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  • Is cellphone signal jamming the answer for drugs, violence in prisons?


    cell phone

    The newly appointed attorney general of Oklahoma, along with other distinguished prosecutors across the nation, is calling upon Congress to enact a law that would legitimize the practice of blocking cellphone signals at state prisons.


    Attorney General Gentner Drummond highlighted the fact that criminal enterprises can be conducted behind prison walls. He emphasized the necessity for law enforcement to have access to the appropriate tools, urging Congress to promptly address this issue.

    Drummond joined 21 other attorneys general last week in a letter urging Congress to pass ''meaningful" legislation allowing states to jam cellphones at prisons.


    In their address to congressional leaders on Wednesday, the prosecutors highlighted that inmates are employing contraband cell phones to organize murders, riots, drug deals, fraud, and a multitude of other illicit activities. The alarming reality is that these cell phones are currently unblockable, thereby presenting an ongoing and significant threat to public safety.


    Cellphones used to direct drug rings from inside prisons, DOJ says


    The release of statistics by the U.S. Department of Justice has prompted a fresh drive to amend the law, drawing attention to the alarming state of affairs in Oklahoma.


    In a news release on Friday, the U.S. attorney from Oklahoma City highlighted that state inmates affiliated with four separate criminal organizations were able to access contraband cell phones despite their incarceration. This facilitated their continued direction of drug trafficking and violent networks through communication with associates outside the prison walls.


    “Now, 275 dangerous criminals have been held accountable, more than a half-ton of poisonous drugs and 393 firearms have been removed from the streets, and $1.3 million in cash has been taken away from drug traffickers," U.S. Attorney Bob Troester said about the results of the drug prosecutions.


    As per the news release, thirty offenders were incarcerated while they were actively leading drug rings, which were notorious for their violent nature. It is noteworthy that these individuals managed the operations by utilizing smuggled cellphones.


    Sentenced in December was Eduardo Rosales, a leader of a ring operated by the Southside Locos gang that distributed methamphetamine from Mexico across the state in 2019. Rosales, 37, of Oklahoma City, was already in state prison at the time for drug offenses.


    Chance Alan "Wolfhead" Wilson, a resident of Purcell, was sentenced in December for the murder of his sister. While serving his time in state prison, Wilson was found to be running a drug ring. Federal prosecutors have identified Wilson, aged 38, as a prominent figure in the Universal Aryan Brotherhood, a prison gang.


    The judge ruled that both offenders must serve 30 years in federal prison.


    Thousands of cellphones seized from Oklahoma facilities


    Last year, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections reported the confiscation of 5,247 cellphones in both state-run and privately operated correctional facilities, as announced on Friday.


    "Despite the presence of cellphone-detecting K-9 units and nonstop intelligence-gathering efforts, some phones still manage to get through. That is a reality faced at all levels, from county jails to federal prisons," said Josh Ward, chief of communications.

    Court records have brought to light the fact that guards have been involved in the unauthorized introduction of cellphones into Oklahoma prisons. Additionally, these devices have been illicitly delivered by either being thrown over prison fences or dropped using drones.


    Oklahoma authorities have emphasized the need for innovative solutions to tackle the proliferation of illicit cellphones.

    Governor Kevin Stitt, in 2019, highlighted the necessity of addressing the technology issue with a suitable technological solution. This statement was made following a series of gang-related conflicts in six prisons, which subsequently led to the implementation of lockdowns.


    The governor's office has emphasized that the use of contraband cellphones by inmates allowed for communication that facilitated the occurrence of the "premeditated acts of violence".


    During that specific year, Senator James Lankford from the United States spoke in favor of granting states the ability to utilize jamming signal technology.


    “Why don't we change that law?” Lankford asked on the Senate floor. “Great question. A question that should have been answered by this body a long time ago, but communications companies and cellphone company lobbyists overwhelmed this body and pushed back and say, ‘Let's study the issue.’”


    He said he repeatedly met with leaders at the Federal Communications Commission in an effort to resolve the issue. "Each year ... they say, 'We're studying it.'"


    FCC opposes cellphone jamming, citing safety concerns


    The FCC has long held a firm opposition to the introduction of jamming wifi technology within state prisons.


    In one of its statements, the FCC has highlighted that it causes more problems than it resolves. Additionally, it can disrupt mobile 911 calls and public safety communication.


    Despite Lankford's involvement as a cosponsor, the Cellphone Jamming Reform Act, introduced in August, failed to receive a vote and ultimately met its end.


    In a tweet last week, Lankford highlighted the necessity for states to possess jamming authority.


    During 2021, the FCC devised a procedure enabling designated prison officials to formally request wireless providers to turn off cell signals individually, without the requirement of obtaining a court order.

  • The Illegality of Cell Phone Jammers: Unveiling 3 Key Reasons


    cell phone

    By employing cell phone jammers, one can effectively obstruct the ability of both you and others to establish vital connections with emergency services like 911. Additionally, these devices pose a hazardous risk to public safety communications and can disrupt various other forms of essential daily communication.

    Delving into the subject matter, this article elucidates the intricate workings of signal jammers, the legal prohibition surrounding their utilization in the United States, the recommended course of action to tackle interference in authorized communication, and the avenues through which Cellbusters can address any queries or inquiries pertaining to cell phone jammers.

    jammer cell phone perfect

    How Cell Phone Jammers Work

    By emitting a Radio Frequency (RF) signal stronger than the power emitted by the nearest cell phone base station or tower, cell phone jammers effectively disrupt cellular communication. The frequency of this RF signal closely resembles that used by cellular phone carriers, leading to the destabilization of the phone. The jamming primarily affects the downlink signal, causing the signal bars on your phone to disappear when it is being jammed.

    By blocking cellular signals, cell phone jammer not only impede regular communication, but also pose a grave threat by overpowering all frequencies, making it impossible to make a 911 emergency call. This is a major concern as it not only inhibits the reception of public safety messages, but also endangers individuals who urgently require mobile communication.

    Many countries have outlawed the use of cell phone jammers for several reasons. In the United States, individuals who choose to utilize such devices are knowingly breaking federal law.

    Cell Phone Jamming is Prohibited in the USA

    The United States, like many other nations, has imposed a ban on the utilization of cell phone jammers in almost every conceivable situation.

    The Federal Communications Commission has made it clear that federal law strictly forbids the operation, marketing, or sale of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications. This prohibition encompasses cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

    The sale, distribution, advertisement, importation, or marketing of wifi jamming device to consumers is illegal in the United States. If someone uses or promotes a jammer within the country, they may be subject to legal penalties.

    significant monetary penalties (fines of up to $11,000)

    seizure of the unlawful equipment

    criminal sanctions including imprisonment

    Usage of jamming equipment is not permitted in residences, businesses, vehicles, or classrooms, without any exemptions. Local law enforcement agencies do not have the authority to independently use jamming equipment. However, federal law enforcement agencies are authorized to employ jamming equipment in certain limited exceptions, as specified by applicable statutes.

    While signal jamming is against the law, the use of cell phone detectors is perfectly legal in the United States.

    How to Respond When Authorized Communication is Being Jammed

    Have you been encountering difficulties with your network connection? It is worth considering the possibility of a signal jammer causing interference. Keep in mind that there are multiple factors that can result in poor network connections, and signal jammers are one of them.

    faulty equipment

    physical obstructions that block the signal

    lawful devices that are operating on the same frequencies

    Prior to initiating an interference complaint through the FCC Consumer Complaint Center, it is advisable to troubleshoot any equipment and connectivity issues in accordance with the guidelines provided by the manufacturer and service provider. In addition to consulting your owner's manual and reaching out to the company's tech support, conducting an online search for your device/model and the specific issue can prove helpful in identifying or excluding possible causes.

  • Dallas store owner by unlawfully obstructing her employees ability to make phone calls


    cell phone

    The FCC has reported that the store owner proposed selling the signal jammers to the agent. Despite this, the agent politely declined the offer and proceeded to issue a Notice of Unlicensed Radio Operation, clearly stating the illegal nature of signal jammer operation.

    Despite their illegality, a Dallas store owner took the unconventional route of utilizing cellular signal jammers. The underlying purpose behind this decision was to discourage her employees from wasting valuable time on their phones.

    The recent FCC report underscores the intricate landscape of deliberate cellular interference, revealing the widespread use of commonly accessible cellphone jammers.

    phone jammer illegally blocked

    The FCC's report reveals that a complaint was filed by an AT&T employee with the commission, raising concerns about the potential use of a phone jammer near Ravi's Import Warehouse in Dallas. The website of this vast store emphasizes its wide array of affordable goods.

    The complaint prompted the FCC, the US government agency responsible for allocating and managing the nation's airwaves, to launch an investigation.

    As per the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), after reaching the company's premises, their agent had a conversation with Anita Bhatia, who claimed ownership of Ravi's. The FCC's official statement indicates that Bhatia admitted to the agent that Ravi's employed a signal jammer as a means of prohibiting its employees from using mobile phones during their work hours.

    In 2019, Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, pursued the passage of a bill that would have enabled state and federal penitentiaries to employ jamming devices. Unfortunately, his efforts did not succeed.

    As per a recent report by ABC, the primary trade association of the US wireless industry continues to oppose the utilization of cellular signal jammers in prisons. CTIA, the association responsible, highlights the necessity for a multi-faceted and collaborative strategy to address the challenge of contraband phones. CTIA recognizes the seriousness of the issue and actively advocates for the implementation of solutions such as Managed Access Systems, which intercept calls originating from unauthorized phones while safeguarding lawful communications. The industry has made substantial commitments in terms of resources and funding to assist corrections officials in combating this problem and maintains ongoing cooperation with policymakers at all levels of government to ensure the adoption of effective solutions.

    The subject of signal jammers is a matter of worldwide concern, and it should be noted that not all jammers are intended for malicious purposes. A case in point is a recent incident highlighted by ZDNet, where a father in France employed a signal jammer to restrict his children's access to social media during nighttime. However, this well-intentioned action unintentionally resulted in the disruption of internet connectivity for the entire town.

  • After employees were caught with $2.5 million in contraband, the state prison system has introduced measures to monitor illicit mobile phones


    cell phone

    The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) is currently developing an innovative approach to detect unauthorized cell phones within its prison system in Columbia, S.C. (WIS).

    military jamming

    On Thursday, an announcement was made regarding a pioneering cellphone tracking trial, which followed the arrest and charging of two SCDC officers involved in a substantial contraband seizure at the Broad River Correctional Institution on July 1st.

    Alexis Simone Tucker, a 27-year-old individual residing in Columbia, has been formally charged with multiple serious offenses. These include trafficking methamphetamines weighing 400 grams or more, trafficking cocaine exceeding 200 grams, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, providing contraband to prisoners, misconduct in office, and involvement in a drug conspiracy.

    The prison authorities discovered that Tucker had managed to bring in various illicit packages by concealing them within a work bag clearly marked with the SCDC label.

    Jorge L. Romero Navarro, a 46-year-old resident of Columbia, is facing charges of misconduct in office and drug conspiracy.

    Navarro was arrested in connection with Tucker because it was alleged that he purposefully averted his gaze when Tucker brought illegal goods into the prison.

    In its statement, the SCDC disclosed that the total contraband seized encompassed 3,249 grams of marijuana, 1,485 grams of tobacco, 982 cigar wraps, 605 grams of methamphetamine, 217 grams of cocaine, 27 cellphones, chargers, game controllers, air pods, and various other prohibited items.

    SCDC Director Bryan Stirling emphasized the extensive surveillance system in place, with an abundance of cameras scattered throughout various locations. This vast network enables us to closely monitor and comprehend ongoing activities.

    WIS was informed by Stirling about his disappointment regarding the engagement of his staff in criminal activities. However, the interception on Saturday served as a powerful reminder of the vital role cell phone jammer play within state prisons.

    Stirling highlights that signal jamming wifi has been a matter of extensive discourse at the national level for almost two decades. This strategy primarily aims to disrupt cellphone coverage within prisons, thereby preventing inmates from engaging in illegal activities facilitated by contraband phones.

    Despite extensive talks spanning two decades, the United States maintains its prohibition on the use of technology that blocks mobile calls.

    However, during this interim period, we successfully negotiated with the industry to enable the deactivation of these phones. It is important to emphasize that this is not signal jamming and it will not immediately shut down the phone. Instead, its purpose is to assist us in identifying the phones, as highlighted by Stirling.

    This summer, SCDC is poised to revolutionize the correctional system by being the first to adopt an innovative method for locating cell phones used by inmates.

    Stirling informed WIS that the test will utilize mobile device identification to trace illegal calls made from within the prison premises.

    The interception of mobile IDs will grant SCDC the authority to remotely shut down the device by initiating communication with the service provider.

    Once our testing is finalized, we will proceed to the FCC and present our operational product, urging them to grant us the necessary permissions. With the allocated funds, we will then endeavor to implement this solution across all correctional facilities. If our efforts prove fruitful, we will approach the legislature to emphasize the need for widespread adoption.

    As of now, the information available indicates that cell phones are fetching a price of roughly $6,000 within the confines of a prison.

    Stirling's strategy involves shutting down a significant number of phones in order to artificially inflate the price to unrealistic levels.

    Stirling's final remarks emphasized the potential decrease in criminal incidents if cell phones were turned off. This measure would have a substantial impact on curbing various crimes, both within prisons and in the surrounding areas. Drug dealing, violence, and other related activities would witness a significant slowdown. It is worth noting that events occurring within prison boundaries often have far-reaching consequences.

    The SCDC is not at liberty to disclose the specific timeframe for the test's initiation or conclusion.

    Officials have reported that Tucker and Navarro were held at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, but they have now been released.

    In case you come across any spelling or grammar errors in this article, please report them by clicking or tapping here, and don't forget to mention the headline.

  • Conference Rooms Mobile Phone Signal


    cell phone

    The significance of mobile phones in people's lives cannot be overstated. Nevertheless, their usage during conference room sessions frequently gives rise to significant problems, such as hindering the meeting's progress and diverting the attention of others. Therefore, the utilization of a mobile phone signal jammer emerges as a highly effective solution to ensure a seamless and productive meeting environment.


    Desktop  Jammers

    To prevent any interference caused by cell phones during meetings, the utilization of cell phone signal jammers in the conference room has proven to be highly efficient. By disabling the functionality of mobile phones, participants are able to fully concentrate on the meeting's proceedings without any distractions. Furthermore, this measure also plays a crucial role in protecting the personal privacy of attendees and preventing any unauthorized acquisition of confidential meeting information.


    Additionally, the mobile phone signal jammers boasts an efficient signal shielding effect and wide coverage. It is capable of encompassing the entire conference room, thereby ensuring that the meeting remains undisturbed by external influences. Moreover, thanks to its advanced technology, the signal shielding effect is also exceptional, guaranteeing that mobile phones do not disrupt the proceedings.


    Furthermore, cell phone signal jammers are designed with utmost simplicity in mind. Their operation is straightforward and easily comprehensible, requiring no technical expertise. Once installed in the conference room, the device is immediately ready for use. Consequently, there is no need for specialized technicians to handle its operation.


    Within conference rooms, mobile phone signal jammers are designed to function within a specific range.


    It is important to note that the mobile phone jammer, despite its name, does not obstruct the signal like a conventional jammer. Rather, it behaves in a manner similar to a signal jammer.


    The connection between mobile phones relies on the signal tower, which acts as the conduit for transmission, following the path of mobile phone-signal tower-mobile phone. However, when a signal gsm jammer interferes with this connection path, the transmission is disrupted, causing an interruption in normal usage. It is worth noting that the signal tower itself remains unaffected by this interference. Due to the shared nature of mobile phones within a specific area, it is not uncommon to experience situations where mobile phone signals cannot be used normally, even when not in a conference room.


    While conference room cell phone signal jammers have their benefits, they should not be seen as a cure-all solution.


    At present, cell phone signal jammers available in the market can restrict cell phone signals from a distance of 1640ft 5in meters from the transmitting station and a radius greater than 65ft 7in. The range of the shielding can be modified. It only blocks mobile phone signals and does not affect other electronic devices. Therefore, if you are facing poor mobile phone signal even when you are not near the examination room, do not blame the signal jammer. It could also be an issue with your own mobile phone.

    The frequency bands affected by mobile phone signal jammers in conference rooms are regulated by specific guidelines.


    From a few Hz to several hundred GHz, the entire frequency band of electromagnetic waves is extensive. Although every segment can be utilized, some are more commonly used than others.

    1. The GSM receiving frequency band is 885~960MHz;

    2. The receiving frequency band of CDMA is 869-894MHz;

    3. The receiving frequency band of DCS is 1805-1880MHz.

  • Do cell phone signal jammers need to consider heat dissipation?


    cell phone

    Nowadays, almost every examination room will install an examination room signal jammer. However, this machine will become hot after being used for a period of time. The heat may affect the normal use of the machine. However, this is not certain. It's just that the heat dissipation capabilities vary depending on the brand. So, how does the signal jammer in the examination room dissipate heat? The old-fashioned signal jammer in the examination room could only rely on natural temperature to slowly cool down. But now, most examination room signal jammers are equipped with fans. Not only are these fans silent, but they also dissipate heat very well. It can help the instrument lower the temperature in time.


    In addition, now schools are generally equipped with air conditioners. When the weather is too hot, the school will turn on the air conditioner or fan to ensure the safety of candidates. At this time, the temperature of the gsm signal jammer in the examination room will also drop. In fact, this thing is just like a mobile phone. In the summer, it will get hot as long as it is turned on. But it won't damage the machine. Especially for machines with better quality, you don’t have to worry.


    In real life, mobile phones have become an indispensable device in people's lives. However, using mobile phones in conference rooms often leads to serious problems, such as interfering with the progress of the meeting and affecting the attention of others. Therefore, using a mobile phone signal jammer is an effective solution to ensure that the meeting goes smoothly.


    What should you pay attention to when using mobile phone signal jammer in a conference room?


    Cell phone signal jammers can effectively block cell phone signals in the conference room to prevent cell phones from interfering with meetings. During the meeting, participants will not be able to use their mobile phones so that they can fully focus on the meeting. At the same time, this also helps protect the personal privacy of participants and prevent others from improperly obtaining meeting information.


    Although the mobile phone signal jammer is called a jammer, it does not actually block the signal. Instead, it acts like a signal cellphone jammer.


    Generally speaking, the connection between mobile phones will go through the signal tower, that is, the path of mobile phone-signal tower-mobile phone. The signal jammer will interfere with the connection path between the mobile phone and the signal tower, resulting in normal transmission. However, The signal tower is used by mobile phones within a certain range, so there are often situations where the mobile phone signal cannot be used normally even if you are not in the conference room.


    Conference room cell phone signal jammers are not a panacea


    Mobile phone signal jammers currently on the market can limit mobile phone signals that are 500M meters away from the transmitting station and have a radius of >20 meters. The shielding radius is adjustable. It only blocks mobile phone signals and does not affect other electronic devices. So if your mobile phone signal is not good recently when you are not near the examination room, don’t blame the signal jammers. It may also be a problem with your own mobile phone.

  • How to accept mobile phone signal jammer


    cell phone

    Mobile phone signal jammers are used in many places, but they cannot be used immediately after installation. We still need to go through certain testing and acceptance to determine its effectiveness and ensure its effectiveness.


    It is very important to ensure whether the mobile phone signal jammers can truly effectively block mobile phone signals. When purchasing a mobile phone signal jammer, testing is a very important step.


    Test the blocking distance of the mobile phone signal jammer. Don't just try it with one or two network mobile phones. The mobile phone networks used are different, especially the 4G mobile phone network. The 4G network uses a broadband high-speed transmission method. If the mobile phone If the signal cellphone jammer is not powerful enough, it may not be able to block 4G;


    It is necessary to find all the mobile phones in the current network of mobile communication providers before testing. Make sure that each mobile phone network can meet the needs of at least one classroom to be considered successful. After turning on the phone to test the shielding effect, be sure to ensure that there is no signal on the mobile phone within half an hour and no time appears. sometimes not;


    Another important point is that if it is a mobile phone wireless signal jammer with a metal shell, touch the front and rear sides of the fuselage with your hands after 1 hour after turning it on. If the temperature is moderate and not hot, there will be no problem. If it is very hot, it will not pass, because the machine continues to heat up. It will cause the power of the mask to attenuate, make it unable to work stably, and easily cause burns.

    8 Bands Jammer

    The main functions of the four major signal frequency bands used by drones


    1. 2.4GHz frequency band

    The 2.4GHz frequency band is one of the more common frequency bands used in drones. It is a type of radio frequency band used by drones and is mainly used for WiFi and Bluetooth communications. This frequency band has a wider coverage and a faster transmission rate, so it is widely used in remote control and image transmission of drones.


    2. 5.8GHz frequency band

    The 5.8GHz frequency band is one of the most common frequency bands in drones. It is also used in WiFi and Bluetooth communications, and is also widely used in drone image transmission systems. Compared with the 2.4GHz band, the transmission rate of 5.8GHz is faster, but the coverage range is relatively small.


    3. GPS satellite signal frequency band-1.5G frequency band

    The GPS satellite signal frequency band is a type of frequency band used for drone positioning. It can accurately locate the position of the drone, thereby enabling flight path planning and tracking. GPS satellite signals are also one of the keys for UAVs to achieve autonomous flight and formation control.


    4. Remote control signal frequency band-900 frequency band

    The remote control signal frequency band is a type of radio frequency band used for remote control of drones. It connects the drone flight controller to the remote controller to achieve remote control of the drone within a certain range. This frequency band has a smaller application range, but it plays an important role in remote control of drones.

  • Prosecutor to Congress: Let State Prisons Block Mobile Phones


    cell phone

    Top prosecutors across the country are again calling on Congress to pass legislation that would allow state prisons to interfere with cellphone signals smuggled to inmates. According to lawyers, the devices allow people to plan violence and commit crimes.

    “We simply need Congress to pass legislation giving states the authority to implement cell phone jamming systems to protect prisoners, guards and the public at large,” 22 prosecutors wrote in a statement. Wednesday's letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.


    Wilson's office said it plans to contact Democratic prosecutors and does not believe the matter is partisan.


    The letter, obtained by The Associated Press, cites several crimes that lawyers say were orchestrated by inmates using contraband cellphones, including a drug conspiracy in Tennessee and a double murder ordered by an inmate in Indiana.


    Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

    They also led a gang siege at a South Carolina prison in 2018 that lasted more than seven hours and left seven inmates dead. One prisoner described the bodies as "literally stacked on top of each other, like a horrible pile of wood." Corrections officials blamed illegal cellphones for the unfolding violence, the worst prison riot in the United States in 25 years.


    “By preventing prisoners from using prohibited cell phones, we can prevent serious drug trafficking, deadly riots and other crimes,” prosecutors wrote.


    To render the phones - which are smuggled into hollow footballs, implanted by corrupt employees and sometimes dropped by drones - worthless, prosecutors are asking for changes to a nearly century-old law A historic federal communications law that currently prohibits state prisons from using signal jamming technology to suppress illegal cellphone signals.


    Efforts to crack down on illicit cellphones in state prisons have been going on for years, and South Carolina Corrections Director Bryan Stirling is leading an effort by correctional directors across the country to demand more technology to combat their use of smuggled phones. the behavior of.


    In a progressive victory in 2021, the FCC passed a decision allowing state prison systems to work with cellphone providers to sequentially apply for permission to identify and shut down illegal cellphone signals. South Carolina was the first state to request use of the technology, but Sterling told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the state has not yet taken any action on the request.


    Sterling said federal prisons can jam cellphone signals behind bars, but that is not currently the case.


    CTIA, the wireless industry trade association, opposes interference, saying it could impede legitimate calls. However, CTIA told the commission that it has "successfully worked with its member companies" to "cease service for prohibited devices pursuant to court orders received," according to a 2020 FCC filing.


    CTIA and FCC officials did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment on the new wave of subversion.


    Congress has previously considered blocking the legislation, but has yet to sign any bill or even hold hearings. U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., reintroduced the measure in the last Congress in August.


    "We're not going to stop advocating for this," Wilson told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "I can only hope that at some point Congress will take notice."

  • Representative Kustov Senator Cotton introduces Phone Interference Reform Act


    cell phone

    Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) have introduced the Cellphone Jamming Reform Act, a bill aimed at addressing the issue of contraband cellphone use in federal and state prison facilities. The purpose of this legislation is to allow prisons to utilize cellphone jamming systems in order to protect inmates, guards, and the wider public from potential harm.


    According to Congressman Kustoff, putting an end to the illicit use of contraband cellphones within correctional facilities will have an immediate impact on reducing crime rates, enhancing public safety, and relieving the burden on our overwhelmed correctional systems. He stresses that this act represents a crucial initial step towards tackling the current crime crisis faced by America. Congressman Kustoff expresses his pride in collaborating with Senator Cotton to introduce such pivotal legislation and urges fellow members of Congress to offer their support.


    Senator Cotton highlights how prisoners have been exploiting contraband cellphones for engaging in illegal activities outside prison walls, including orchestrating attacks on rivals, promoting sex trafficking operations, facilitating drug trade, and conducting business transactions. The use of cellphone gps jamming devices can effectively halt these criminal endeavors; however, current regulations under the Federal Communications Act prevent correctional facilities from employing this technology. This bill seeks to rectify this issue so that criminals serve their sentences without posing any risk whatsoever to society at large.


    The Cellphone Jamming Reform Act has received endorsements from multiple state attorneys general, including Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor. The Act is also supported by the Major County Sheriffs of America, National Sheriffs' Association and the Council of Prison Locals.


    According to Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti


    "The only way to stop the illegal use of cell phones in prisons is through jamming signal. When individuals are incarcerated, they should not be allowed to maintain contact with criminal organizations on the outside. I commend Congressman Kustoff for his unwavering commitment to protecting our nation from organized crime."


    Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin stated


    "Congress needs to pass the Cell Phone Jamming Reform Act without delay. Prisoners are using contraband phones to carry out criminal activities from behind bars. We have the technology to enhance security and put an end to this illicit behavior; it's time we utilize it. I haven't heard any valid reasons why we should facilitate criminals and enable convicted felons to continue their criminal enterprises while in custody."

    Power Adjustable Jammer



    The use of contraband cellphones is a pervasive issue within both federal and state prison facilities. Inmates exploit these devices to engage in a wide range of illicit activities, such as orchestrating hits on individuals outside the confines of the prison walls, operating illegal drug enterprises, facilitating unlawful business transactions, promoting sex trafficking, and coordinating escape attempts that put correctional staff, fellow inmates, and the public at risk. Incidents involving contraband cellphones have been reported nationwide.


    Over the past five years in South Carolina alone, there have been four significant cases of drug trafficking where operations were conducted clandestinely within prison walls using contraband cellphones. Notably, the most recent operation was directly linked to a Mexican drug cartel. Furthermore, in 2018, inmates affiliated with gangs orchestrated a merciless assault resulting in the deaths of seven inmates and numerous injuries through their unauthorized use of cellphones in a maximum-security facility.


    In Oklahoma, 69 defendants were found guilty of participating in a "drug trafficking operation that was primarily directed and controlled by incarcerated gang members using unauthorized cellphones from their state prison cells."


    In Tennessee, an inmate utilized an illegal cellphone to orchestrate drug conspiracy deals by sending a package filled with methamphetamine to his significant other.


    In Georgia, prisoners employed illicit cellphones to carry out fraudulent calls, demanding payment and even sending photos of injured inmates to their relatives while requesting money.


    As indicated by the Indiana Department of Corrections, during the previous year (2022), a gang enforcer incarcerated within Indiana Department of Corrections ordered a double homicide through the use of an unauthorized cellphone within prison walls.


    According to The Wall Street Journal's report, Martin Shkreli, the disgraced pharmaceutical executive who was sentenced to seven years for securities fraud, continued making decisions at Phoenixus AG with the assistance of an illegal cellphone.

  • Device illegally forcing phone muting


    cell phone

    F.C.C. spokesman Clyde Enslin declined to comment on the issue or the Maryland case


    Wireless carriers pay tens of billions of dollars to lease spectrum from governments as long as others don't interfere with their signals. And there are additional fees. Verizon Wireless, for example, spends $6.5 billion a year building and maintaining its network.


    "It is counterintuitive that this type of device has found a market at a time when wireless consumers' demand for improved cell phone coverage is clear and strong," said Jeffrey Nelson, a Verizon spokesman. These carriers also raise public safety concerns: criminals could use gsm blocker to prevent people from communicating in an emergency.


    The CTIA, a major cellphone industry association, asked the F.C.C. on Friday to maintain the illegality of the interference and continue to pursue violators. The company said the move was in response to requests from the two companies to allow jammers to be used in certain situations, such as prisons.


    The individuals who used the jammers expressed guilt about their vandalism, but some clearly had a mischievous side, and others gloated over the phones. "It was worth it just to watch those stupid teens in the mall get their phone hung up." Can you hear me? Noooo! Nice, "the jammer's buyer wrote last month in a review on a website called DealExtreme.


    Gary, a therapist in Ohio, also declined to give his last name, citing the illegal use of the devices. Interruptions are necessary to get the job done effectively, he says. He runs group therapy sessions for people with eating disorders. During one meeting, a woman's confession was rudely interrupted.


    "She was talking about sexual abuse," Gary said. "Someone's phone was turned off and they kept talking."

    8 Bands Jammer

    "There's no etiquette," he said. "It's an epidemic."


    Gary said that despite the no-phone policy, calls always interrupt therapy. Four months ago, he bought a jammer for $200 and secretly placed it on the side of the room. He tells patients that if they are waiting for an emergency call, they should give the phone number of the front desk. He didn't tell them about the jammer.


    Gary bought the jammer from a website in London called Victor McCormack, the site's operator, said he ships about 400 jammers a month to the United States, up from 300 a year ago. He says more than 2,000 holiday gifts have been ordered.


    Kumaar Thakkar, who lives in Mumbai, India, and sells jammers online, said he exports 20 jammers a month to the United States, twice as many as a year ago. Clients include cafe and hair salon owners and Dan, a New York school bus driver, he said.

    "The kids thought they were secretly hiding in their seats and using their phones," Dan wrote in an email to Mr. Tarka, thanking him for selling jammers. "Now kids don't understand why their phones don't work, but can't ask either because they'll get in trouble!" It's fun to watch them try to get the signal."


    Andrew, an architect in the San Francisco area, said using jammers started out as fun and became a practical way to keep quiet on the train. Now he uses it more wisely.


    "At this point, just knowing that I have the power to cut someone off is satisfying enough," he said.

    Desktop  Jammers

    One afternoon in early September, an architect boarded a local train and became a mobile vigilante. He sat next to a woman in her 20s who he said was "chatting" on her phone.


    "She kept using the word 'like.' She sounded like a valley girl," said architect Andrew, who declined to give his last name because what he did next was illegal.


    Andrew reached into his shirt pocket and pressed a button on a black device the size of a cigarette pack. It emits a powerful radio signal that interferes with the chatterer's cellphone transmissions as well as those of others within a 30-foot radius.


    "She spoke into the phone for about 30 seconds before she realized no one was listening on the other end of the phone," he said. What was his reaction when he first discovered he could wield such power? "Oh my gosh! Liberation."


    As cellphone use soars, making it difficult not to hear half of a conversation in many public spaces, a small but growing group of rebels are turning to a blunt countermeasure: cellphone jammers, devices that interfere with nearby mobile devices invalid.


    The technology is not new, but foreign exporters of jammers say demand is increasing and they are sending hundreds of jammers to the United States each month, prompting scrutiny from federal regulators and the wireless industry last week. new worries. Buyers include cafe and hair salon owners, hoteliers, speakers, theater operators, bus drivers and, increasingly, public transport commuters.


    The development is sparking a battle for control of the airspace over the ears. This damage is collateral damage. Insensitive talkers inflict mischief on the defenseless, while jammer device punish not only the perpetrators but also the more cautious chatterboxes.


    "If there's one thing that defines the 21st century, it's our inability to back down for the benefit of others," said James Katz, director of the Mobile Communications Research Center at Rutgers University. "The caller thought he was rights outweigh those of those around them, and the disruptor believes his rights are more important.”


    Jamming technology emits radio signals so strong that they overload cell phones and prevent them from communicating with cell towers. Ranges range from a few feet to several meters, and equipment costs between $50 and a few hundred dollars. Larger models can be reserved to create no-call zones.


    It is illegal to use gps blocker in the United States. Radio frequencies used by mobile phone providers are protected in the same way as those used by television and radio stations.


    The Federal Communications Commission says first-time users of cell phone jammers could be fined up to $11,000. His law enforcement agencies have prosecuted several U.S. companies for distributing the devices and are also prosecuting their users.

    F.C.C. investigators said Verizon Wireless visited an upscale restaurant in Maryland last year. The store owner, who asked not to be named, said he spent $1,000 on a high-powered jammer because he was tired of employees focusing on their phones instead of customers.


    "I tell them, put your phone away, put your phone away, put your phone away," he said. They ignored him.


    The store owner said F.C.C. investigators spent a week there, using special equipment designed to detect jammers. But the owner has turned it off.


    Verizon investigators were also unsuccessful. "He went to everyone in town and gave them his phone number and said if they had any questions to call him immediately," the store owner said. He said he had stopped using the wifi blocker.

    Of course, detecting the use of smaller, battery-powered jammers, such as those used by disgruntled commuters, would be more difficult.
