drone forces operating in Kayin and Kayah states, along with Sagaing and Magway regions.


    Militia groups operating under the National Unity Government have acknowledged a surge in drone usage this year. However, citing security concerns and the sensitivity of their military operations, they were unable to offer any specific details.


    Although no official figures have been released by any of the groups, it is still unknown how many drone attacks have occurred this year.


    Drone operators have revealed that the People's Defense Forces (PDFs) and ethnic militias, composed of regular civilians, have embraced modern warfare technology to confront the military following the 2021 coup. In response to the junta soldiers' deployment of machine guns and anti-drone defense equipment at significant military bases, the PDFs and ethnic militias have turned to the utilization of contemporary drone technology, as stated by drone operation personnel.


    At the outset, the insurgent fighters placed their faith in rudimentary arms, such as tumees, hunting rifles, launchers, and bombs, to combat the national military.

    drone gun

    The PDF personnel have stated that an increased number of attack drones, capable of dropping bombs, are now being employed after overcoming the junta's anti-drone defense system.


    Maung Maung Swe, the deputy secretary of the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government, has revealed that a coalition of former civilian leaders and anti-junta activists has furnished over 400 attack drones to loosely controlled militia groups.

    The RFA was informed that we possess a thorough understanding of the junta's drones' strengths and weaknesses, and we can now effectively dismantle them. Our ability to infiltrate their wifi jammers across the country has been significantly improved due to our knowledge of their frequency.


    Cost of bombs


    According to Ko Nyein, the Cloud Wings drone force, which was formed in Kayin state in March, has effectively conducted more than 100 operations using drones to counter the junta.


    The issue, as stated by Ko Nyein, lies in the steep costs of the numerous bombs that are attached to the drones, proving to be a hurdle.


    When discussing the primary hurdle we come across, he pointed out that it is the financial burden of the bombs.


    In Kyainseigyi city, the Cloud Wings drone unit executed two assaults on the police station and municipal hall on September 1 and The attacks involved the use of 107-mm bombs, which were dropped during these incidents.


    Following the previous day, the police station located in Myawaddy city of Kayin region became the target of an attack carried out by the Federal Wings, a distinct rebel faction employing drones to launch offensives against the junta's troops and facilities. This assault resulted in the loss of five lives, which included the district administrator of Myawaddy and the acting commander of the junta's Light Infantry Regiment No. 175. Additionally, an unknown number of individuals sustained injuries during the course of this incident.


    According to Capt. Kaung Thu Win, who is actively involved in the nationwide Civil Disobedience Movement, the junta is being seriously endangered by the highly strategic drone attacks.


    The speaker mentioned that in earlier times, landmine attacks were a source of terror for military troops during their battles. However, currently, the weapons that instill the most fear in them are drones, which can be utilized for both defensive and surprise attacks, be it day or night.


    Additionally, he pointed out that the military troops experienced significant harm as a result of the bombs discharged by our drones, although it should be noted that these bombs are not capable of completely obliterating an entire enemy unit.


    Attack from a distance


    The Drone Guard, the anti-drone equipment employed by the junta, is not up to the mark as per Kaung Thu Win, and a considerable number of soldiers stationed at bases are not well-versed in its usage.


    The Civilian Defense and Security Organization of Myaung, a resistance group, orchestrated an attack on junta troops near Nat Yay Kan village in Chaung-U township, Sagaing region, on Sept. 1Employing fixed-wing drones, they successfully evaded the military jammers, which are specifically designed to disrupt radio waves and prevent drone manipulation.

  • Israeli Defense Forces have increased the intensity of their GPS jamming operations



    The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have adopted proactive measures to counter the mounting threat of drone attacks by extremist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Recent reports reveal that the IDF has substantially increased the utilization of GPS jamming technology throughout the area.


    Militant organizations in the Middle East have increasingly adopted unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, as a powerful weapon. These drones possess remarkable agility and the ability to strike targets with great precision. In response to this growing threat, the IDF has strategically chosen to escalate GPS jamming efforts. The objective is to disrupt the guidance systems of these drones, thereby diminishing their effectiveness.


    The process of gps jamming involves the deliberate transmission of radio signals that disrupt the GPS reception of drones, causing them to lose their ability to navigate accurately. By interfering with the GPS signals of these drones, the IDF aims to neutralize any potential threats and effectively protect Israeli territory from potential attacks.


    Hamas and Hezbollah, terrorist organizations designated by various countries, have reportedly adopted the use of uav jammer for surveillance and offensive purposes targeting Israel. The IDF has been compelled to bolster its countermeasures in order to effectively address the threat posed by these drone attacks.


    The IDF's adoption of GPS jamming technology signifies the persistent arms race between militants and national defense forces. As drone technology continues to progress, military organizations globally are dedicating resources to develop countermeasures that effectively address this emerging threat and minimize associated risks.


    It is worth noting that the IDF employs GPS jamming as a defensive strategy to protect civilian lives and uphold national security. Although this approach may cause disruption to legitimate civilian GPS jammer device in the vicinity, it is a necessary action to mitigate the potential danger posed by drone attacks.

    drone gun

    The IDF's renewed focus on combating GPS jamming is a stark reminder of the evolving nature of warfare in the present era. In light of extremist groups' exploitation of technological advancements, defense forces must remain flexible and adapt their approaches to safeguard their nations.

  • Building a Drone Jammer Instructions will provide the necessary information



    The notion of developing a DIY drone jammer may present itself as a challenge, similar to the task of constructing a DIY drone. However, the reality is that the construction of a DIY drone jammer is far simpler in comparison to that of a DIY drone. In this informative guide, we will provide a step-by-step explanation of the entire process involved in creating a drone jammer, along with troubleshooting techniques.


    What exactly is meant by a drone jammer?


    Drone jammers serve the purpose of preventing drone jamming and providing a secure environment for users and their operational areas. This encompasses a comprehensive suite of telecommunications equipment that is capable of detecting, receiving, and jamming drone signals. By incorporating additional drone receivers and transmitters, customers can effortlessly scale up the system to accommodate an unlimited number of drones simultaneously.


    The effectiveness of a drone jammer is determined by the extent to which it can block signals in the drone jamming band and the power it can generate for jamming purposes. Signal jammers, such as cell phone jammer, wifi jammers, GPS jammers, GSM/3G jammers, and drone jammers, are designed to target specific frequency bands.

    Hidden Camera Detectors

    Precise and sequential directions for building a drone jammer from scratch


    A prerequisite for effectively interfering with drone signals is to have a comprehensive understanding of the radio frequencies employed by potential drone threats. These frequencies typically include 433Mhz, 900Mhz, 2.4Ghz, 5.2Ghz, and 5.8Ghz. Choose the signal transmitter that corresponds to the drone jamming band you require the most.


    In order to construct a drone jammer, it is essential to have the required materials such as an RF generator, signal amplifier, power supply components, connection components, and a solid shell protection box.


    The creation of drone jammers necessitates adequate practical ability and assembly skills, as well as a comprehensive understanding of signal jamming devices.


    After the successful assembly of the drone jammer, it is crucial to verify its ability to effectively interfere with drones and assess the extent of its interference range. However, it is advised to avoid conducting such tests in densely populated urban areas to prevent any potential disruption to the surrounding communication infrastructure.


    It is imperative to employ drone jammers responsibly in order to maintain safety and security:


    Employing drone jammers in a responsible manner is essential to safeguard both individuals and property from any adverse consequences. Here are a few suggestions to consider when utilizing these devices responsibly:


    It is recommended to limit the use of drone jammer to situations where it is absolutely necessary to prevent drones from accessing sensitive locations or engaging in illegal surveillance.


    It is crucial to be cognizant of the potential repercussions of employing drone jammers. Interfering with radio signals can cause harm to individuals and property, and disrupt vital radio transmissions, including those utilized by emergency responders.

    It is crucial to exercise caution when using drone jammers and ensure that their operation does not pose a threat to the well-being of others, including refraining from directing the jamming signal towards individuals or buildings.


    It is of utmost importance to avoid employing drone jammers in a manner that puts others at risk, such as aiming the jamming signal directly at people or buildings.


    Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations applicable to drone jammers in your area. It is important to note that using drone jammers without proper authorization is illegal in numerous countries. By responsibly utilizing drone jammers, you can effectively protect against the potential risks associated with drone use while ensuring the safety of others.


    If you favor pre-made drone jammers instead of building your own, we invite you to explore the capabilities of the Skyfend AFA100 Drone Jammer.

  • Defense Department wants to buy batch of anti-drone weapons for international partners



    DOD looking to buy a batch of counter-drone weapons for international partners

    U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command is conducting market research ahead of an anticipated purchase of up to 100 handheld drone jammers.

    US Army Looking for Anti-Drone Signal Jammers Solution

    drone gun

    The U.S. Army’s Aviation and Missile Command is seeking potential sources of portable drone anti-tracking jammer that can interfere with control, video and navigation signals within a range of at least 5 km.

    DefenseScoop has revealed that the Department of Defense is supplying air defense technology to Ukraine and Israel, while the AMC's Integrated Fires Rapid Capabilities Office-International plans to deliver a maximum of 100 handheld SkyWiper EDM4S devices to undisclosed U.S. allies.

    To meet the requirements stated in the information request, the equipment must weigh less than 16 lb and possess the ability to activate electronic warfare capabilities through the trigger. Additionally, the device must have a minimum of six radio frequency modules, which should include 2.4GHz, 2xGNSS 1.5GHz and 1.2GHz, and 5.8GHz, as well as two custom frequency modules that cannot be altered by users. The Army has also mandated the use of high-gain directional antennas for accuracy and efficiency, along with a sturdy frame.

    NT Service UAB of Lithuania is presently manufacturing the EDM4S Skywiper systems, which are marketed as an efficient anti-drone solution that can be operated by a single individual with ease.

    The move is a direct response to the escalating use of unmanned aerial systems in various battlefields around the world, posing a threat to both U.S. military forces and their international partners.
