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  • Beware of Cell Phone Jammers



    Be cautious of cell phone jammers as criminals might incorporate them into their arsenal for illicit purposes. These portable devices, capable of initiating a "denial of service" or "DOS attack," are available for purchase on different online platforms for $1,000 to $2,000. However, the penalty for possessing one could exceed $10,000. Despite their compact size - with one model reportedly able to "fit into any empty cigarette pack" - these devices are highly potent. Once activated, they disrupt wireless signals within a range of approximately 100 feet.

    Devices that illegally silence cell phones

    The occurrence of cell phone jammers in Canada has attracted widespread attention, as reported by the Ottawa Sun. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has taken action by issuing a cautionary message to all law enforcement agencies nationwide regarding the use of cell phone jammers. This action was prompted after two Quebec police officers experienced interference with their walkie-talkies when they encountered two suspects on a dimly lit highway.

    The effectiveness of these jammers in disrupting police radio communications was highlighted by the Mount Spokane incident. Consequently, multiple safety alerts have been issued in recent weeks to caution officers about the potential compromise to their safety posed by these devices.

    Despite the provision outlined in Section 333 of the FCC Rules, which explicitly prohibits any individual from intentionally or maliciously disrupting or causing interference to radio communication, the regulatory body faces significant challenges in effectively enforcing this rule.

    The owner of an upscale Maryland restaurant revealed that FCC and Verizon Wireless investigators paid a visit to the establishment last year. The unidentified owner disclosed that he invested $1,000 in a high-powered jammer to deter employees from prioritizing their phones over attending to customers.

    He stated that he instructed them repeatedly, saying, "Place your mobile devices aside, place your mobile devices aside, place your mobile devices aside." However, they disregarded his instructions. The proprietor mentioned that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) investigators extensively surveyed the vicinity for a week, utilizing specialized equipment to identify signal jammers. Nevertheless, the proprietor had deactivated the equipment.

    Verizon investigators faced a similar lack of success. The owner mentioned that the individual reached out to every resident in the town, providing them with his contact number and urging them to call him promptly if they encountered any issues. However, the owner has now discontinued the use of the jammer.

  • It’s Time for Global Enforcement No More Jammer Sales



    Global navigation jamming will only get worse. The U.S. needs to move fast

    As geopolitical crises escalate, signal jamming and spoofing attacks on GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are becoming more common, creating significant challenges and risks to aviation, shipping, and other critical services around the world.

    Data from confirms widespread GPS/GNSS jamming in parts of Europe and beyond as a result of the war in Ukraine. Affected regions include Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, in addition to the Black Sea, the Caucasus, and Turkey. The Middle East has also seen jamming due to hostile activities by Israel and Iran in the region. Other jamming activities, albeit on a smaller scale, are also common in Pakistan, India, and Myanmar.

    The Global Positioning System (GPS) and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) provide critical positioning, navigation, and timing services to users around the world. However, like other electronic-based systems (and despite industry efforts to strengthen the security of these technologies), devices that receive signals from GNSS satellites can be vulnerable to wifi jamming and spoofing. It is time for the United States to coordinate international efforts to stop the marketing and sale of devices that jam GNSS systems.

    To be clear, gsm jamming and spoofing are already illegal. In the United States, the Communications Act of 1934, the U.S. Penal Code, and other federal laws and regulations prohibit tampering with navigation systems, including GPS, cellular and personal communications devices, and police radar systems. However, without international coordination to enforce existing laws and regulations, bad actors will continue to jam and spoof GNSS signals, disrupting critical uses ranging from personal navigation and agriculture to emergency response and defense.

    New drone tactics keep jamming risk alive

    A key feature of current conflicts is the new use of drone warfare, which is what makes GNSS jamming operations so powerful. As this technology becomes more widely available to state and non-state actors, these tactics are likely to be repeated again and again—regardless of where the conflict occurs.

    While the Middle East is likely to remain a major hotspot for such activity in the coming years, it is not the only region at risk. Any country facing conflict or terrorism could face the asymmetric threat posed by cheap satellite navigation capabilities.

    As a result, more countries will have to resort to defensive GNSS jamming to defend against these threats, resulting in a wider range of unreliable navigation signals that could affect airlines, shipping, and more. This gps jamming is not limited to affecting receivers on Earth. Low Earth orbit satellites carry GNSS receivers to improve weather forecasts, predict space weather, and monitor climate change. These important missions and other scientific research should not be hampered by regulatory inaction or lack of resources.

  • Using Cell Phone Jammers in Preventing Match-Fixing During the European Football Championship



    The European Football Championship is one of the most prestigious football tournaments in the world, attracting millions of fans and widespread attention from the media and stakeholders. With the stakes high, the integrity of the tournament is of paramount importance. One of the tools used to ensure this integrity is the deployment of cell phone jammers. These devices are essential to preventing players from manipulating matches, a significant issue in professional sports.

    Match-fixing refers to the manipulation of the results of sporting events for financial gain, often orchestrated by gamblers and criminal organizations. This illegal activity undermines the integrity of the sport, reduces fan trust, and can have serious legal and financial consequences. Players, referees, and other officials may be contacted and coerced into participating in match-fixing schemes through a variety of means, including cell phones.

    How Cell Phone Jammers Work

    Cell phone jammers interfere with communications by sending signals on the same frequency as mobile phones, creating a "noise" that clogs communication channels. These devices can be used to block phone calls, text messages, and data transmissions within a specific area. By blocking mobile communications, signal blocker can thwart attempts to influence or coerce players and officials at critical moments, such as before or during a match.

    Implementation at the European Football Championship

    Mobile phone jammers were implemented as a strategic measure to preserve the integrity of the competition during the European Championship.

    Here are their typical uses:

    Dressing Rooms: Jammers are placed in the players’ dressing rooms to prevent players from receiving or sending messages before a match or at half-time.

    Referee Areas: Ensure referees are not contacted during critical moments.

    Team Benches: Prevent communication with the outside world during matches.

    Jammers are activated during specific periods when the risk of communications for match manipulation is highest, such as pre-match preparation, half-time and during matches.

    Clearly communicate the presence of jammers to players, referees and staff. This transparency helps manage expectations and ensures all parties understand the importance of these measures in maintaining the integrity of the sport.

    Advantages of using mobile phone jammers

    By blocking potential match-fixers from accessing players and referees, jammers reduce the risk of undue influence on match outcomes.

    Players and officials can focus fully on the game without the distraction of mobile devices, creating a fairer, more competitive environment.

    The use of jammers sends a strong message that UEFA is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in the sport of football.

    Knowing that communications are being monitored and potentially blocked acts as a deterrent to those who would like to manipulate matches.

    The use of mobile phone jammers during the European Championship is an important measure in the fight against match-fixing. By blocking unauthorised communications, these devices help ensure matches are played fairly, upholding the integrity of the sport and protecting its reputation.

  • Company Faces Deadline on Cellphone Jamming Fine


    cell phone

    An oilfield company faces a May deadline to contest a $126,000 fine assessed by the Federal Communications Commission against the company for jamming signal cellphone calls.

    that on April 9, the FCC adopted a notice of apparent liability against Taylor Oilfield Manufacturing Inc. of Broussard, accusing Taylor of using four cellular phone jammers to curtail cellphone use by employees.

    Company officials told the FCC the cell jammers, which disrupted cellphone usage, were used to prevent employees from using cellphones at work.

    Taylor was given 30 days from April 9 to pay the penalty or respond to the FCC in writing as to why the fine should be canceled or reduced.

    Taylor officials did not respond to phone calls seeking comment.

    The case began after the FCC received a tip and sent an agent to the company site in Broussard in May 2012. The FCC notice said company officials confirmed use of four cell jammers and possession of a fifth cell jammer, which was not then in use.

    Use of cell jammers is prohibited in the United States, and the FCC prohibits companies from importing cell jammers from outside the country. The Broussard company said it bought its cell jammers from overseas, the FCC said.

    “These unlawful jammer operations posed a tangible public safety hazard by potentially blocking authorized communications” such as 911 emergency calls and other law enforcement communications, the FCC said in its notice to the company. Cell jammers can also adversely affect global positioning system signals.

    Taylor representatives told the FCC it tried to block employee cellphone use after a near accident the company said was partly connected to an employee using a cellphone, according to FCC documents.

  • Thief’s Using Wifi Jammers Bought $40



    So now that thief’s are using WiFi jammers that apparently can be bought for $40, what is everyone turning to to protect your property?

    News of break-ins these days show quite a few security camera captures, but in many of them the perpetrator is covering their face. So ultimately I’m not so sure how much security cameras (even wired ones that capture clear images) can really protect a property.

    It appears even traditional alarm systems would be disabled by a signal blockers since all the sensors’ signal would be blocked as well.

    I have NEVER considered a WiFi connected device to be any sort of serious security device. For a serious security device, it needs to be wired (power and data), and the video recorded locally with serious backup power (no, a 15 minute UPS does not qualify). I do have what would likely be considered a Pro-sumer level video camera system, with hours of backup power.

    With that said, I have over 40 Wyze cameras, and I do use them regularly as they are quite a bit less expensive than my wired system, and the software is more convenient for a quick look remotely.

    Two of the most common attacks are a simple broadband signal generator and a specific WiFi De-Authentication. In the case of the first, the jammer simply broadcasts a strong enough signal that the intended signals are covered in noise. An audio example would be trying to talk back and forth with someone 100 feet away in an empty stadium. That would likely work fine, but now add 50,000 other people and there is so much noise that the person 100 feet away can not be heard. A broadband jammer is a quite simple device.

    A De-Authentication attack is an smart device that to keep this simple, impersonates the WiFi client and sends a command to the WiFi access point telling it that the client is disconnecting. Note that WPA-3 prevents that by encrypting the management packets. However although the WPA-3 standard has been out for quite a few years, most IoT devices do not support it.

    Both of these attacks happen between the WiFi client and access point, so a firewall or anti-virus never get involved.

  • I stopped counting jammer websites when I got to 100



    We heard from our friend Charles Curry of Chronos Technology over the long weekend. He had a “yes and” to last week’s post about a jammer company with a new product line. – Full disclosure, Chronos has long be an RNTF corporate member.

    Charles is semi-retired but still keeps an eye on the jammer market.

    He and Chronos have quite the history detecting GNSS interference and recommending ways to mitigate it. They have worked with police departments advised governments, and published several papers.

    Their “Sentinel Project – Report on GNSS Vulnerabilities” was issued in 2014. Most of its findings and recommendations are as pertinent today as they were seven years ago.

    Here is Charles’ list of 100 active websites selling GNSS/ GPS jamming equipment, and a list of over 200 that used to do so, but that have links that appear inactive.

    Charles said there are more sites, he just stopped when he got to 100. – Yeah, a hundred ought to make the point reasonably well…

    FCC investigates Amazon over alleged marketing of wireless signal jammers

    The FCC is the federal agency that has the authority to enforce the law on this, and establish and enforce supporting regulations.

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it is taking action to enforce the law against marketing, selling, and using wireless jammers, including those that target GPS/GNSS. While reports do not mention anything about spoofing, it is against the law also.

    What Else to Know:

    While news reports do not mention anything about the FCC addressing spoofing, that is against the law also.

    Unfortunately, over the last 20 years the FCC’s enforcement bureau has been greatly reduced in size while the incidents of accidental (also not allowed) and intentional interference with GPS has greatly increased.

    While it is illegal to market, sell, and use jamming devices, they are not illegal to own.

    The U.S. does not have a systematic way to detect interference with GPS/GNSS signals. The 2022 interference event at Denver lasted 33 hours before it was geo-located and terminated. The event at Dallas the same year lasted for 24 hours and the source was never located.

    We looked for the original statement from the FCC spokesperson, but were unable to find it on the FCC site. It looks as though it was made directly to NBC in response to their inquiry.

  • Us Prisons Use New Tech to Dial down Illegal Cellphones



    What’s the context?

    US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals

    South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones

    Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely

    Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners

    Digital privacy rights advocates and tech experts say even solutions less far-reaching than full-blown signal jamming - like the South Carolina pilot - threaten to trample on the rights of prisoners by, for example, sharing legally protected information with private phone companies or carriers.

    Digital rights groups have long raised concerns over the push for cellphone jamming systems in prisons, describing them as overreach.

    Under federal law, state and local facilities are not allowed to use jamming technology, which is opposed by the telecommunications industry amid concerns that it could knock out signals in areas surrounding prisons.

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates communications technology in the U.S., has been wary of signing off on full-blown signal jamming but cleared the way within the last few years for states like South Carolina to implement so-called "contraband interdiction systems."

    Stirling is convinced signal jamming is a solid option but does not think it will be authorised in state prisons. It is already allowed in federal institutions.

    "I would love to get jamming – I don't see it happening, unfortunately," he said.

    Asked if the FCC was contemplating changes, a spokesperson pointed to the federal law banning jamming devices.

    Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), says both jamming and interdiction systems like the one used in South Carolina are "chilling options" that could have unintended consequences.

  • It Is Unlawful to Employ Signal Jammers and Gps Blockers



    NBC News reported that online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing radio frequency jammers as drone deterrence or privacy tools, bypassing laws that prohibit the sale of such devices in the United States.

    The warning issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says signal jamming devices can block emergency calls and pose a serious risk to public safety communications, as well as interfere with other forms of daily communication and air navigation systems.

    "The use of telephone jammers, GPS jammers, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or interfere with authorized radio communications violates federal law," the FCC said. "There are no exemptions for use in businesses, classrooms, homes or vehicles. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent powers to use jamming devices; With certain limited exceptions, use by federal law enforcement agencies is authorized under applicable statute."

    The FCC's warning also states that "it is illegal to advertise, sell, distribute, import, or otherwise market interfering devices to consumers in the United States."

    But NBC reported that Amazon third-party sellers, independent online stores based in China, and small domestic companies specializing in drone-related equipment flouted the law. The FCC told NBC that it is investigating the sale of jammers, including on Amazon.

    As part of its investigation, NBC interviewed the CEO of an American company that offers portable anti-drone RF jamming devices online. The CEO told NBC that the devices are easy for consumers to buy if they have the money, but they are mainly seeing interest from large corporations and government agencies as they prepare for domestic drone terrorism.

  • Addressing the Issue of Gps Jammers



    GPS technology has fundamentally altered the way companies oversee their vehicle fleets. Real-time tracking capabilities now enable managers to monitor their vehicles effectively, a crucial aspect for businesses heavily reliant on transportation. Fleet GPS tracking has significantly improved operational efficiency and speed for these companies.

    Azuga's high-tech tracking system offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from optimized route planning to effective fuel management. However, the presence of fleet GPS jammers can hinder your fleet's progress. Let us delve further into the topic of GPS jammers and explore preventive measures to ensure uninterrupted fleet operations.

    What are Fleet GPS Jammers?

    Concealing their whereabouts is made possible for drivers through the use of GPS jammers, which are small transmitter devices. These jammers operate by emitting radio signals on the same frequency as your fleet GPS device, resulting in interference that disrupts the GPS device's ability to track the vehicles' locations. Despite being illegal, the convenience of GPS signal jammers leads to many drivers disregarding the law and utilizing them.

    How Do GPS Jammers Work?

    A GPS jammer disrupts standard GPS signals. This disruption makes it difficult for devices to determine their location accurately. A driver can activate a GPS jammer with three easy steps:

    They plug the jammer into the auxiliary power outlet.

    The driver then places the unit near the fleet GPS tracker.

    When the driver activates the jammer, it creates an interference signal that lasts over a 5-10 meter radius of the fleet GPS signal.

    Of course, you want to prevent your fleet drivers from using GPS jammers. Not only are they bad for your business, but they can also have serious consequences. They are illegal because they interfere with essential services like navigation and emergency communications.

    Three Tips to Combat GPS Jammers

    Tip #1: Privacy Mode Authorization

    Some authorized drivers use their work vehicle for personal tasks, like taking it home or running errands during lunch breaks. In these situations, they might prefer not to be tracked. GPS tracking devices often have a "privacy mode" feature, allowing drivers and dispatchers to hide their location and activity temporarily. This feature helps protect their privacy without resorting to using GPS jammers.

    Tip #2: Jamming Detection for Added Security

    Advanced GPS tracking devices, like Azuga's Fleet tracking software, can detect GPS signal jamming. This feature safeguards against vehicle theft and aids in recovering stolen fleet vehicles.

    Tip #3: Tracking Employees Using GPS Blockers

    Even without jamming detection, you can still catch employees using GPS blockers. When an employee activates a GPS blocker, it shows as a missing or interrupted trip on the tracking map. Additionally, you can set up alerts for GPS signal errors to notify management when interference occurs. Using a blocker would likely draw more attention to their actions.

    Tracking is Easier with Azuga!

    Azuga’s fleet management solution can help you implement the above tips. Our state-of-the-art tracking software can detect signal jamming and track accurate driver location. Reach out to an expert today and try a demo of our software if GPS jamming is a concern within your fleet.

  • A warning was issued by the Glendale police



    Glendale police issue warning about burglars using WiFi signal jammers to disable alarms, security cameras

    GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) -- Glendale police have issued a warning about residential burglars who use WIFI jammers to disable security alarms and surveillance cameras.

    As described by police Sgt. Victor Jackson, the devices used by thieves block the signal or scramble the WiFi. "So if you have a Ring camera, a Nest camera -- any kind of alarm system that is WiFi-based or a camera that's WiFi-based -- it blocks the signal and knocks it out," he said.

    A disproportionate surge in residential burglaries plagued Glendale and Southern California in the fall, leading investigators to the crime trend.

    "As our detectives started going into these cases, that's when they realized what was happening," Jackson said. "In some cases, because of the way the device works, it made it look like when you went back and rewound your tape and looked, it wasn't a black screen -- it was seamless. It didn't exist there, so there was no evidence."

    Police recommend that residents increase security by:

    hardwiring alarm systems and cameras,

    using back-up batteries in those security devices,

    installing sturdy locks on security gates,

    enhancing exterior lighting,

    securing windows and balconies,

    and having a trusted neighbor or housesitter look after your home, when away.

    The Glendale Police Department's residential burglary task force has been working to lower the number of break-ins, officials said.

    "Our patrol officers, our motor officers, our special enforcement detail, and detectives -- we have them undercover in the area -- and we saturated the area," Jackson said.

    Nora Alabi, a Glendale resident, told ABC7: "I feel like there's no part of the city that you can be in and not run into a cop or not run into a police car.

    "If I stand here for five minutes, I might see like three cop cars drive by," she said. "So, because of that, I feel like it's a safe city."
