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  • Cell Phone "Jammers" Face Stringent Measures



    The FCC says illegal devices that block cell phone signals could pose a security risk.

    The FCC has noticed a rise in people selling "jammers." The devices can block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and GPS systems and could be used to cause chaos in public places.

    The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "blind spots" in a small area (usually about 30 feet) and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to prevent people from using their phones. But they can also cut off 911 calls, interfere with navigation near airports and have been used to jam radio communications near police stations. FCC officials say they have noticed an increase in the flow of jammers, which are banned by federal law, into the U.S. Many of the cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

    It is illegal to sell, advertise, use or import jammers under the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits blocking radio communications in public.

    Earlier this week, the FCC issued subpoenas to eight individuals and companies that posted ads for jammers on Craigslist.

    The FCC said cities including Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati and Corpus Christi, Texas, advertised jammers on the site. Officials said they do not believe the cases are related.

    "Simply posting an ad for a signal jammers on a site like is a violation of federal law. Signal jammers are contraband for a reason," Michele Ellison, director of the FCC's enforcement bureau, said in a statement. "One person's moment of peace or privacy could jeopardize the safety and well-being of others."

    According to the citations, most sellers advertised the jammers as a way to take an "undisturbed nap" on the bus, quiet a classroom or keep your area "free of interference," without mentioning the more nefarious uses the devices could be used for.

    "We are increasingly concerned that individual consumers operating jammer devices do not appear to understand the serious consequences of using jammers," one of the citations read. "Instead, these operators mistakenly believed that their illegal operations were a matter of personal convenience or should be excused."

    But the FCC said at least one seller appeared to know that jammers were contraband.

    Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised on Philadelphia Craigslist for sale a "cell phone blocker, wifi blocker" for $300. In his ad, he said that "due to the nature of this item, we are revealing very few details," that the jammer was "not a toy," and that "I just wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible."

    "The nature of the ad suggests that Mr. Grabowski knew about the sensitive and/or illegal nature of the equipment he was selling on Craigslist," the citation reads.

    People who receive the ticket have 15 days to remove the ad from the site and provide the FCC with information about where the jammer was purchased and to whom it was sold. Simply posting an ad for the sale of a jammer could result in a fine of more than $100,000.

    The FCC has set up a "jammer tip line" for people to report to the agency people who may be selling or using jammers.

    "We intend to take increasingly tough enforcement action against offenders," Ellison said. "If we find you selling or operating a jammer, you will be punished."

  • Federal program distributing extra military equipment to law enforcement agencies



    In 2011, the Payson Police Department believed they were acquiring a cell phone jammers from a government program supplying surplus military equipment to law enforcement agencies. However, they ended up with a smokescreen device from a U.S. Navy ship.

    “The ‘Electronic Countermeasures’ were supposed to be cell phone jamming devices. However, what was sent were smoke machines off of a naval ship,” Chief of Police Ronald Tischer said in an email to Arizona Mirror. “So, we are in the process of sending them back. They were never used and have been in storage since 2011.”

    The Mirror reached out to the Payson Police Department after analyzing data published by the Defense Logistics Agency about military equipment sent to local law enforcement agencies across the country. The department obtained two items listed as “electronic countermeasures” in 2011 both valued at roughly $4,800.

    Company offering cell, drone and other jammers is fined $35 million

    Despite the possibility of not recovering the fine, the Federal Communications Commission announced yesterday that it has imposed a penalty forfeiture order of $34.9 million on Chinese electronics manufacturer and online retailer C.T.S. Technology for selling signal jamming devices to American consumers.

    Radio frequency transmitters known as "jammers" are deliberately designed to obstruct, disturb, or impede wireless communications, including cell phone calls, GPS systems, Wi-Fi networks, and emergency communications.

    C.T.S. Technology has been subjected to an investigation by the FCC's Enforcement Bureau, resulting in the Commission's proposal to impose a fine of $34,912,500. This penalty is being considered due to the company's marketing of 285 jammer models within the United States.

    The company was directed by the FCC to guarantee that its marketing adheres to federal law. Despite not responding to the proposed fine, referred to as a "Notice of Apparent Liability," the company has subsequently implemented various measures to align its marketing practices with the U.S. laws that prohibit the marketing, sale, and importation of signal jammers.

    The Commission did not receive any evidence from C.T.S. Technology to challenge the findings of the proposed fine. Therefore, yesterday's decision, which was a formal forfeiture order, upheld the full proposed fine against the company.

    But collecting that money may be difficult.

    Due to C.T.S. failing to acknowledge receipt of the NAL, the FCC reached out to the Chinese government to issue the NAL, as allowed by international law.

    However, China's designated service affairs agency disregarded the agency's request and concluded that a forfeiture filing was suitable.

    C.T.S. must make payment within 30 days. The FCC has not disclosed any further steps that will be taken in the event of non-payment.

  • Agitated Man Uses Cell Phone Jammer to Block Chatter on Bus



    Despite its resemblance to a walkie talkie, the compact device possesses far greater capabilities than meets the eye. Once activated, a mobile phone signal jammer has the ability to disrupt all cellular services within its vicinity. However, it is crucial to note that employing such a device not only constitutes a federal offense but also carries the risk of incurring a hefty $16,000 penalty and potential imprisonment.


    Eric, a resident of Philadelphia, was undeterred by the presence of talkative cell phone users on the SEPTA 44 bus. As reported by NBC 10 in Philadelphia, Eric resorted to using a block signal jammer to block out unwanted conversations.


    "A lot of people are extremely loud, no sense of just privacy or anything. When it becomes a bother, that's when I screw on the antenna and flip the switch," Eric told NBC 10.


    Eric professed his ignorance regarding the illegality of blocking a cell phone signal, considering it to be a "gray area." He believed that such actions were only deemed illegal when interfering with television or radio signals.

    However, despite this, he displayed a lack of remorse for his actions.


    He informed NBC 10 that he believes he is assuming responsibility for enforcing the law, and he expressed his pride in doing so.

    The utilization of jammers, such as the one employed in this instance, is deemed unlawful due to their potential to disrupt cell phone communication during critical situations and impede essential signals like police radio and other two-way radios.

    Eric stated his intention to get rid of the jammer he purchased after learning that it was illegal, with ABC News approximating its value at $300.

    The larger concern lies in the fact that Eric is not the only one engaging in this jamming practice.

  • Hero vigilante arrested for blocking cell phone service on a train



    Dennis Nicholl observed the implementation of cellphone signal blockers on trains in Chicago.

    He is a silent avenger.

    Dennis Nicholl, a financial analyst employed at the University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, was apprehended last week for realizing the aspiration shared by numerous commuters worldwide: putting an end to disruptive cell phone conversations.

    "I think he liked the feeling of being in control of the car," Aaron Robinson, who witnessed Nicol in action, told the Chicago Tribune. "It's kind of like the numbers, 'You young people with cell phones, stay off my lawn. '"

    Nicole was apprehended on March 8 in a covert sting operation carried out by the Chicago Police Department, the Chicago Transit Authority, and the Federal Communications Commission. The reason behind his arrest was his involvement in using a jammer to disrupt police radios and impede emergency calls. As a result, he now confronts the possibility of imprisonment and a hefty fine of up to $100,000.

    Residents of the Windy City were once again able to make personal calls while on the move, much to the disappointment of many.

    The jammer cell phone will be deactivated at this moment. A well-known figure, @AnthonyBialy, shared on Twitter.

    New York residents are advocating for the establishment of a local vigilante group to combat jammers within the city.

    @dzcman tweeted that taking the NYC bus led them to consider the phone jammer as a valuable investment for maintaining their sanity.

    @jammerstore, an online retailer specializing in cell-blockers, has also attempted to capitalize on the demand of New Yorkers to maintain silence among subway riders. They tweeted, "Cell service now available at 6 #NYC stations. Why not consider using a signal jammer diy for uninterrupted travel?" Excessive chatter is unnecessary!

    Nicol maintains that his motives solely revolve around seeking peaceful travels.

    Charles Lauer, the attorney representing Nichol, informed Tribute that he was distressed about interacting with those in his vicinity. Despite appearing self-centered and self-absorbed, he had no intention of causing harm.

  • Can a laptop experience disruptions in wireless Internet access due to a mobile phone signal jammer?



    To determine the influence of a mobile phone signal jammer on laptop Internet access, one must first grasp the interference frequency band employed by the jammer as well as the frequency band utilized by laptops to connect to the Internet.

    First of all, if the interference frequency band of the mobile phone signal jamming device overlaps with the frequency band used by the laptop to access the Internet, it will affect the laptop’s Internet access function. Let’s first take a look at the interference frequency band of cell phone signal blocker. Due to the wide signal coverage of domestic operators and the wide range of application standards, mobile phone signal jammers must achieve the effect of blocking the entire network. Generally, they will effectively block interference for 2G, 3G, 4G band signals, WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth signals.

    After comprehending the frequency bands that the mobile phone signal jammer mentioned previously can block, it is time to explore the frequency bands that laptops use for Internet connectivity.


    Laptops generally have two ways to access the Internet, one is wired Internet access, that is, Ethernet network port Internet access, and the other is wireless Internet access. At present, mobile phone signal jammers cannot block or interfere with wired Internet access, so here we mainly describe the frequency bands for laptop wireless Internet access. According to the current classification of laptops on the market, wireless Internet access supports single-band and dual-band. The so-called single-band refers to only supporting WiFi2.4 frequency band to connect to the Internet, while dual-band supports WiFi2.4 and WiFi5.8 frequency bands to connect to the Internet. Most laptops only support single-band, and some that are more expensive or have more conscientious configurations will be equipped with dual-band Internet access.

    By grasping the distinct working frequency bands of signal blockers and laptop computers, astute individuals can promptly discern the potential impact of mobile phone signal jammers on laptop Internet access.

    Detailed requirements are broken down into the following situations:

    1.The mobile phone signal jammer does not have a WLAN module and will not affect the wireless Internet access of laptops;

    The mobile phone signal jammer supports the WiFi2.4 frequency band, which affects the wireless Internet access of single-band laptops but does not affect the wireless Internet access of dual-band laptops;


    The mobile phone signal jammer supports WiFi2.4 and WiFi5.8 frequency bands, which will affect the wireless Internet function of the laptop.

    By thoroughly examining the information presented earlier, we have arrived at a conclusive answer regarding the potential influence of a mobile phone signal jammer on a laptop's Internet connection. It is important to note that the laptop's wireless Internet access may be affected by the presence of a mobile phone signal jammer. To ensure uninterrupted connectivity, customers who rely on signal jammers for protection should consider utilizing Ethernet cables to connect their laptops to external network offices. This approach will enable them to optimize their Internet experience.

  • Home invasion suspects use cell jamming techniques to evade surveillance cameras



    Cell interference The use of devices to interfere with radio or wireless signals.

    In some burglaries, thieves have figured out how to use technology to evade surveillance cameras.

    This is called cellular interference, and it happens when a person uses a device to interfere with radio or wireless signals.

    According to the FCC, "The use of telephone mobile jammers , gps blocker interceptors, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or interfere with authorized radio communications violates federal law." There are no exemptions for use in businesses, classrooms, homes or vehicles."

    Cell interference may occur with devices or home cameras approximately 30 feet from the intended target.

    Video from the south Charlotte neighborhood showed a suspect crawling across the yard at night, but not all of the incidents were caught on camera.

    "Any time you have a wireless device, whether it's on Wi-Fi and so on, you know people are going to find a way - how to jam it, how to try to stop something from communicating," said John Shocknesse, vice president of security customer operations at CPI.

    Within moments, someone can be seen on the camera, but with cellular interference, with the flick of a switch or the press of a button, that person disappears, or nothing is recorded.

    The CMPD says the problem has occurred in some burglaries in South Charlotte.

    "We haven't seen any of this activity, so it's most important that we're aware of it and make sure we have the best technology and the latest technology," Shocknesse said.

    WBTV asked him which devices are more susceptible to cell phone interference.

    "I think where it comes into play is with some older wireless devices that don't have encryption," Shocknesse said.

    Newer security and monitoring systems have better encryption and are more secure, he said.

    "I really don't think we can emphasize enough the importance of having cameras and some on-board recording," Shocknesse said. "The cameras we put there have storage devices on them, so even if something goes wrong, you can still record what's going on and you can take it to the police station."

    Complementing this advice, he said the best solution to prevent cell phone interference is to adopt the latest encryption technology and wired devices instead of Wi-Fi.

    As for preventing break-ins, following a few simple tips, such as maintaining good lighting, turning on an alarm system, and trimming bushes to no higher than three feet, may be effective.

  • Advantages of mobile phone signal jammers



    Advantages of cell phone signal jammer

    Cell phone jammers prevent and disable any mobile phone communication from entering specific areas of a building or open space to...

    Prevent industrial espionage using mobile devices as eavesdropping devices or for taking photos (cameras)

    Counter terrorist threats, such as remotely detonating bombs in high-risk areas

    Eliminate public nuisance in places such as cinemas, restaurants and churches


    How cell phone blockers work

    Cell phones are two-way radios that communicate via cell towers. cell phone jammer work by sending a strong signal on the same frequency used by mobile devices to effectively interfere with communication between the device and the cell tower. The result is that the mobile device does not work and "No network" is displayed.

    Physical description of cellular jammer

    It comes in different sizes and shapes. Some are pocket sized, some are bigger. Some masquerade as plain phones or briefcases.

    Precautions before buying a mobile phone jammer:

    • What is the effective interference range (10-50 meters above)

    Which cellular systems can it block (cdma in North America, gsm, tdma, 4G, 3G amplifiers, pcs, dcs or all?)

    • How many cellular systems can it block simultaneously (cdma, etc...) (Low-end models can only block one type at a time, while more complex models block multiple systems at once)

    Indoor 3G cell phone signal blocker

    As we all know, for a certain purpose, in order to achieve the ideal state, now mobile phone signal blockers are used to help people achieve the purpose, and in the various types of mobile phone signal blockers sold on the market to buy one that can meet your requirements is the best choice. For those who are looking for a signal blocker that can cut off 3G cell phone signals and also has adjustable features, they can take a look at this "4 antenna Adjustable Cell Phone Signal" remote control jammer that will be introduced here soon.

    As we all know, in different situations people may need to cut off the signal of different frequency bands, if this is the case, gain one with adjustable function may be a good choice, because it allows you to choose the interference frequency band you want, and since this 3G mobile phone signal blocker design has adjustable buttons, so you can easily reach the target. In addition, since this is a high-power 3G phone jammer and is designed with 4 antennas, it can also easily cut off 2G 3G phone signals at the same time. This adjustable 3G mobile phone signal blocker features a high-power design that interferes up to 40 meters depending on the signal strength in a given area.

    More importantly, the 3G mobile phone signal blocker is also designed with a good cooling fan system, so that the 3G mobile phone signal blocker always maintains a good working condition, without producing high temperature harmful to the 3G mobile phone signal blocker itself. Therefore, one aspect that people will also consider is the application field of this high-power 3G mobile phone signal blocker, if so, you do not have to worry about this high-power 3G mobile phone signal blocker, you can easily use it in churches, churches and other places, theaters, concert halls, classrooms, libraries, banks, museums and other places do not allow loud talk, But some people can't resist talking on their mobile phones, and other places where the use of mobile phones is not allowed, this 3G mobile phone signal blocker can also be used.

    4G cell phone signal blocker

    The full name of this handheld signal blocker is "6 antenna Handheld 3G 4G full frequency mobile Jammer", this is a 3G 4G full frequency mobile jammer, with 6 antennas, in addition to cutting off 3G, 4G(LTE) and 4G(Wimax), the jammer can also block normal 2G mobile signal at the same time. Such as CDMA, GSM, DCS and PCS mobile phone signals. And with a portable design, it is lightweight and can use a rechargeable battery as a power source, so this portable 3G 4G signal jammer is easy to remove when needed.

    So while this is a handheld 3G 4G phone jammer, it's also designed with a high-quality cooling system so you can use it without worrying about the temperature. In addition, this handheld 4G signal blocker has also been designed with an on-board charger, so that it can easily be used in the car, so for people who need to use this handheld signal blocker in the car, just choose this one. . Therefore, this handheld 4G mobile phone blocker is also designed with selectable buttons so that you can decide the interference frequency band according to the actual situation you are in.

  • Costly cellphone jamming technology ditched in all prisons



    All cellphone jammers have been discreetly eliminated from prisons by Corrections.

    The technology implemented in 2008-09 to deter inmates from using smuggled mobile phones has incurred expenses exceeding $17 million.

    However, the utilization of jammers ceased in June due to their interference with newly implemented safety systems for prison guards.

    Upon unveiling this initiative, Corrections Minister Phil Goff emphasized that the implementation of cellphone blocking in New Zealand prisons marks a significant advancement in preventing inmates from engaging in further criminal activities during their incarceration.

    The Official Information Act was used to acquire recent information regarding the quantity of cellphones confiscated from the 18 prisons managed by Corrections in the last three years.

    The Corrections staff discovered 626 cellphones and over 750 cellphone-related items, including batteries, chargers, SIM cards, and more, between January 2020 and November of the current year.

    The removal of the cellphone jammer in June was the reason why inmates were found smuggling cellphones, according to Neil Beales, the Corrections chief custodial officer.

    He stated that the jammers were discovered to disrupt recently implemented safety systems, including alarms designed for the safety of corrections officers.

    Progress in mobile technology has led to jammers becoming more and more outdated.

    According to Beales, the mentioned tool was just one among several others employed to prevent the use of cellphones in prisons. He further stated that there are still several more effective tools in use.

    Cellsense devices are equipped with advanced technology to identify various metals commonly found in cellphones. Additionally, these devices possess screening and x-ray capabilities, along with the ability to detect metals using specially trained dogs.

    Beale mentioned that certain individuals incarcerated resort to extreme and intricate measures to smuggle contraband into prisons, and we are consistently striving to outsmart the latest tactics employed for smuggling contraband into our correctional facilities.

    Corrections has been exploring new and emerging technology to enhance existing systems, according to the statement. They have begun implementing full body imaging technology at various locations to identify hidden contraband on or inside individuals.

    In 2018, the Corrections department acknowledged that cellphone jamming technology had caused a communication blackout near Rimutaka Prison, resulting in the inability to track residents of a child sex offender unit located outside the prison walls.

    Inmates may utilize cellphones to exert influence on individuals beyond the prison walls, as well as to organize illicit activities such as drug transactions. Recently, nine prison employees at Rimutaka were suspended in May for suspected misconduct, which involved the smuggling of cellphones into the facility.

    It comes as no surprise that Corrections has decided to abandon the use of signal blockers, as stated by Roger Brooking, a drug and alcohol counsellor and criminologist who has consistently voiced his concerns about the expenditure on this technology.

    He stated that their functionality is nonexistent, and it has always been that way.

    In my conversations with prisoners, they have mentioned that there are certain spots within the prison where the jamming devices do not work effectively. This has allowed inmates to make unauthorized phone calls for various purposes such as drug trafficking or communicating with their families.

  • The meaning of a cell phone jammer is what?



    Cell phone jammers are devices designed to block the reception or transmission of cell phone signals by producing interference within the frequency ranges used by cell phones. This interference causes a lack of signal or a notable reduction in signal strength. While cell phone jammers can be employed in various settings, they are predominantly utilized in locations where quietness is essential.


    Techopedia offers insights into cell phone jammers.


    A cell phone jammer is composed of:


    Voltage-controlled oscillator

    Tuning circuit

    Noise generator

    Power supply

    RF amplification


    The activation of a cell phone jammer results in the absence of network signal on most cell phones, while deactivating the jammer restores their connectivity. Cell phones employ specific frequencies for transmitting and receiving information. By blocking one or both of these frequencies, cell phone jammers indirectly impede communication on both ends, effectively preventing any form of interaction.The operation of cell phone jammers is based on the same principles as those of jammers employed to hinder radio communication. These devices disrupt either the frequencies from the cell phone to the base station or from the base station to the cell phone.


    Law enforcement agencies and the military make use of cell phone jammers to restrict and disrupt communication in various situations. Certain organizations employ these jammers to safeguard against corporate espionage by blocking communication within sensitive areas. Moreover, some individuals opt for portable cell phone jammers to prevent others from using their phones in immediate vicinity.


    With the exception of military and law enforcement applications, the use of cell phone jammers is illegal in many countries, including the United States. The United States has enacted some of the most stringent laws globally, prohibiting the sale and purchase of cell phone jammers and imposing strict regulations on their usage. However, in countries like Mexico, the use of cell phone jammers is permitted in certain public areas such as hospitals. It is crucial to recognize that laws governing the use of cell phone jammers differ from country to country.


    There are three key reasons why cell phone jammers are considered illegal


    The use of cell phone jammers can hinder your ability, as well as that of others, to contact 911 and other emergency services. Additionally, they present serious risks to public safety communications and disrupt regular forms of communication.

    The following article delves into the mechanics of signal jammers , the legal implications of using them in the United States, protocols to follow in case of interference with authorized communication, and the services offered by Cellbusters for inquiries related to cell phone jammers.


    Actions to Consider When Authorized Communication is Being Jammed


    Have you considered the possibility of a signal jammer causing the interference? There are several factors, including signal jammers, that can result in unreliable network connections:


    faulty equipment

    physical obstructions that block the signal

    lawful devices that are operating on the same frequencies


    It is recommended to troubleshoot equipment and connectivity problems based on the manufacturer and service provider recommendations before lodging an interference complaint via the FCC Consumer Complaint Center. Along with reviewing the owner's manual and seeking assistance from the company's technical support, utilizing online resources to search for your device/model and the specific issue may aid in identifying or excluding potential causes.

  • A Father Who Used A Signal Jammer To Keep His Kids Offline At Night Now Faces Jail Time



    A French father finds himself in a predicament as he faces a considerable penalty and the prospect of incarceration for his noble attempt to restrict his children's access to the internet and mobile phones during late hours. The signal jammers he employed proved to be highly effective, not only deterring his kids from going online, but also disrupting the connectivity of individuals residing in a nearby town.


    An unusual occurrence affecting internet and cellular service in the town of Messanges, France, was reported to the Agence Nationale Des Frequences (ANFR). The perplexing disruption, which took place every weeknight between midnight and 3 AM, became even more peculiar upon investigation. It was determined that a signal jammer was being utilized to block radio frequencies.

    According to the report, the Touluse Regional Service of the ANFR initiated its investigation in the middle of the night. What could have caused such a disruption at a time when the entire city is typically asleep?


    As the agency delved deeper into the matter, they stumbled upon a distinctive shape on a graph (depicted below) that left the investigator with no uncertainty. It was undoubtedly the unmistakable signature of a wave cell phone jammer, an illegal device in France. In their quest to uncover the origin of this jamming activity, the investigator tracked it down to a house located in close proximity to the coast. Following a polite knock on the door and a confrontation with the father, he openly admitted to employing the signal jammer to prevent his teenage children from using their smartphones to surf the internet instead of getting adequate rest.


    ANFR's report highlights that his children have become addicted to social networks and other applications, especially since the confinement measures were implemented as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.


    Despite not intending to block an entire town's internet access, the father's use of a signal jamming device is against the law in France. Consequently, he may be subject to a penalty of up to approximately $34,000 (30,000 Euros) and six months of imprisonment.


    Individuals residing in the United States should be aware that employing similar technology to prevent their children from accessing the internet is against the law. Similar to France, if found guilty, one may face significant fines and imprisonment in America.

    8 Bands Jammer Device

    In France, the case remains ongoing as ANFR has transferred all its findings to the relevant local authorities. However, the father is no longer in possession of his signal jammer, which he previously utilized to restrict his children's access to their beloved social media sites.
