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  • Why are mobile phone conversations banned at gas stations?



    Effective measures should be taken to eliminate potential safety hazards and jammer gps buy ensure the safety of gas stations.On the one hand, the customer does not know the safety management regulations of the gas station, and believes that it is unnecessary for the gas station employees to let them use their mobile phones in the gas station, which is prone to rebellious psychology.

    One of the more difficult to manage is the prohibition of customers using mobile phone calls in gas stations mobile signal jammer.The exercise of any right is limited and must not prejudice the rights of others or the public interest.The freedom of communication and speech that citizens enjoy in accordance with the Constitution and the law shall not exceed their due scope.As we all know, gas stations dealing with flammable and explosive materials are high-risk industries, and "safety first" is the most basic requirement for gas stations.Common safety measures at gas stations mainly include turning off motorcycles to refuel, gas station employees must wear anti-static clothing to work, prohibiting open flames and using mobile phone calls in gas stations, and not refueling in plastic buckets, etc.

    Because refueling and gas stations are now generally controlled by computers, high-intensity mobile phone signals will cause induction with computer equipment, and the instantaneous electronic friction between the two may ignite fuel vapor and cause an explosion.Therefore, it is recommended to connect the power of the shield to the battery of the car as much as possible to ensure that the device can work continuously.In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile phones, it is not uncommon for students to use mobile phones to affect their life and learning.It is still one or two o'clock, so in order to prevent students from playing mobile phones in the middle of the night and give themselves a better rest, many schools have to choose to install wifi jammer in their dormitories.

    The most popular 8 band jammers

    On the other hand, the customer knew that he could not use the mobile phone in the gas station, but he was lucky, and one-sidedly believed that the accident would not happen when he was using the mobile phone, so he did not listen to the persuasion of the gas station staff and went his own way.Strictly speaking, vehicle anti-monitoring and anti-tracking is a comprehensive professional discipline.It integrates communication engineering, radio technology, electromagnetic research, information science, network security, psychology and other disciplines.If the car turns off halfway, the jammer gps will definitely be powered off, then the location information of the car will be exposed again.

    As long as the RF spark lasts for more than one microsecond and the energy is greater than 6 milliwatts, it will ignite the methane-air mixture.So is it enough to put a high-power mobile signal jammer? Is every room in the school dormitory like a school exam room? Actually, how to select and install it is explained below.The cell phone signal jammer gps in the school dormitory are mainly used at noon and evening when students are resting.The wifi jammer gps can be big or small, and there are many channels in any frequency band of mobile communication.Obviously, the school's behavior is mild and does not affect students' freedom of communication and expression.

    Some students often use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in bed, and some even use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in the middle of the night.At the same time, in order to make the communication signal clearer, the frequency of mobile phone use is very high, and the transmission power is relatively strong.Since gasoline is a volatile substance, in the combustible danger area formed by the leakage of oil and gas tanks and natural gas pipelines, the radio frequency sparks generated by mobile phones can easily cause explosions and lead to disasters.When RF current circulates between metal conductors, RF sparks will be generated in case of corrosion or poor contact.

    Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

    This type of jammer gps can basically be powered by the cigarette lighter, so after being installed in the car, it must be ensured that the jammer GSM is always in working state.At present, the main way for gas stations to prohibit customers from using mobile phone calls at gas stations is to persuade, but sometimes the effect of persuasion is not ideal.The current required to ignite the fuel gas is very small, and the static current generated by the mobile phone in the working state can completely reach this limit.Although it meets the national standard, it still poses a serious threat to refueling and gas stations.

    That is to say, there is no need to shield the mobile phone signal 24 hours a day, so the shielding device of the ordinary power supply such as the external adapter is also optional.As a radio communication tool, the mobile phone emits radio waves, which can induce radio frequency currents in the antenna that receives the radio.Why can't you make phone calls in the gas station? Some people think that it is alarmist that a mobile phone can cause an explosion at a gas station, and they have never heard of an explosion caused by a mobile phone.First of all, people have misunderstandings about the safety hazards caused by using mobile phones in gas stations.

  • Doing nothing shouldn’t be an option



    Teacher suspended for blocking students' cellphones

    LAND O' LAKES, Fla. --In Florida, a science teacher has been suspended for employing a signal jammers to hinder his students from using their cellphones while in class.

    According to CBS Tampa affiliate WTSP-TV, Dean Liptak's objective was to shift students' focus from their phones and redirect it towards their academic lessons.

    On Tuesday, the school board members in Pasco County gave their approval for Liptak's five-day, unpaid suspension. Liptak chose not to challenge the decision.

    From March 31 to April 2, Liptak was reported to have activated the cell phone jammer within his Fivay High School classroom, as stated by officials.

    During the investigation conducted by the school district, he stated that he had never intended to create any issues. According to him, he believed that the jammers were acceptable as long as they were not meant for malicious intentions.

    The district has noted that Verizon opted against pursuing legal action against him, as highlighted by WTSP.

    Expressing his concerns through a reprimand letter, Superintendent Kurt Browning emphasized the potential violation of federal law by Liptak and the potential disruption caused by signal jamming, which could have impeded emergency calls to 911.

    "Verizon had come to the school saying someone had a jamming device, because the cell phone service was being interrupted in the area," WTSP quotew Pasco County School District spokesperson Linda Cobbe as saying.

    Cobbe claims that the jamming device utilized by Liptak effectively disrupted communication to the cell tower on the premises of Fivay High.


    The implementation of cellphone signal jammers within steering wheels is a necessary step forward.

    The act of holding a cellphone while driving is prohibited in California and numerous other states, totaling at least twelve. Nevertheless, this legal restriction does not deter individuals from engaging in this activity.

    Every single day, we come across inconsiderate and entitled individuals who put themselves and those in their vicinity at risk by engaging in conversations or texting while driving.

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that in the previous year, 37,133 individuals lost their lives in motor vehicle collisions, and distracted drivers were responsible for over 3,000 of these fatalities. Additionally, there is an annual occurrence of thousands of injuries caused by drivers who fail to keep their focus on the road.

    To gather an understanding of the position held by car manufacturers, I reached out to the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, an industry group. Bryan Goodman, a spokesperson for the organization, emphasized that automakers view this matter as a serious concern.

    The alarming truth is that distracted driving claims more lives each year than the tragic events of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, highlighting the magnitude of the public-safety menace we face.

  • Communications Act of 1934 with alterations introduced in later years



    The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, prohibits the operation, manufacture, importation, marketing, and sale of equipment designed to jam or otherwise interfere with authorized radio communications, such as radar, global positioning system (GPS), and cell phone communications. These jamming device pose significant risks to public safety and potentially compromise other radio communications services.


    Section 301 of the Act requires a valid FCC authorization or license for the operation of radio transmitting equipment. Unlike other radio transmitting equipment, jamming equipment cannot be authorized by the FCC because the main purpose of jamming equipment is to interfere with radio communications.


    Section 302(b) of the Act prohibits the manufacture, importation, sale, offer for sale, or operation of devices that do not comply with the equipment authorization rules. Jammers do not comply with the rules because they are designed to jam or disrupt authorized communications.


    Section 333 of the Act prohibits willful or malicious interference with any radio communications of any station licensed by or authorized under the Act, or operated by the United States Government.


    Consequently, the operation of jamming equipment violates Sections 301 and 333 of the Act. The manufacture, importation, sale, or offer for sale of jamming equipment violates Section 302(b) of the Act.


    As a result of past enforcement efforts, jammers are rarely marketed by domestic entities and now are almost exclusively marketed online by foreign retailers. When the retailer is located outside of U.S. territory, The Hague Convention on Service Abroad may apply and require that Commission documents only be served in a manner prescribed by authorities in the retailer’s country of residence.


    The Enforcement Bureau has released Enforcement Advisories specifically designed to inform retailers, importers, consumers, and state and local government agencies that jammers are illegal and may not be operated, marketed or imported into the United States. The Advisories warn that violators risk substantial civil and criminal penalties.


    Warning: Jammer Use By the Public and Local Law Enforcement Is Illegal


    CONSUMER ALERT: Using or Importing Jammers is Illegal


    FCC ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY, Cell Jammers, GPS jammers, and Other Jamming Devices


    See the Jammer Enforcement webpage for more information.

  • The usage of it within the United States is strictly prohibited by federal law



    What to Do if Authorized Communication is Being Jammed

    Do you suspect that a signal jammers may be causing interference? Bad network connections can be caused by a variety of factors including:

    Before filing an interference complaint via the FCC Consumer Complaint Center, you should troubleshoot equipment and connectivity issues in accordance with manufacturer and service provider recommendations. In addition to consulting your owner’s manual and the company’s tech support, searching the Internet for your device/model and specific issue may help to either identify or rule out possible causes.

    Cell Phone Jamming is Prohibited in the USA

    Like many countries, the United States prohibits the employment of mobile signal jammer in practically every use case.

    According to the Federal Communications Commission, “Federal law prohibits the operation, marketing, or sale of any type of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications, including cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).”

    It is also illegal to sell, distribute, advertise, import, or market jamming devices to consumers in the United States. The use or marketing of a jammer in the U.S. may subject a person to:

    There are no exemptions for use within a residence, business, vehicle, or classroom. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent authority to use jamming equipment. Jamming equipment employment by federal law enforcement agencies is authorized in accordance with applicable statutes only in certain limited exceptions.

    Though signal jamming is prohibited, cell phone detectors are legal in the United States.

    Cell Phone Jammers – 3 Reasons Why They’re Illegal

    Cell phone jammers can prevent you and other persons from making 911 and other emergency calls. They can also create dangerous risks to public safety communications in addition to interfering with other forms of daily communication.

    faulty equipment

    physical obstructions that block the signal

    significant monetary penalties (fines of up to $11,000)

    seizure of the unlawful equipment

    criminal sanctions including imprisonment


  • Let state prisons jam cellphones



    Renowned state prosecutors from across the nation are reiterating their plea to Congress, urging the passage of legislation that would empower state prisons to interfere with cellphone signals utilized by inmates. These prosecutors contend that these devices facilitate the planning of violent acts and the execution of crimes.


    A letter penned by 22 Republican prosecutors, led by South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, was sent to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The prosecutors stressed the importance of Congress passing legislation that would grant states the authority to establish a cell phone jamming system. The primary objective of this system is to ensure the safety of inmates, guards, and the general public.


    According to Wilson's office, they have plans to communicate with Democratic state prosecutors, highlighting that the issue is not driven by partisanship.


    The attorneys have furnished a letter to The Associated Press, which references several criminal incidents. According to the attorneys, these incidents were orchestrated by inmates using illegal cellphones. Notable among these incidents are a drug conspiracy in Tennessee and a double homicide hit that was allegedly ordered by an inmate from Indiana.


    Moreover, a 2018 gang-related siege that unfolded at a prison in South Carolina was also cited. This distressing event lasted for over seven hours and resulted in the tragic deaths of seven inmates. One prisoner vividly described the horrifying scene of bodies piled on top of each other, resembling a macabre woodpile. Corrections officials placed blame on the coordinated violence, which stands as the most severe prison riot in the United States in the last 25 years, partly on the presence of illicit cellphones.


    The prosecutors contended that if inmates were denied the use of contraband cell phones, it would serve as an effective means to prevent the proliferation of drug trafficking, deadly riots, and various other criminal activities.


    Prosecutors are demanding a modification in a federal communications law that has been in effect for nearly a century, as it currently prohibits state prisons from employing jamming signal technology to render illicit cell signals useless. This change is necessary to counter the methods used to transport phones, including concealing them inside hollowed-out footballs, smuggling them in through corrupt employees, and occasionally even dropping them via drones.


    The ongoing battle against illegal cellphones in state prisons has been a long-standing endeavor, championed by South Carolina Corrections Director Bryan Stirling. He has been at the forefront of a nationwide movement among corrections directors, urging for the adoption of advanced technology to crack down on contraband phones.


    In 2021, a significant triumph was realized when the Federal Communications Commission implemented a regulation that would enable state prison systems to seek permits for the purpose of identifying and disabling illegal cell signals, one by one, in collaboration with cellphone providers. South Carolina was the first state to apply for this technology, but Stirling informed AP on Tuesday that no progress has been made on the state's application.


    Stirling clarified that federal prisons are permitted to block cell signals within their walls, although they have not yet taken advantage of this allowance.


    Jamming technology is met with opposition from CTIA, a wireless industry group, as it fears the potential disruption of lawful phone calls. Nonetheless, according to a 2020 FCC document, CTIA has informed the commission that it has been successfully working alongside its member companies to discontinue service to contraband devices in compliance with court orders they have obtained.


    Calling combating contraband phones “a serious issue,” CTIA officials said in a statement to the AP that the “wireless industry remains committed to working with corrections officials and policymakers at all levels of government to implement effective solutions that combat contraband phones while protecting lawful communications.”


    Despite an email request for comment on the renewed push for jamming, the FCC officials have not promptly replied.


    The topic of jamming legislation has been previously examined by Congress, but no bills have been passed into law or even received a hearing. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, reintroduced a comparable proposal in August during the previous Congress.


    “We’re not going to stop advocating,” Wilson told AP on Tuesday. “I can only hope that at some point, Congress is going to take note.”

  • Frequently asked questions when using signal jammers



    How much does a small signal jammer cost?


    With varying power capabilities and usage scopes, signal jammer exhibit a broad price range spanning from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Typically, a small signal jammer can be purchased for a few hundred dollars in the market.


    3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

    To counter the growing addiction of children to mobile phones, this compact signal cellphone jammer proves to be an ideal solution for home use. Furthermore, it can be deployed in small dormitories and classrooms to disrupt mobile phone network signals, effectively impeding phone communications and restricting Internet access.Moreover, the utilization of a high-power signal jammer within the confines of a home will inevitably disrupt the communication channels in the vicinity, thereby impeding the normal usage of mobile phones by neighbors and potentially giving rise to grievances. Hence, it is only appropriate to employ compact gsm signal jammer in residential premises, dormitories, and small classrooms.


    All mobile phone signals (CDMA, GSM, DCS, PHS, 3G, 4G, 5G) as well as WIFI (WLAN), Bluetooth/2.4G communications, and wireless networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) can be efficiently disrupted within a 10-meter range using this device.


    1. Why do some mobile phones still have signal indications when the signal jammer is working?


    In reality, this is nothing more than an illusion. The mobile phone is currently unable to establish any form of communication. Upon pressing the designated button, you will discover the complete absence of any signal indication on the device's signal indicator.


    2. Will the wireless signal jammer interfere with the normal operation of other electronic devices?


    The wireless signal jammer's electromagnetic signal is confined within the working frequency band specified by the country, ensuring that it does not interfere with other electronic devices. Its effect is limited to blocking wireless signals exclusively within the shielded area, and this signal remains consistently stable without affecting other devices.


    3. Is the mobile phone signal jammer harmful to the human body and mobile phones when it is working?


    Rest assured that the electromagnetic signal emitted by the mobile phone signal jammer is extremely feeble and meets all environmental standards. Thorough tests have revealed that this signal strength is well below the threshold of harm to the human body. Furthermore, the mobile phone signal jammer exclusively blocks the forward signal of the mobile phone, impeding its communication with the base station, thereby ensuring no harm is inflicted upon the mobile phone itself.


    4. Is there any difference in the operating distance of wireless signal jammers when used indoors and outdoors?


    A distinction can be noted in terms of signal strength between outdoor and indoor settings, with outdoor areas generally experiencing stronger signals. Consequently, the effectiveness of shielding against these signals outdoors is relatively poor. In a precise sense, the operational range of a wireless signal jammer, whether employed indoors or outdoors, is influenced by the electromagnetic conditions of the shielding location and its surrounding environment. This includes factors such as the distance between wireless signal transmitting equipment located outside the premises and wireless communication devices positioned within the premises, as well as their respective placements.


    5. Does the mobile phone signal jammer have the same effect on mobile phones and 2.4GHz wireless communication equipment?


    The effectiveness of wireless communication signal transmission is influenced by the distance between the transmitting equipment and the receiving equipment.Due to national standards, the transmission distance of 2.4GHz wireless communication equipment is restricted, resulting in a significantly shorter range compared to base station communication signals. However, when the transmitting and receiving equipment are equidistant, the shielding range of 2.4GHz wireless communication equipment slightly exceeds that of mobile phones.Unless the base station is situated at a considerable distance from the shielding place, the opposite circumstance will arise in the event of a weak signal.


    6. After the mobile phone signal jammer has been working for a period of time, the heat sink of the device will heat up. Will working for a long time damage the machine?


    The heating of the heat sink in the mobile phone signal jammer is a typical occurrence. To address this, we have employed high-performance aluminum alloy heat sinks in our design, which possess excellent thermal conductivity. This enables effective dissipation of the heat generated during the equipment's operation, ensuring the machine's stable performance over an extended period of time. Consequently, the heat emitted by the heat sink does not pose any risk of damaging the machine.

  • Less than $50 to implement with GPS jammer and hard to track



    We have become very dependent on global positioning. A power outage will cost us billions of dollars. And there is no backup yet.


    The dire threat of GPS could cripple corporate America


    A growing problem for GPS: There is no backup system in the United States. Most of our critical infrastructure, including power grids, banks, transportation systems, and telecommunications networks, relies on GPS. In addition to traffic maps and other positioning services, GPS is used for high-precision timing required for high-speed financial transactions, wireless network synchronization, and grid synchronization. But the rising risk of severe blackouts has gone largely unnoticed. "I don't think GPS vulnerabilities have gotten a lot of attention because, unlike cybersecurity, there haven't been any major disasters," said Marc Weiss, a fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.


    GPS and other timing systems will become even more important to modern life in the future. With the rise of connected sensors, devices and machines (i.e. the Internet of Things), timing signals need to be more precise. A government report last year concluded that a lack of high-precision timekeeping systems could hinder the development of new technologies, such as instantaneous collision avoidance systems in cars or communication links in smart grids.


    The United States is at greater risk than countries such as Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom, all of which have some form of ground backup. GPS outages happen from time to time because the signal is weak and highly susceptible to interference. "Terrorists can just use a GPS jammers to carry out an attack," Goldward said. Each jammer costs less than $50 and is extremely difficult to track and stop. Note that companies such as Spirent UK provide equipment to assist in the detection of GPS interference to help combat such interference.


    The Global Positioning System provides navigation for our ships at sea. It is at the heart of the new next-generation air traffic control system. It can even time-stamp the millions of financial transactions that take place around the world every day.


    GPS faces threats from terrorists, rogue states and $50 cell phone jammer


    Criminals, terrorist groups and rogue states, even those with a basic GPS jammer you can buy for $50 on the Internet, face extreme challenges, said Todd Humphreys, a GPS expert at the University of Texas. big risk.


    "If you were a rogue state, or a terrorist network, and you wanted to cause some massive damage — maybe not an explosion, but an economic attack on the United States — that's what you might do." As a weakness," he told Fox News.


    Humphreys was the keynote speaker at the UK ICT Knowledge Transfer Network's World Experts Conference in London. His predictions about the prospects for this emerging threat are dire.


    In 2010, for example, British researchers aimed a low-altitude GPS signal jammers at a test ship in the English Channel. The results were shocking: the ship went off course without the knowledge of the crew. Passing false information about their location to other ships increases the likelihood of a collision. The communications system stopped working, meaning the crew could not contact the Coast Guard. The emergency services system used to guide rescuers is completely out of order.


    Then there's the disappearance of a U.S. drone over Iran. Humphreys believes Iranian authorities confuse the ultra-sophisticated RQ-170 spy drone into landing mode by using simple jamming techniques. The drone's Achilles' heel? It has a civilian GPS system, not a military-grade encrypted model. It doesn't take much to blind it and force it down.


    Another threat that is burgeoning is so-called "spoofing." Unlike gsm jammer, which block or scramble GPS signals, "spoofers" mimic information from satellites. It can fool an aircraft, ship, or other GPS-guided device into thinking it's somewhere, but it's not.

    Organized crime is already trying to exploit this possibility, Humphreys said. A criminal gang may hijack a container truck full of high-value cargo and trick the owner into thinking the truck is heading to a predetermined delivery point instead of the gang's warehouse.


    Hanvers: "Civilian GPS signals are completely open and vulnerable to spoofing attacks because they have no authentication and no encryption. It is almost trivial to imitate these signals and trick a GPS receiver to track your signal." Authentic ."

    Hijacking a container is one thing. Deceiving the global financial system is another matter. Another emerging GPS threat, Humphreys warned in a speech in London, is global stock and commodity trading networks.


    Every transaction is time-stamped using a GPS clock. Computer programs monitor these timestamps with millisecond precision. If something goes wrong, many projects will be taken off the market. Hackers could easily interfere with these timestamps, triggering trading procedures, causing sudden liquidity crises and potentially mini-market crashes, Humphreys said.


    Manipulating time, then, pays high dividends. An unscrupulous trader or criminal organization can make millions of dollars by delaying time even by a fraction of a second.


    "You're able to match prices between networks in a different way than anyone else in the world," Humphreys said. “Everyone else in the world might be off by 20 milliseconds, and you happen to know the actual time. So you can buy low in one market and sell high in another.”


    These devices are illegal in the US, but can be easily obtained on the Internet for as little as $50. People use them to avoid tolls, to hide from the prying eyes of their spouses, or to use company vehicles for unintended purposes. This sometimes has unintended consequences.


    Devices that interfere with GPS may actually have a legitimate purpose: to protect individual privacy, he said.


    "People have a right to privacy in their own lives," he said. “However, having a small dot-sized GPS tracking device to be able to secretly locate them at your friends — they would want to resort to some kind of jamming or deception to defend against this invasion of privacy.”

  • Jammers can attack anywhere, not just public parking lots



    Service station thieves use car key jammer

    Police have warned that thieves are using radio signal jammers to steal from cars parked at motorway service stations.

    Thames Valley Police said the transmitters could be used to "interrupt" the signal for the remote key, thereby preventing the vehicle from being locked properly.


    Police said 14 truck, van and car thefts had been reported recently, but there were "no obvious signs of burglary."

    It advised motorists to check their vehicles before leaving them unattended.


    Burglaries were reported in the Chieveley, Reading and Membury service areas on the M4 in Berkshire in the last two weeks of November.

    How does a radio jammer work?

    The remote key has a unique signal that is transmitted from the remote key to the car via radio waves. Portable jammer suppress the signal from the owner's key and interfere with this communication.


    These devices can be used on a large scale, theoretically allowing thieves to cover an entire parking lot.


    Potential thieves rely on drivers to press the lock button on the keychain but forget to double-check that the vehicle is secure, thereby leaving it open for easy access.


    More modern vehicles that use keyless entry may also be vulnerable.


    Car key Jammer: What you need to know

    With tech-savvy thieves reportedly using electronic devices (" key jammers ") to prevent car locks, what do you need to know about this growing crime?


    The transmitters, which are easy to buy online, can be used to interrupt the keychain's signal, meaning careless motorists will think their car is safe when in fact it is not.


    This gives thieves an easy way to steal your belongings or even the car itself.


    A relatively low-power gps blocker has a range of about 75m, which means that a considerable area (such as an entire parking lot) could be affected at the same time.


    But wifi blocker wielding scammers can strike anywhere, not just public parking lots.


    Deputy Chief Constable Matt Jukes, of the National Police Chiefs' Council, said although he believed the problem was minor at the moment, it was "a growing feature of vehicle crime".


    "The Vehicle Crime Intelligence Unit is working closely and extensively with a number of partners, including the Home Office and car manufacturers, to develop solutions to prevent this crime now and in the future."


    Loran Dover contacted the BBC to say the incident had happened to her on a residential street in Leeds.


    "When I got up to get ready for work, I went outside and found all the car doors closed.


    "When I knew I'd locked the car, I was mortified to think I'd just left it behind - I was staying at my boyfriend's house and had to leave Christmas presents in the car. But when we actually looked inside, the whole car was ransacked and everything of value had been taken.


    "The police initially said they would not take any action. No one was even sent to check for fingerprints, because there were no obvious signs of a break-in. But when I called the bank to cancel my card, the thieves kept using it." Non-contact type. That's when the police really got involved and took the matter more seriously.


    "They are currently watching CCTV and hopefully they will catch them."

  • Anti-spyware device signal jammers popular



    As an ideal anti-espionage device, signal jammer is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Many people consider spying or surveillance to be far removed from their daily lives. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Today we show you the dark world with a story from Mexico. Then you'll see why self-protection signal jammer device are necessary.

    Mexico story

    According to local portals, 12 Mexican states and the country's military have purchased state-of-the-art software that can be used to spy on citizens' computers and mobile phones, but it is worth noting that there is no judicial guarantee for any justice of the peace to carry out such a task.

    The software obtained can infect any citizen's phone and computer to steal their information without legal guarantees for such surveillance, nor is there any evidence that the software has been used illegally.

    Another important detail is that there have only been two reports of judicial interference with phone requests in recent years, one in 2014 and the other in 2015. This indicates that the government agency that obtained the software is using it illegally without any legal authorization. Some states have reported requests for intervention without legal recognition, which is unreasonable given the high cost of buying the software.

    Protecting yourself is a priority

    No one wants to be bugged, followed or watched. But you're the only one responsible for your safety. Signal jammers are our best weapon against all of this. With the ability to cell phone jammer, wireless networks, and even GPS signals, you will ensure that no one can steal any of your data or information.

    How to deal with illegal GPS location?

    Today, GPS tracking is common in many areas. Both objects and people are connected to GPS transmitters so that their location can be determined at any time. This technique is especially useful during leisure time. Everyone knows this feature when using navigation systems or tracking movement units. What is less well known is that many moving objects can be fitted with tracking devices. Two common uses are that the front door key is always misplaced or the bike can be stolen.

    While this type of GPS tracking is done intentionally, the technology can also be used without permission. Illegal tracking devices on cars used for surveillance purposes are particularly common. Once it is suspected that your vehicle is being tracked in this way, it will help if you act quickly.

    What is the use of GPS tracking in a car?

    GPS tracking in car traffic has made great strides in recent decades. Whether it's through a permanently installed navigation system or a smartphone, finding your way around is made easier with the help of GPS. Turn on the power, enter the address, and let it guide you to your destination - so simple and effective. GPS tracking technology is also used to prevent theft, especially in expensive, high-quality cars. The vehicle can be located at any time by GPS signal via a small transmitter.

    If someone wanted to find these GPS trackers in a car, it would be an almost impossible task. As long as GPS is being used for legitimate self-interest, the technology is a blessing. From the moment of covert surveillance, a vast illegal gray area emerges.

    Find a GPS jammer

    GPS jammers are all you need for anti-tracking. It will block GPS signals to ensure that no data is transmitted from your smartphone to the satellite.

    You need to know which GPS signal bands you want to block, there are L1 to L5 GPS frequencies, but with perfectjammer's state-of-the-art signal jammer, you can block all of these bands with one device. Other available options include desktop, portable and their coverage.

    More and more drones are being used in different fields to support individuals and companies in a variety of tasks. These include filming sports games, filming weddings and inspecting farmers' harvests. Drones also provide support to the official sector, such as identifying situations after disasters or in the event of accidents and fires.

    It is estimated that there are currently 800,000 and 1.5 million drones in the United States. Because there is no central record of drones, and crashes and defects are not recorded, it is difficult to estimate their exact number. As a result, domestic sales numbers cannot be corrected for the contraction.

    What can I do about drones?

    Many citizens are annoyed by their neighbors' drones, feeling they are being watched in their gardens or terraces. It also needs to be clarified, for example, what will happen to a photo taken by a neighbor with a drone of another property and the people on it. This can significantly reduce the quality of life and lead to psychological problems. So it's a no-brainer to consider shooting down drones. However, private individuals are not allowed to do so, which also makes sense given the context of uncontrollable crashes.

    Only military and police forces can shoot down drones with different means, and their drone jammer can kill drones from a great distance from the ground. In addition, experiments are currently being conducted with eagles and trained to intercept drones. Whether police will use those tools, however, remains to be determined. To prevent harm. Only private individuals are allowed to capture drones to prevent out-of-control crashes. Private interference with drone signals is also prohibited. If you are disturbed by a neighbor's drone, you can call the police to clarify the matter accordingly.

    Currently, security companies are no exception, as only national authorities and institutions can take active action against drones. A relaxation of this rule is being considered as it would be difficult to ensure the safety of thousands of football fans or concertgoers, especially at major events, without allowing private security companies to take countermeasures against drones.


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  • Audio message from Herrera Bear discussing buying cell phone jammers



    The missionary pleaded guilty in the drug conspiracy case

    The third person pleaded guilty in drug conspiracy cases involving cocaine and carjacking.

    Daniel Herrera Bell admitted on Thursday the carjacking charges related to the case.

    According to the indictment against 38 year old Herrera Bear and four other individuals from Mission, they include Emily Julieta Gonzalez, 23, from Edinburgh, Jorge Alberto De Leon, 27, from Mission, Ruben Artemio Villarreal Jr., and Israel Hernandez; Age and last place of residence are not listed - the gang is plotting to import over 5 kilograms of cocaine from Mexico.

    After an incident in March, these five men participated in the conspiracy when 9 kilograms of cocaine were found in Uncle Gonzalez's Chevrolet Trailblazer car.

    CI told the authorities that De Leon was riding a Volkswagen Beetle car used in the carjacking, while Ereira Bell was the mastermind behind the carjacking plan, and provided information about Gonzalez's pioneer car and the drugs in the car.

    Federal agents finally executed a Search warrant on the homes of Herrera Bell and De Leon, and collected evidence of their communication on the carjacking incident.

    When searching De Leon's phone, the police also discovered conversations with other people's WhatsApp, including a contact registered as "Chamoy", who was identified as (Ellera Bear) based on the known phone number used by Ellera Bear. When reviewing WhatsApp conversations, the police discovered an audio message with Herrera Bear on April 19, 2020, discussing the purchase of a cell phone jammer that can be used to block GPS signals or the transmission of mobile phones

    De Leon's mobile phone also contains screenshots or photos of Hidalgo (the police station) and McAllen's office (the Homeland security Bureau of Investigation), where the tracker is said to be located at that time.

    The court documents stated: "Officials also found screenshots of the" Monitor "news report on De Leon's phone, detailing the federal arrest of Gonzalez

    According to the location of the cellular base stations found on their respective phones, De Leon and Herrera Bell are located near the car hijacking incident and the abandoned vehicle, respectively.

    According to the indictment later edited, Villarreal and Hernandez were suspected of participating in the initial carjacking incident.

    On September 23rd, Gonzalez and De Leon each admitted a charge related to a drug conspiracy. The records show that they will accept the verdict on December 16th. Villarreal and Hernandez are both tough guys, and they are preparing for preliminary hearing in the near future.

    In addition, the records show that Herrera Bell will be in the United States District Judge Micae on December 16

    KOTA KINABALU: Les propriétaires de drones et les passionnés de Sabah doivent obtenir un permis pour piloter l'appareil, a déclaré le commandant de l'unité de l'escadre aérienne de la police (PGU) à Sabah, ACP Ahmad Lokman Abd Hadi.

    Il a déclaré qu'ils étaient tenus d'obtenir l'approbation du Département malaisien des enquêtes et de la cartographie, ainsi que d'obtenir le permis de l'Autorité de l'aviation civile de Malaisie (CAAM) avant que l'appareil puisse être piloté, mais uniquement dans l'espace spécifié.

    «À Sabah, il y a des activités de vol de drones, mais c'est plus un passe-temps et PGU le surveille pour tout signalement d'empiètement dans des zones restreintes.

    Faire voler des drones sans permis est une infraction au règlement de l'aviation civile malaisienne (MCAR) 2016.

    Ahmad Lokman a déclaré qu'à la suite d'informations faisant état de vols non autorisés de drones, le PGU avait été doté d'un dispositif drone jammer pour désactiver les personnes aperçues volant dans des zones interdites.

    Les zones interdites comprennent la zone Sabah PGU, a-t-il dit, ajoutant que l'unité avait été équipée de quatre types de drones, à savoir Dji Phantom 3 Professional; Dji Inspire 1; Dji Mavic 2 Enterprise Zoom et Dji Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual et un Orion 7 MP Jammer.-Bernama

    InfiniDome receives $1.6 million in investment to protect your GPS from hacker attacks

    As vehicles increasingly rely on GPS connectivity systems, a simple GPS jammers purchased by a store may disrupt your next highway cruise, which seems quite frightening. Don't worry, InfiniDome has developed a simple and effective solution to keep your GPS on track

    InfiniDome is an Israeli startup aimed at protecting GPS connected vehicles from interference and grassroots deception attacks. This cybersecurity company must be aware of its financial potential as it has just announced the launch of a pre A round of financing, even though it has just completed a $1.6 million seed round financing led by Israel's Next Gear Ventures, Boundary Holding, and Aston Partners in New York.

    In a conversation with Geektime's co founder and CEO, Omer Sharar explained that they implemented the same electronic warfare principles within the company, which were previously strictly reserved for military companies. We don't use a single antenna, but several antennas. This, combined with proprietary electronic devices and algorithms, enables the system to identify which vector the vehicle is being attacked by and combine it with the received pattern, which can weaken the signal of the signal jammers. Sharar compares InfiniDome's technology to noise cancelling headphones, saying, "When listening to regular headphones, loud noise can easily drown out the music Although headphones with Active noise control function can reduce external noise, so you can enjoy music. This is very similar to the functionality provided by our product - weakening the hacker's interference signal and allowing the GPS system to continuously connect to satellites
